Repository - Key Framing Postprocess effects in the Workspace

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Repository - Key Framing Postprocess effects in the Workspace // The Garage

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Post by Cayenne // Aug 23, 2007, 4:07am

Total Posts: 144
I think some people asked for if the postprocess could be keyframed so here is a personal project I am wanting to share.

for anyone who is interested here is a hacked project/ctx/system for tS751 that allows for the post processing of the Workspace window to be keyframed for DX view render to animated file sequence.

Steps for use.

Make sure ts751 is not running.

Unzip this file and copy the folder to your Libraries place.

back up your current default.ctx in the tS751 directory in case you need to replace the files again and return your trueSpace to Normal status.

replace the default.ctx in the tS directory with the one from this new unzipped post projects folder.

Launch tS751.

if you see that the libraries do not exist, you will need to change the library path to match your one in the LE in the Main libraries node , the window is the top right small LE one.

if you have more paths you can copy this node and change the paths to reflect your other library places.

if it still says the libraries do not exist, exit and relaunch should show the libraries if the path is correct.

the space3d LE window is where your scenes objects are placed.

the scene LE window is where the windows items exist in the system and have been exported from and made available to the scene level.

You can close this window if you do not want it, its just there to show the objects and the path to them mainly, and incase anything else wants exporting for use in a keyframe, theres also a dummy object in there primarily to stop the postprocess object from being unlinked when the windows has focus in the settings stack.

you would use the ctx , or project, or scene from the library as a base to start your scenes from.

Saved scenes will have the objects correctly linked in them for the post process and scene settings so long as the main 3d window is not changed.

objects in the scene are:

KF_PostProcess linked to scenes 3D window , allows keframing values that are added to the keying template.

KF_RenderOptions linked to scenes 3D window , allows keframing values, you will have to play around with the ignore objects attributes in this object to get your desired results / combinations , also points size may need adjusting too.

known limitations ,,

New scene cannot be used as it destroys the connections.

saving layout also appears to destroy the connections.

toolbar tips may stop working on mouse over.

If it all goes wrong just replace your back-up ctx previously saved into the tS directory, or reset to default ctx from your toolbar.

I take no responsibility for the use of this file , but it does work on all my machines here without any issues other than the known ones I stated. is a privately held community resource website dedicated to Active Worlds.
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