SMC 2008 in Review

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SMC 2008 in Review // Speed Model Challenge

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Post by jamesmc // Feb 8, 2009, 8:47am

Total Posts: 2566
Review of 2008 Speed Modeling Challenge

I'm sure it will not be to the liking of everyone - I like morphs and sometimes the image isn't always clear, but that's why we have forums so you can view them as long as you like.

I done until next year - doing this after a couple of strokes is challenging...

Post by spacekdet // Feb 8, 2009, 10:04am

Total Posts: 1360
It's certainly speedy!

Post by kena // Feb 8, 2009, 10:27am

Total Posts: 2321
Nice even pace though. well done James

Post by TheWickedWitchOfTheWeb // Feb 8, 2009, 12:18pm

Total Posts: 858
Even pace, yes, but most items were indecipherable. Nice idea but the emphasis seems to be on the 'morph' rather than the final picture. But then I suppose 'gimmick over content' has a certain irony to it! :-)

Post by kena // Feb 8, 2009, 7:03pm

Total Posts: 2321
Hate to be a nudge James... But now it REALLY looks like the morphs are the focus. Can you speed them back up and have the pics pause a bit longer?

Post by jamesmc // Feb 10, 2009, 9:44am

Total Posts: 2566
Review of 2008 Speed Modeling Challenge

I'm sure it will not be to the liking of everyone - I like morphs and sometimes the image isn't always clear, but that's why we have forums so you can view them as long as you like.

I done until next year - doing this after a couple of strokes is challenging...

Post by frootee // Feb 10, 2009, 9:55am

Total Posts: 2667
Thank you for posting the video James.

It's really amazing to realize just how many submissions there were to the SMC's.

I think the SMCs are pretty hip. :)

Post by theuns // Feb 11, 2009, 12:23am

Total Posts: 519
thanks for you effort james :)

I actually like the morphing effects, it works well :D

Post by Mr. 3d // Feb 11, 2009, 1:54am

Mr. 3d
Total Posts: 747
Alot of picts to put into a short time frame, but you did it well ! NICE!!!:cool:

Post by jamesmc // Feb 11, 2009, 5:14am

Total Posts: 2566
Well, I did lengthen it out at one point to 12 minutes (currently under 8 minutes) and made it H264 wide screen.

Youtube rejected it because it was too long in duration.

Funny, one can make a file 1gb in size, but evidently Youtube is concerned more with bandwith usage (time spent on server) than file size.

Post by CdeB // Feb 11, 2009, 5:30am

Total Posts: 160
Actually, this was an interesting experience for me. The the morphs lost me for the first minute or so (and I couldn't make head or tail of what I was looking at) then they seemed to flow really well. Either you were unlucky with the first few James or there is some adjustment that happened in my brain during the time....and it morphed into phase with the sequence:D

Anyway nice idea!

Post by jamesmc // Feb 11, 2009, 5:47am

Total Posts: 2566
Actually, this was an interesting experience for me. The the morphs lost me for the first minute or so (and I couldn't make head or tail of what I was looking at) then they seemed to flow really well. Either you were unlucky with the first few James or there is some adjustment that happened in my brain during the time....and it morphed into phase with the sequence:D

Anyway nice idea!
Well, I was lazy and didn't want to remove the image background. Some of the backgrounds were very dark, blended with the object itself making it hard to see and generally violated the 'rule of thirds'.

Besides, the images were not mine to alter, so I left them as is. Having a light object with a light, non-contrasting background doesn't morph so well because the light background blends in with the object.

Dark objects on dark backgrounds - the same reason and effect.

Also, some objects that were really bizarre in shape are hard to morph if the next object is really simple - most of the time it just fade in, which can be confusing to the viewer.

I left the objects in the same SMC groups as they appeared, so object to object transition was not always pretty. :)

If I were to utilize my own objects, cropping, clipping and removing/adding backgrounds would have been done. However, this morphing exercise was done with the material 'as is.'

Post by jamesmc // Feb 11, 2009, 6:24am

Total Posts: 2566
Here's an example of what I was writing about and the challenges.

Notice in the first image on the right, the original artwork. It's quite busy and has complex patterns with no center of focus.

In the second image, with the main object 'clipped' out I'm very sure I didn't get what the artist intended and probably mangled it up badly.

Post by Georg // Feb 11, 2009, 6:31am

Total Posts: 270
I'm very sure I didn't get what the artist intended

You are absolutely right!

I like the morphs and had not realized they are quite difficult to make. Nice movie, so many nice objects...


Post by jamesmc // Feb 11, 2009, 6:53am

Total Posts: 2566
You are absolutely right!

I like the morphs and had not realized they are quite difficult to make. Nice movie, so many nice objects...


Thanks for the compliment. :)

Actually, it's not to difficult to morph if the setup is correct as previously mentioned where one can alter the images. I chose not to alter the images as they were not mine to alter.

Post by nigec // Mar 2, 2009, 11:05pm

Total Posts: 314
I think like cdeB said, the mind needs a little time to catch up, well mine does lol, its been a long time since I've done morphs, you've done a lot better job than I've ever did, great job :D

I didn't realise I'd done so many is a privately held community resource website dedicated to Active Worlds.
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