Coming Soon - Model Share Service
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This article is to let you know that I am working on yet-another-object-sharing-site that will be integrated with the existing feature set and will be called the MSS database for Model Sharing Service.

So you may be wondering why it will be of any benefit at all? Well there are a couple of reasons.

For Modeller

For modellers the process is simple, just add all of the models and textures required for a certain set to a zip file and upload it to the website.

The server will then extract and analyse the contents of the zip file and register information such as file size, texture dimensions, polygon and vertex counts. It will also generate small thumbnails of any textures.

You will also be able to see who has downloaded your objects.

For Path Owner

The site has functions allowing you to download directly or add packages to your cart.

The shopping cart feature allows you to browse through the various models and texture packages on offer without the need to download each in turn. Then, once you are done browsing you can proceed to check out your finds and download them all in a single ZIP.

The cart feature also extends to publishers and searches - allowing you to add all of the new models added by a certain user to your cart in a single click making it easy to keep up to date.

You can also post comments and rate various sets - with options that may see the highest monthly rated sets being included on the alpha object path.

You can also use RSS feeds to see when new objects are published or receive the updates email.

More for Modeller

The site is not ready for public use yet, however modellers are invited to participate in uploading their objects and textures ready for launch.

So please, if you are a modeller / texture / avatar designer and would like to get in there first and get some great exposure for your models please email me for information.

Worlds and Hyperpaths are also available to participating modellers to test and display their models.
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