Is macro-sweep broken, or is it just me?

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Is macro-sweep broken, or is it just me? // TS6 and Older

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Post by DavidAWinter // Feb 22, 2009, 1:00pm

Total Posts: 36
I'm having a heck of a time with macro-sweep.

1. Anytime I try to use it, my PC slows down to a crawl. Simple operations like rotate object and rotate camera look to be getting about 1 frame every 5 seconds.

2. Anytime I click the macro-sweep button on an objects face, it triples the size of the object and I have I have to rescale it (entering the origional size).

3. But then, when I do get that correct, the sweep wants to revert back to the trippled size face at the next point. (see below). It also doesn't respect the 1 frame size and wants to add a whole slew of sections in the first block or two, then settles down into the 1 section setting.

That big blue tappered area you see should be following the basic outlne of the white shape. However even after moving and adjusting the path, it still ends up looking like below.

Is there a way to make the macrosweep actually work??

Post by splinters // Feb 22, 2009, 1:15pm

Total Posts: 4148
Have you tried it in tS7.6?

Post by jamesmc // Feb 22, 2009, 1:22pm

Total Posts: 2566
I like dynamic sweep on the WS side much better, just drag where you want it. Quite handy for odd shapes.

Post by DavidAWinter // Feb 22, 2009, 1:45pm

Total Posts: 36
Have you tried it in tS7.6?

Yes. I don't like it. That's why I keep to version 6.

Post by DavidAWinter // Feb 22, 2009, 1:47pm

Total Posts: 36
I like dynamic sweep on the WS side much better, just drag where you want it. Quite handy for odd shapes.

Yeah, that's what I've wound up doing. I was spending more time making the macro sweep do anything than I have spent just doing manual sweep/position/rotate - rinse and repeat.

Post by v3rd3 // Feb 22, 2009, 4:11pm

Total Posts: 388
Sorry David I do not quite understand all of the issues you are experiencing.

One suggestion is to check the settings on the macro sweep button. You can do this by right clicking on the macro sweep button. You can set the default number of segments as well as the size and direction of the sweep.

The macro sweep tool will adapt the scale and angle of the sweep based on the progression of previous sweeps. For example, if you sweep a face and increase the area of the new face and sweep again, the next sweep will automatically scale up the next sweep.

As to the performance issue you are experiencing I would suggest you look at the memory consumption of any background tasks. is a privately held community resource website dedicated to Active Worlds.
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