Activity Points - The Player's Guide
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Rules, Information and Prizes on AWTeen Activity Points and AWTeen Activity Ranks.

AWTeen Activity Points and AWTeen Activity Ranks are now active and every visitor to AWTeen - be they a tourist or citizen - will automatically be registered as a player upon their first entering the world.

Points are awarded in several ways...

Common Point

1. A certain number of points are awarded for each minute that you spend in the world chatting.

2. A certain number of points are awarded for each minute that you spend in the world building.

3. A certain number of points are awarded for each minute that you spend exploring.

Bonus Point

4. You can earn bonus points for achievements such as completing JAM training or participating in events.

5. You can earn large amounts of bonus points for winning events.

6. You can earn additional bonus points as rewards for merit for good behaviour and content such as builds.

Score Multiplier

7. Certain activities will give you a base multiplier on one or more of your common points scores. For example if you earn 10 points per minute for building and receive a 2x score multiplier you will receive 20 points per minute while-ever the multiplier is in effect.

8. JAM members will receive a 2x score multiplier for any time they spend helping and chatting while on JAM privileges.

9. Events Team members will receive a 2x score multiplier for any time they spend building or hosting events.

10. Building in certain areas such as sponsored cities or events could give up to a 1.5x multiplier for your building points.

Rules & Terms of Us

1. Using automated programs such as macros in an attempt to trick the system into awarding points is prohibited. Such abuse will result in ejection from the world.

2. The AWTeen Caretakers are allowed to lower a player's points score if they deem it appropriate. Situations where this may occur include minor rule violations.

3. Complaints about scoring may be referred to Strike Rapier. Once a review and decision is made that decision is final and may not be appealed.


Thanks to Flagg and Activeworlds, Inc we will be rewarding the highest scorers each week with the chance to win a 1 month citizenship or extension.

To ensure that everyone has a fair chance of competing the winner of each week's prize will be picked at random from the top #15 ranked players as they stand first thing Monday morning. To make sure you have a chance to win be sure to be in the top 15.

Other prizes may be offered for top ranking players at the discretion of the Caretakers.


Scores are reset on Monday morning each week - each player's total number of points they have earned over their whole time in AWTeen is recorded separately and is not reset.

In the unfortunate event of downtime on the scoring bot; points will not be awarded. However we will try and keep downtime to an absolute minimum.

AWTeen Activity Points is sponsored by

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