Huge bug !!!!!!!!!!
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Huge bug !!!!!!!!!! // Tech Forum
Post by marcel // Apr 19, 2009, 4:59am
Total Posts: 569
I had a little scene (500ko). After duplicate a simple objet (about 100 faces on model size), TS is very slow and crash. The scene have now a size of 330 megas on the hard disk!
Do you know this bug? :confused: |
Post by Tiles // Apr 19, 2009, 6:33am
Total Posts: 1037
Nice one, Would you mind to share the source scene and the steps to reproduce? |
Post by marcel // Apr 19, 2009, 8:02am
Total Posts: 569
Oups! i erased the bad scene. All that i remember it was a sds objet. I selected several objets (20 with 100 faces each) at the same time and duplicate one time with the icon on the model size. I was very surprised by the new size of the files after the crash. I understand it was impossible to reload the scene (330 mégas) but i don't understand how TS can save this big scene before crashing (bak files had 330 mégas too). |
Post by Tiles // Apr 19, 2009, 8:39pm
Total Posts: 1037
I cannot reproduce. Can you reproduce? |
Post by jamesmc // Apr 20, 2009, 3:12am
Total Posts: 2566
If you are using XP, it might be that your temporary file storage is getting full and/or needs cleaning up. |
Post by marcel // Apr 22, 2009, 1:53am
Total Posts: 569
OK if my temporary file storage was getting full, that not explain why the scenes was 330 mégas. :confused: |
Post by jamesmc // Apr 22, 2009, 4:18am
Total Posts: 2566
OK if my temporary file storage was getting full, that not explain why the scenes was 330 mégas. :confused:
tmp files help with virtual memory. If for some reason your virtual memory wasn't large enough, it could have just kept recycling over and over trying to create a file to hold it.
There was an outlaw kiddie script roaming around the net that made writing temp files uncontrollable.
That is, they kept writing temp files until you ran out of HD space. |
Post by marcel // Apr 25, 2009, 8:40am
Total Posts: 569
I cannot reproduce. Can you reproduce?
here is the same bug.
I duplicate several sds objets in TS 7.6 (model size) and TS become very slow. after i cannot reload the scene. I found a solution to load the scene with TS6.6 then i save with TS 6.6 and reload in TS 7.6
It is the same scene (64 ko and 20 megas after the bug). The 64 ko scene is made with TS 6.6 from the 20 megas scene and anything is lost! :)
Other details: the original scene in TS 7.6 was 128 ko. Without do anything i saved again the scene and the size was 1200 ko, then i saved again and the size was 19 megas, another save and crash.
model size - bridge off - number history: 20 (maybe it is the problem? i have reduce at 5 to see if i can't reproduce the bug) |
Post by prodigy // Apr 25, 2009, 11:24am
Total Posts: 3029
When i was a modelside modeler i ALWAYS saved my work as 6.6 NOT as 7.6
I remember that trick as one of the best thing to solve problems in model side.. so i recommend that.. |
Post by v3rd3 // Apr 25, 2009, 5:59pm
Total Posts: 388
By happy accident I do that as well Prodigy but I did have a scene that did the same thing Marcel is describing... an attempt at a scifi church for dragon worshippers.... I did not keep it though as I needed the disk.. I thought it was just me but .....
Sorry Marcel, I have no real ideas to help describe this one myself. I will do some more modelside stuff and see if it happens again. |
Post by marcel // Apr 25, 2009, 8:32pm
Total Posts: 569
I need to save the modelsize in TS 7.6 to keep the option of the hdri. That function is not on the TS6.6 version.
Now I know this bug and symptoms prior to crash, I take care not to lose my job (create a TS 6.6 copy or a model as an object). |