Activeworlds launches AWB-973
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Activeworlds, Inc. Today released the 973 version of its browser software to the highly expectant Activeworlds universe.

The browser, based around several graphical improvements such as shadows and material effects such as the ability to gloss.

[quote=SW Comit]Bump mapping - Allows you to add depth to a texture. It's, once again, 50% pretty good. Show stopper flaw = it doesn't mipmap, and boy does it need it because it seems grainy as could be. Forget about using this in outdoor areas because back up 20m and it stands out pretty bad. Also, like above, forget about piecing these together, they're not at all seamless. Still, this is my favorite feature right now. If only the mipmapping thing was the meantime, it's pretty handy for indoor use, and used on objects with huge UV panes.

The release as always received mixed reviews with some users complaining that many features were only 50% effective in addition to breaking the odd feature.

Again, calls have been made from the community to expand the size of the Beta team to assist in identifying bugs before release.

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