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3DTetris // Interactive Artwork

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Post by Johny // Apr 23, 2006, 7:30am

Total Posts: 672
Hi all, I already succeed make 3DTetris game with tS7.1's JScript. :banana:

With this post I also attach the 3DTetris scene file with 3DTetris JScript game code and 3DTetris record file.

Enjoy the game :)

EDIT1: The early version have some bug while "clear animasi layer" flag is check.
EDIT2: Fix "blocks remains in scene forever" issue by Peterma. And set default drop delay to 150.

Sorry for that bug. You can download a fixed version on below link :)

(ps: thanks to trueBlue for idea to make game control open on truePlay and thanks to SteveBe for 3D record file idea)

Post by trueBlue // Apr 23, 2006, 9:25am

Total Posts: 1761
Jonny: Your 3DTetris game is really cool. Amazing bit of scripting there. I have noticed that your control does not open in truePlay. You should set your control to Show automatically from the menu. It opens in Default though. Not sure how you can have open in Control aspect instead.
Thanks for sharing!

Post by Johny // Apr 23, 2006, 3:31pm

Total Posts: 672
TrueBlue, thanks for the idea to make control panel show automatic on truePlay (This option is usefull for someone that only have truePlay) :)

Post by Johny // Apr 23, 2006, 6:39pm

Total Posts: 672
Here I'm attach image of block positions for easy understand tables values on 3DTetris code ;)

Post by peterma // Apr 23, 2006, 10:58pm

Total Posts: 48
Johny, really cool !

:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:

I can go to my scripting retirement with ease now, when there are guys like you carring the flag on :)

Just 2 little notes (not sure I tested the latest version)

- default drop delay (50) is too small, I'd suggest at least 200-300

- after the first game one block remains in the scene and remains there forever.

Post by Johny // Apr 24, 2006, 12:49am

Total Posts: 672
Peterma: thanks for testing the 3DTetris game and report the bug :)

About default drop value I set it to 150 because 150 is already too slow on my CPU. (My CPU Speed is only 1.5GHz) You can change it later if it's too fast on your CPU ;)

Post by roman // Apr 24, 2006, 10:21pm

Total Posts: 320
Terrific work Johny! I played the rcd version on truePlay (it is only 97KB!)and it works very well, how long did the whole process take? More importantly how long would it take you to create second game of similar complexity now that you learned the process?

I found a few glitches, some pieces are left behind after new game is started and on my PC with default delay game is just too fast to play. Could we have speed constant on diferent speed CPU's?

Light and materials could also be a but fancier with some animation effect shown when piece falls into its place. But overal it is very gratifying for me and other TS developers to see such a wonderfull game produced with existing TS7.1 tools. You made my day:)

Post by Johny // Apr 24, 2006, 11:51pm

Total Posts: 672
Base on TrueBlue idea for change background color on this post (http://forums1.caligari.com/truespace/showthread.php?p=7625#post7625), I add some code to program D3DGrid color. (look at line:11, 459-462, and 650 for the code)

Post by Johny // Apr 25, 2006, 12:51am

Total Posts: 672
I played the rcd version on truePlay (it is only 97KB!)and it works very well

Thanks for played and tested my game Roman :)

how long did the whole process take?

I started code this 3DTetris game one day before I posted it on beta forum. But I already think about it concept started from You give me the access to beta space.

More importantly how long would it take you to create second game of similar complexity now that you learned the process?

Dont know, since this is my first game code. I think 85% time waste to researh/trial by error to found how tS7 JScript function work. there're some limitation and very few information about this tS7 JScript function usage. I think if there are more detail explaination on Development Guide, other users will be write some more complex and more better than this 3DTetris. For example until now I don't know how to use "IRdMatrixfDisp::Rotate" function to rotate an object on it's own X axis (I know how to rotate on Y and Z axis but look like X axis need different handle method)

I found a few glitches, some pieces are left behind after new game is started and on my PC with default delay game is just too fast to play. Could we have speed constant on diferent speed CPU's?

Constant speed on different speed CPU is possible. I will researh and try to make it possilbe. It would be better and faster you give me some information about ts7 timer function or GPU refresh rate. And because I only have 1GHz CPU, I will need someone to tested it on faster CPU.

Light and materials could also be a but fancier with some animation effect shown when piece falls into its place. But overal it is very gratifying for me and other TS developers to see such a wonderfull game produced with existing TS7.1 tools. You made my day

Thanks :banana:

Post by roman // Apr 25, 2006, 10:57am

Total Posts: 320
I think if a game like this can be done in TS7 in 1 day and under 100KB we should probably be starting to sell TS7 instead of gameSpace to game designers:) That does not take away from the extraordinary talent you have shown here. Briliant work, I hope to see more stuff like this comming.

Post by brianalldridge // Apr 25, 2006, 3:19pm

Total Posts: 397
Amazing would be the word. Could this be exported as a flash game? That would be a great feature for making web games.

Post by Johny // Apr 25, 2006, 7:52pm

Total Posts: 672
I think if a game like this can be done in TS7 in 1 day and under 100KB we should probably be starting to sell TS7 instead of gameSpace to game designers:) That does not take away from the extraordinary talent you have shown here. Briliant work, I hope to see more stuff like this comming.
Release newer Script Deveploment Guide, and the make a Script Game Contest. And then you're dream will come true soon:banana:

Post by trueBlue // Apr 25, 2006, 9:46pm

Total Posts: 1761
Yes I agree!

:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:

Roman: Here would be a great start:---> http://forums1.caligari.com/truespace/newreply.php?do=newreply&p=1250 (http://forums1.caligari.com/truespace/newreply.php?do=newreply&p=1250)

Post by roman // May 2, 2006, 2:46pm

Total Posts: 320
Release newer Script Deveploment Guide, and the make a Script Game Contest. And then you're dream will come true soon:banana:

And so we shall!

Post by xmanflash // May 3, 2006, 12:58am

Total Posts: 335
I think if a game like this can be done in TS7 in 1 day and under 100KB we should probably be starting to sell TS7 instead of gameSpace to game designers:)

I thought that was the idea :p

Post by KeithC // May 3, 2006, 1:30am

Total Posts: 467
Just as soon as that little .X problem is taken care of ;)

Post by Johny // May 15, 2006, 9:39pm

Total Posts: 672
Emma, Thanks for share the tecnique to make smaller code :banana:
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