Reset the magic box

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Reset the magic box // New Users

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Post by Rafa // Apr 21, 2009, 9:25am

Total Posts: 95
Hi there.

I have 4 objects, that previusly have been rotated. They are now glued together, but the coordinates and size of the magic box are atached to the first object (lower-left).

Can I reset the box to be ortogonal to the world coordinates?

Post by Mr. 3d // Apr 21, 2009, 10:06am

Mr. 3d
Total Posts: 747
I've been here before, but not sure how I solved it....Have you tried saving it as an 'Object' file, 'Import' it into your 'Objects/Base Library', and then reload it into a new scene ?
You could always unglue it and re-glue it again ?

Post by spacekdet // Apr 21, 2009, 11:44am

Total Posts: 1360
Press the W key, or click the 'Use World Coordinate system' icon.


Post by Rafa // Apr 21, 2009, 5:17pm

Total Posts: 95
Thanks guys... why this kind of answers always hide?

Post by Nez // Apr 21, 2009, 10:31pm

Total Posts: 1102
A useful thing to bear in mind when you're glueing objects together is that the axis of the group object tends to default to the 'parent' object that everything else was glued to, so if that object was rotated relative to the 'world' then so will the axis of the grouped object be.

In your case, you could have overcome this by glueing the objects in a different sequence - starting with a major element that has its axis orthogonal to the 'world' and it's shape (e.g. one of the larger rectangular parts). Another alternative can be to select the axis tool (shows the current axis position for the grouped object) and either move/rotate it manually or use the 'normalise rotation' axis tool and the 'move axis to centre' if also desirable).

The axis tools are also very useful if you want to create simple arrays without the array tools - you can mover the axis outside of the object so that you can make copies radiating around a point for example (great for spiral stairs amongst other things...)

NB - this all relates to modelside, but it looked like that's what you're using...

Post by Rafa // Apr 22, 2009, 6:50pm

Total Posts: 95
Thanks for the info. I'll keep it in mind. is a privately held community resource website dedicated to Active Worlds.
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