The Alphaworld Radio Block Party
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PRESS RELEASE: Keith Thomas announces plans for radio station spectacular block party in Alphaworld.

The first ever Alphaworld Block Party! It will be the ultimate party time for everyone. All the
Radio stations are welcome at this event being hailed as "A great event for the Active Worlds
universe" to show Community Spirit and friendship with radio stations and the folks that listen
to them..

The event will be held in Alphaworld, The oldest world and largest in The Active Worlds Universe.

It will be a event set up with a large Dance floor area with All the stations having their own respective
booths with tune in links and Station information in each, As well as a large lounge/chat area,
Right at the edge of the Dance floor

At the time of writing this announcement, Planet Radio VR, AWVR, Sparkles Radio, and IFX Radio
have agreed to participate in this event, and we hope all stations will attend for a day long party for
our community of friends and stations in a event, Not meant to spur wars or competition, but a
event that show all stations can show support to the community Of Active Worlds and make it a
truly memorable event for all of us in this Great Online Community.

At this time the folks that are planning this are working out the best location in Alphaworld, The
setup for all stations that wish to attend, and appropriate fun and games and other activities to
do during the party. V4 enabled rides have been mentioned and we hope they will WOW us all!

Please keep an eye on The forums through AW and also for more information,
and possible dates for this event.

If you would like to help build attractions (big help if you have V4 rights in Alphaworld) or want to
help build areas Please Contact Keith Thomas via telegram in Active Worlds..

Written by Keith Thomas.

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