Activeworlds Broadcaster Battles
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Rock the Active Worlds universe and win your radio station its own world for 1 year with the AW Remix Competition.

From now until July 16th we are offering streaming radio stations in Activeworlds the chance to win their very own home world and to claim it all you must do is be voted the best at rocking the universe.

AWMix02 has been divided into 10 individual 4x4 regions, surrounding a larger open ground. Up to the first 10 stations to apply by telegramming me will receive a home plot of land to use as their home base for the battle of the broadcasters.

Each radio station can claim a 2 day period, in which time they will have control of the central concert field, and in which time they must design, build and host their own music themed event, be it a group radio show, concert or other performance.

With the exception of during events, stations can use their remaining time in-world to promote their radio stations and events as much as they wish provided that all create media commands are contained within a zone placed upon their assigned home plot.

Bonus points to the best use of home-grown musical or lyrical performances to point out why your station is the best.

Make sure your performances are well documented with lots of pictures to place in your home area. Upon the close of the competition there will be a 5 day period to vote in which stations are invited to go nuts to promote itself in the mix world.

The winner takes the world.

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