Active Worlds to partner with Juno
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Active Worlds Inc has announced that it will be partnering with the Juno ISP to create a 3D world of its own and that premium Juno members would recieve a free citizenship.

[quote=Active Worlds, Inc]Under the terms of the agreement, will create a co-branded three-dimensional Internet chat environment, which will be featured on Juno's Web portal site, enables users to participate in 3-D chat, join topic-related clubs, and build their own 3-D online shops and virtual homes. Users choose an avatar, a 3-D representation of themselves that other people can see while they are chatting, and the virtual worlds they create can be interconnected with their existing home pages while allowing them to share in a multi-user system of worlds.

All Juno subscribers, whether they use Juno's free basic service or one of the company's premium billable services, will be allowed to visit these environments for free. Subscribers to Juno's premium services will also receive free "citizenship" in, which will entitle them to additional features and benefits in the 3-D environment. Users of Juno's free basic service will be able to register to become Active Worlds citizens for a fee; revenues from such fees and from advertisements shown within the 3-D environment will shared between the two companies. [/quote]

Active Worlds, Inc later sued Juno.


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