Weight painting & ik handles

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Weight painting & ik handles // New Users

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Post by johnhoward // Jan 10, 2009, 12:32pm

Total Posts: 231
I attached locks and handles to my figure and found that when I moved the little finger, some of the skin of the ring finger was attached to the bones of the little finger (A).

This was clearly a weight-painting problem which is shown in (B).

So I corrected the weight painting problem, - making sure the skin in those areas was weight-painted to the correct bone. That solved it and I could then move the little finger without the skin of the ring finger moving with it (C).

HOWEVER, when I use any of the three IK handles (arrow) to move the arm or hand, those areas of the ring finger that had the problem are now attached to space and won't move with the hand (D).

It is as if when I subtracted them from the little finger bones with the subtract weight painting tool, they were also subtracted from the handles completely so that those points no longer respond to the IK handles, though they still work fine if I use the dyna-pose tool. This renders my handles unusable. I deleted a handle and re-rigged it. Didn't help. So I have to choose between proper weight painting or IK handles - I can't get both.

Thanks for any clues.

Post by RichLevy // Jan 10, 2009, 1:09pm

Total Posts: 1140
When you subtract them from the bone they were associated with, they are no longer associated with a bone, so they just hang where they originally were. Try associating them to the bone that you want them to work with. ADD.

I do not use the subtract first because of little things like this. I just go in and use the ADD tool most of the time to get things painted correctly, than Click the bone that they were associated with and subtract them. I find it is easier this way and most of the time everything works pretty well.

Now if Caligari would allow you to see all of the bones and weights at one time you would not have to slowly go thru a test each bone one by one to see what is influencing what. :)


Post by Mr. 3d // Jan 10, 2009, 4:43pm

Mr. 3d
Total Posts: 747
Have you tried the "Heal skin" tool ?

Post by ivampretti // Jan 11, 2009, 10:29am

Total Posts: 151
@johnhoward - What is happening is that, if I get what you mean, the little finger has areas that arent commanded by any bone. So when you move the arm the skin points that havent been painted dont move at all! I had the same problem with my 3d dog. To check if there is no painted areas, I turn of all the locks and move the character around with the Dyna Pose on looking for results like this you see to correct then.

I agree with RichLevy that this should be improved. Is quite boring to find all the places with this problem and correct then.

What I do to correct things like this is:

> Select Weight paint tool with your character selected;

> Select the bone you want to correct this problem;

> Now select the Loop faces in select by paint mode;

> Select all the loop faces that involve your bone;

> Then grow up the selection with smooth selection;

> Now if you are satisfacted with the selected vertices press the "Convert Soft Selection to Skin Weights" tool;

> Click with the mouses right button on the 3d view;

Now it should look good, if no you can make some adjustments with the weight paint tool.

I dont like the weight paint tool, it need to be improved in many things. But one tip I could give to you is that is better you have verteces painted by two bones. Dont worry to much to have eache vertice painted just by a single bone, dont worth enough.

Other advice I could give you is that is not necessary to have each bone with a full lock. Is easer if you put then in strategyc places on your characters skeleton.

Hope you find usefull, any question post it! ;)

Post by johnhoward // Jan 11, 2009, 12:36pm

Total Posts: 231
Thanks very much to each of you. Your suggestions worked. I did find that if I have skin that is attached to a wrong bone as happened with fingers and toes, I have to use the subtract tool to subtract it from that bone. Using only the add tool to add that skin to the correct bone isn't enough. It still remembers that it is also attached to the wrong bone unless I subtract it.

But then if I use the "Heal Skin" tool on both bones (Thanks Mr3D), the 'unassigned points' problem almost always disappears. Occasionaly that tool recreates the problem again by attaching a patch of nearby wrong skin from a nearby finger, but that only happened twice and was easy to fix using Ivampretti's technique. I am now in the habit of using the Heal Skin tool on every bone after I paint.

Ivampretti's suggestion makes it far easier to control the painting on fingers (using the loop select) which are close together. That closeness seems to be the cause of the problem in the first place and then it makes it difficult to get in between to repair the problem.

Everything is now working perfectly. Thanks again.

Post by ivampretti // Jan 12, 2009, 12:15pm

Total Posts: 151
Glad I could help Johnhoward!
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