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AWTeen Election Platforms
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Here we detail each of the candidate's platform / manifestos, highlighting their progress in the polls so far.
Kapara and DaBean
Kapara and DaBean are running as the sole duo in the elections, entering the race after other candidates but making a strong case for user driven goals and descisions. [quote=Kapara & DaBean] Awteen should be an open environment that is user friendly and that welcomes all users regardless of their age, gender or location. Our goal is to create a world ran by strong leaders who allow everyone's voice to be heard. As leaders, we anticipate listening to everyone's inputs and opinions and implement them in our daily activities; whether these inputs relate to global chat bots, terrain bots, game bots, events, moderation or any other aspect relating to AWTeen, we will listen. Does AWTeen need a heirical type of setup? Does AWTeen need to have different departments or committies (events, building, moderation, CT's)? The answer to theses questions are simple. You decide. Awteen should be an open environment that is user friendly and that welcomes all users regardless of their age, gender or location. Our goal is to create a world ran by strong leaders who allow everyone's voice to be heard. As leaders, we anticipate listening to everyone's inputs and opinions and implimenting them as possible. If we impliment sometihng and it doesnt work, then we will change it in accordance to your sugestions. Effectively, what we stand for is unity. The community would ultimately be running AWTeen, and we, the CTs, would be the central point and liaison to everything relating to the world. We hope that you can commit your vote to us when the time comes and we trust that you will make a choice that reflects what you want for AWTeen. We hope that this change to AWTeen will ultimately re-energise the community, and bring everybody back together. cheers![/quote] GC GC is currently running in last position in the unofficial strawpole vote however has gained the support of several prominent citizens including Chanty and Tunablues. [quote=GC]Public meetings every two weeks Appoint Members to serve on Teen Patrol Reinstate the Just Ask Me Program Have weekly small events(trivia, ntt, etc) Hire a Building team to create a GZ/Event buildings. Appoint Object Path Manager/Modeler Work with AWI to bring back a Global Chat Bot, Terrain bot and waypoints. [/quote] Strike Rapier Strike Rapier / Mark Randall is the most experienced candidate that has declared so far, having served in every AWTeen position except its executive caretaker. [quote=Mark Randall]-- People and Leadership -- Co-Caretakers would be Silverliner and Sevens. Teen Patrol would be fully re-instated and Newman111 would assume control and would be expected to train a team of no less than 4 people within 4 months. Just Ask Me would be restored under the leadership of Sevens. Jaguar Hahn would be asked to assume control of AWTeen Events - he would also be offered an invitation to join the Teen Patrol immediately. -- Meetings -- A Co-CT would hold a public meeting once every month, most topics would need to be notified previous to give the staff time to set up. -- Events -- Events would be required of the events leader at least 3 times every 2 weeks in order for the leader to maintain his/her position unless exceptional circumstances are available. The events leader is to nominate a deputy. The events leader is in control of the events team (AWTE would be renamed back to AWTeen Events, and this PPW would be the tool of the events team). In addition, the events leader would be given those privileges as required to carry out their role (for example, eject to host paintball as required) - I do have a shiny server and may host paintball bots constantly. The Major Events team, that would be lead by Matthew (subject to his agreeing) and would be expected to produce one large event every 4 months. -- Building -- Ground Zeros and public areas will fall exclusively under the management of the building team and the subsequent Building Director. The building team is to consist of no less than 5 users, ideally 10. The building team would be expected to produce a new ground zero every 4 months unless the public wishes the current GZ to remain for an additional duration. The building director and deputy director would have the privileges required to make changes to ground zero while under the AWTeen privileges. -- Bots and Technology -- V4 rights would be immediately re-instated for all users except those that have previously abused them. Bots would be immediately re-instated for all users except those that have previously abused them. A global relay bot would be enabled, subject to AWI agreeing or making a bot of their own this would be either one they make, or Eclipse Evo providing city-zoned' regions. Subject to AWI agreement Evo2 / Hyperion would be used to split the world attributes in areas like paintball and events so they do not disrupt those people wishing to build (I know how much the fly / shift ordeal annoys you all). Existing jump points etc would also be re-enabled immediately. Subject to AWI agreement Demeter 2 would be re-instated. Ground Zero would be built to accommodate board games + relevant non-global bots. -- Objects and Building -- A single object yard would be tasked to both the building director and any others that wished to participate. A huge area of land would be offset for this. Sevens would remain as OP director. Cell data limits would be restored to their highest settings. -- Core Rule -- The core would be re-instated for the majority of decisions, the core would include the Gov, co-CTs and director of each department. In the event a director holds 2 roles then the deputy of one of those departments will also join the core. Votes will work by half + 1 majority, the Gov would have authority to veto any decision but would be required to explain that decision. Committee leadership will be at the sole choice of the Governor, however, the governor will hear those complaints by committee members when submitted by email and co-signed by at least 3 members. Nuisance complainers will be slapped by Kapara. I do not want to ban discussing and arguing points. People will be welcome to argue points, however once the descision is made it is made and I expect people to get down to work for the good of the world and their own