Kiwi Files: Nursemom and Woody
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Kiwi continues her interview series by talking to Nursemom and Woody.

[interview_q=Kiwi]Hi there Guys :) Thank you for doing this Interview.

Where are you from?[/interview_q]

[interview_rsb=Nursemom;]I was born in southern California way back in the day.[/interview_rsb]

[interview_rsb=Woody;]I was born in northern California.[/interview_rsb]

[interview_q=Kiwi]How long have you both been in AW?[/interview_q]

[interview_rsb=Nursemom;]I first came to AW in late 1998 and won my first citizenship in March of 1999 in a St. Patricks day trivia contest at the gateway.[/interview_rsb]

[interview_rsb=Woody;]I came in as a tourist in early 1999 and was a quiet onlooker for a while as I was not a very good typer at that time. In 2000 Cablecargal bought her world and gave me the free cit that went with it.[/interview_rsb]

[interview_q=Kiwi]Hard to imagine you the quiet onlooker Woody lol.

Is this the only Virtual World you have been in?[/interview_q]

[interview_rsb=Nursemom;]I have visited others but have always returned to AW which is my vr home.[/interview_rsb]

[interview_rsb=Woody;]I have been to a few but didnt care for them and so I returned to my vr home AW.[/interview_rsb]

[interview_q=Kiwi]You are both very much involved with projects in ActiveWorlds.
Can you tell us a little about some of the things your busy with ?[/interview_q]

[interview_rsb=Nursemom;]I am the Building Director for the Gatekeeper program as well as a Gatekeeper every Tuesday from Midnight to 2am vrt.
I take care of the Birthday sites, Getwell sites, Memorial sites and holiday sites for the Citizens in AW. I also run a world server which hosts 28 worlds currently.[/interview_rsb]

[wcimg=Woody and Nursemom][/wcimg]

[interview_rsb=Woody;]I am the Training Director for the Gatekeeper Program as well as a Gatekeeper. I am also a Bingo host for Citizen and Tourist Bingo.[/interview_rsb]

[interview_q=Kiwi]What advice would you give too new Cits about AW?[/interview_q]

[interview_rsb=Nursemom;]Make sure to always have fun and learn to build since it is very good use of your creative side, even if you dont think you have a creative will show through your building.
Try not to get caught up in any drama.[/interview_rsb]

[interview_rsb=Woody;]Enjoy and have fun always.[/interview_rsb]

[interview_q=Kiwi]What do you think AW needs to do to bring in more people?[/interview_q]]

[interview_rsb=Nursemom;]I agree with what people have to say about Juno dome.[/interview_rsb]

[interview_rsb=Woody;]When Juno dome was alive alot of Citizens came here and many of them stayed. Maybe they could do something similar to this again. I feel that was one of the best things AW ever did to get more citizens.[/interview_rsb]

[interview_rsb=Nursemom + Woody;]It was a great place to meet folks and had lots of interactive things to keep folks ejoying themselves for hours on end. Juno dome was very busy landing zone for the folks who used the juno software for internet access. It gave them a free cit and they were able to have tons of first .. with baby aliens and all sorts of fun space like stuff. We had Gatekeepers there as well as the Gate to help all the newcomers and we rarely had issues with troublemakers coming from the Juno service provider. [/interview_rsb]

[interview_q=Kiwi]Was it in ActiveWorlds you both met?[/interview_q]

[interview_rsb=Nursemom;]No, Woody and I met at a skating rink way back 29 years ago, at an all night skating event. There was not any kind of internet anything at that time.
We have been together ever since.[/interview_rsb]

[interview_rsb=Woody;]What Mom said.[/interview_rsb]

[interview_q=Kiwi]Woody you have one of the cutest Pavs in AW lol
Who made it for you?[/interview_q]

[interview_rsb=Woody;]Imagine did my pav for me and Tallan did the editing to make it right for AW.[/interview_rsb]

[interview_q=Kiwi]Have to ask Mom? is Woody as funny in real?
You don`t get to answer this one Woody lol.[/interview_q]

[interview_rsb=Nursemom;]Funny looking LOL.He is a great guy in real life.[/interview_rsb]

[interview_q=Kiwi]Your both amazing Builders.
Is Building what you enjoy the most in AW? [/interview_q]

[interview_rsb=Nursemom;]We have 10 worlds now and I guess you could say that building is what I truely enjoy besides the friendships made in Aw.[/interview_rsb]

[interview_rsb=Woody;]Mom builds alot more then I do. I am a Gate rat so to speak, as I prefer to hang out at the Gate most of the time.[/interview_rsb]

[interview_q=Kiwi]What do you think AW could learn from it's Cits?[/interview_q]

[interview_rsb=Nursemom;]There are many talented people who use Active worlds and have lots of ideas. I would like to see AW use some of the idea`s of others related to features and future upgrades. [/interview_rsb]

[interview_rsb=Woody;]Agree with NurseMom and would also like to see the upgrades come one at a time versus the way they did the multiple upgrades a while back. Some folks had a hard time using active worlds during that time.[/interview_rsb]

[interview_q=Kiwi]You also have Worlds in AW. What improvements would you like to see for World Owner?[/interview_q]

[interview_rsb=Nursemom;]I think if AW wants more folks to spend more money they may need to lower the costs for more users per world and for Tourists to enter as well as for the voice chat programs.[/interview_rsb]

[interview_rsb=Woody;]Agree with NurseMom.[/interview_rsb]

[interview_q=Kiwi]What change in AW stands out the most for you?[/interview_q]

[interview_rsb=Nursemom;]For me its the way point movers. I made my very first ones during the Winter theme park competition and our coaster rocks and it would not have been possible without the way point mover part of the program.[/interview_rsb]

[interview_rsb=Woody;]I really like the new feature of multiple copy and save to presets for later use.This is really handy when building and needing something from one of our other worlds.[/interview_rsb]

[interview_q=Kiwi]Whats one thing about AW you don't like?[/interview_q]

[interview_rsb=Nursemom;]I do not like the drama aka soap opera types of things, which can happen here with all the different personalities and the power trips of some folks.[/interview_rsb]

[interview_rsb=Woody;]The Drama.[/interview_rsb]

[interview_q=Kiwi]Would like to take this opportunity to say thank you so much for all you do in AW.[/interview_q]

[interview_rsb=Nursemom;]Your very welcome.It is my pleasure to help make AW a great fun place for folks to play and have fun. I would like to thank everyone who helps with all the different things that go on in active worlds.[/interview_rsb]

Hugs to you both. Your two of my favorite people. Smiles!Have a great day.

[interview_rsb=Nursemom;]We also would like to say thank you and see you in AW to Kiwi, a great person and a wonderful friend. Super big hugsssssssssssssssssssssss from us to you[/interview_rsb]

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