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AWI apologises for server downtime
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Active Worlds Inc used its monthly newsletter to apologise to users for the server downtime that it experienced during the first week of December explaining that there was an issue with faulty server motherboards.
[quote=Active Worlds, Inc]As many of you are aware, the main server for the Active Worlds Universe underwent a disruption of service during the first week of December due to an issue with the motherboard. Our Technical Support Team worked with the crew from SUN Microsystems to get services fully restored, and with a fresh new motherboard the Universe is back to it's normal rotation around AW's virtual worlds! [/quote]
In a move of diplomacy, all citizenships and worlds were extended by 7 days. [quote=Active Worlds, Inc]We realize how frustrating the intermittent downtime was for all of our tourists, citizens and world owners - and we are grateful for your patience while services were being restored. As a thank you to all our citizens and world owners we have extended all citizenships and world licenses for an additional 7 days.[/quote] Source: Linking to this Article