enjoyment - To this end I will seek to ensure a forum is available for discussing the topics of upcoming descisions. -- Moderation -- Personal attacks will result in the attacker being dispatched from orbit for 1 hour, then 1 day, 1 week and then a ban (subject to AWI agreement). This would not include users arguing among each other, a message would be considered an attack if it were seen to be maliciously targeting a user or group of users to demean, harm or cause humiliation. Generally annoyances would be warned once by a member of the Teen Patrol or a CT, step 2 would be a 5 minute eject, then 1 hour. CTs would be authorized to make ejections for 1 day at a time. Users may be defined as a predictable pain-in-the-arse - these users would be ejected for 2 hours upon their first warning. In short... AWTeen would be returning to a meritocracy, those users that put in the effort would be reward with responsibilities, powers to improve their experiences and gratitude from the community. Idiots will be hung, drawn and quartered. I want to see everyone who regularly uses AWTeen in some group or another and staying involved. The people make the world, and the core is there to help represent the people in their teams (which should hopefully end up covering most the world users). Finally: There would be no random console messages regarding mice, Meese, hairpieces of any kind and only occasional flooding of the world with water - I, as governor would delegate almost all power to the co-cts, with my role being to steer the whole ship in the right direction. [/quote] Jaguar Hahn Jaguar Hahn is favourite to win the election, showing strong support in the unofficial strawpole elections held upon the forums. [quote=Jaguar Hahn / Matthew]___ World Staff ___ Governor will, of course, be Jaguar Hahn. He will be supported by three "Lieutenant Governors", Hicks8, Matthew, and Newman111. The rest of the AWTeen Council will consist of the Head of TP, Silverliner; OP Manager, s e V e n s; Head Of Building, AlexTheMartian; WebAdmin, JerMe; Community Liaison, Matthew; and Events Manager, C P. ___ Teen Patrol ___ The Teen Patrol team will be led by Silverliner, and its members will be Espilae and NobleClock. The Teen Patrol team will have Special Objects, V4 Objects, Special Commands, Public Speaker (When needed, under a separate PPW), Eject, and Bots. They will be responsible for monitoring the global chat network and enforcing all rules. Also, they will enforce the world rules. Upon the first violation of the rules, the user will receive a warning from a TP. If there is a second violation, they will receive a second warning. Following a third consecutive violation, the user will be ejected for five minutes. If the user continues, they will be ejected for one day, AWI will be contacted, and the AWTeen Council will decide on a plan of action. All Teen Patrols will be responsible for being logged on to the TP ppw for at least an hour a week, although they are encouraged to use it whenever possible. ___ Objects and Building ___ s e V e n s will keep the task of Object Path manager until removed by the council. The cell data limit will be returned to Mega The building team will be headed by AlexTheMartian. This team will be expected to maintain all public areas of AWTeen, as well as produce a new Ground Zero for the world for every season. ___ Events ___ C P will return as events manager, and will be expected to hire a team that will run at least one major event per every two months. Events are expected to be held at least once every two weeks, unless there is good reason that one is not held. ___ Just Ask Me Guides ___ The Just Ask Me guides will be led by s e V e n s and an Assistant Director of his choice. Each JAM will go through a training length of at least two weeks of active duty before receiving Global Chat moderation rights with the Just Ask Me ppw. Sevens will have complete control over the rest of the Just Ask Me program. ___ Bots, Technology, and Features ___ V4 Rights will be reinstated for all users, except those that have been known to abuse them. Bot Rights will be reinstated for all users, except those that have been known to abuse them. AWI will produce and implement a Global Chat system. All members of the AWTeen Council will have moderator rights on the bot, as will all JAMs. With AWI approval, Demeter2 or other equivalent bot will be reinstated to provide terrain editing features. With AWI approval, Evo2 or equivalent bot will be reinstated to provide jump features to the world. ___ AWTeen Council ___ The AWTeen Council will consist of the users listed above in the World Staff section. Any member of the Council will be allowed to introduce and call for a vote on a resolution. These resolutions need a simple majority of 50% + 1 to pass, but can be vetoed by either the Governor or both of the Lt. Governors in agreement with each other. The Governor will never vote on a resolution unless there is a tie. The Lt. Governors can vote on resolutions. The vetoer will be expected to provide a reason for this veto. ___ Moderation ___ Personal attacks will result in a warning to the attacker, followed by a one day ban from the global chat network, upon second offense, and upon third offense, ejection from the world for one week. The ejection should be immediately reported to AWI. Teen Patrols and Governors are allowed to enforce these rules. JAMs may enforce the first two. Upon the first simple violation of the rules, a user will receive a warning from a TP or Governor. If there is a second violation, they will receive a second warning. Following a third consecutive violation, the user will be ejected for five minutes. If the user continues, they will be ejected for one day, AWI will be contacted, and the AWTeen Council will decide on a plan of action. There shall be no subjectiveness in ejections. People can not be punished for being “an idiot” or “annoying”. They may only be punished if they have broken a rule, unless a TP or Governor sees that they should be punished for another reason. This reason and a log should be sent to the AWTeen Council as soon as possible. JAMs may not punish users for reasons outside of the established rules. ___ Community Liaison ___ The Community Liaison, Matthew, will be charged with representing the staff to the users, and the users to the staff. All official announcements will come from him. ___ Meetings ___ The AWTeen Council shall meet at least once every two weeks. [/quote] Linking to this Article