It's not to late to switch over

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These pages are a copy of the official truespace forums prior to their removal somewhere around 2011.

They are retained here for archive purposes only.

It's not to late to switch over // Roundtable

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Post by behzad // May 19, 2009, 1:25pm

Total Posts: 173
Well, the news is sad, but the day Microsoft got involved i knew it was going down this road of non-existence.

Well I want to invite you all truesapce users to learn carrara, it is a very powerful program that has features that truespace never had or will ever have.

Hope to see you on the other ship.

Farewell truespace.

Post by splinters // May 19, 2009, 1:30pm

Total Posts: 4148
For those considering this, order issue 1 of 3D artist. It is only £6 and comes with full copy of Carrara 6 pro. Looks like I may have to invest some time in learning it now....:(

Post by behzad // May 19, 2009, 1:35pm

Total Posts: 173
Hello friend, the program is very easy and friendly to learn, I love it. Really a great interface and amazing features. DAZ is investing big time in Carrara, you can not go wrong.

Post by noko // May 19, 2009, 1:36pm

Total Posts: 684
I am thinking of going the c4D route except the cost is $1000 without the needed modules :o. I have Cararra 7 express and so far I don't like it too much. This will be interested to see how some folks select any future 3d program. For me tS still has alot of life left in it, that is as long as there is a strong community behind it.

Post by Rafa // May 19, 2009, 1:37pm

Total Posts: 95
Splinters, Your images with TrueSpace where inspiring! I'm going to miss the galleries.

Post by splinters // May 19, 2009, 1:42pm

Total Posts: 4148
Splinters, Your images with TrueSpace where inspiring! I'm going to miss the galleries.

Thanks, I will miss posting them here...this forum and site has seen a LOT of my stuff over the last decade...:o

Post by 3dfrog // May 19, 2009, 1:47pm

Total Posts: 1225
I enjoy carrara as well and use it on occasion. Another animation software I would like to mention is messiah 3d. It is an animation and rendering program. It is pretty amazing software, I just completed a huge project with it. You will need your own modeling software, and you already have that, TS! Whats cool is that messiah uses morph targets for deformations and you can store them all in one model with ts morph tool. What you see in ts i what you get in messiah. Well thats just one cool thing. If you have questions about it visit #messiah3d on freenode on irc, always helpful people.

Post by Burnart // May 19, 2009, 2:23pm

Total Posts: 839
What I really need/want is software for character anim and rendering. Modelling I can continue to do in tS, Hexagon and Wings. I have UVMapper and 3DCoat for uv mapping and texturing. So as long as I can import obj with mapping that would be ok.

I have to say I really love the ease with which you can attach bones to meshes and then fine tune it in tS workspace. A few more tools and this could have been a very good character anim environment. I'm not that interested in bvh and motions so setting skeletons up from scratch and the capacity to tweak the outcome is paramount to me.

But I also want software that will continue to develop and change and offer new possibilities. So will Daz and Carrara go bust in the near future? - thats the question! ;)

Post by Rafa // May 19, 2009, 2:32pm

Total Posts: 95
I feel like the case of the guy that has just died and the widow is flirting already :banana: (Last chance to use a banana)

Guys see you arround in some other forums, and if Prodigy (or someone else is capable of making an alternative forum I be there too) I have not posted anithing in Carrara's forum, but its an alternative.

I use the same avatar in every case :jumpy:

But I'll continue to use Ts. I used 3.2 for loong time just moved to 7.6 :p

:banana::banana::banana: I'm going to miss this banana :banana::banana::banana:

Post by RichLevy // May 19, 2009, 2:41pm

Total Posts: 1140
I second Frog's suggestion on Messiah 3D. I just purchased Studio last weekend, I used this software some years back, and boy has it grown up.

They are running a sale on it right now, I'm not sure for how long though. is a user site for it, it is the official, "unofficial" site for Messiah. is the site of the software.

I got the studio package fgor 499.00, if you mention you own Modo you get it for that :) (you click the button, hand them your credit card and away you go)

Character animation, hair, soft bodies, dynamics, a host of very cool animation tools.

I wish everyone peace and joy with whatever they decide to use :D


Post by GreenLeafCat // May 19, 2009, 3:06pm

Total Posts: 4
For those considering this, order issue 1 of 3D artist. It is only £6 and comes with full copy of Carrara 6 pro. Looks like I may have to invest some time in learning it now....:(

Or if you purchase the new book on DAZ studio, it comes with a DVD with full versions of Carrara and also Hexagon 2.5

the book is "Figures, Characters and Avatars: The Official Guide to Using DAZ Studio to Create Beautiful Art"


* Carrara 6 Pro (full version)

* DAZ Studio 2.3

* Hexagon 2.5 (full version)

The book is currently less than $20 at DAZ, (plus shipping). or from Amazon.

The forums say officially that these are full versions, although there may be a hiccup to work out with the serial numbers.

The book seems a bit hokey, but the content makes it worth it anyway.

Post by Burnart // May 19, 2009, 3:47pm

Total Posts: 839
Of course there is always Blender I suppose (he says through gritted teeth) - it may have the worlds worst interface but it is powerful and free. Of course there is also a large user base and community out there supporting it.

Post by aidanodr // May 19, 2009, 4:01pm

Total Posts: 90
Of course there is always Blender I suppose (he says through gritted teeth) - it may have the worlds worst interface but it is powerful and free. Of course there is also a large user base and community out there supporting it.

Dont forget the imminent version 2.5 of Blender is coming out - October or so?? - This is a complete rewrite with total new UI and the like:

My two cents - the app I use now and have been for a while ( before and since the EMPIRE took over TS ) - MODO -

The MODO community is very close to the traditional TS community but employing newer tools like regular podcasts - - and tweeting - - from the owners.

Imminent v4.01 on the way - a huge release with start of Char Anim toolsets, check the reveals: - heavy on the Quiktime Video's, be patient!

( First Graphic, bottom left, click on the MORE>> button ... enjoy the vids )

I am canvasing for a TS to MODO crossgrade at the LUX forums at the moment.



Post by SiW // May 19, 2009, 6:19pm

Total Posts: 298
I actually checked out Blender for Dummies from the library a couple of weeks ago, and it's an easy reccomendation. It's clear and straightforward, and removes much of the initial mystery of the Blender UI. Once you're over things like "ohhhhh, I RIGHT click!" then honestly it's not much harder to get into than any other app.

Post by transient // May 19, 2009, 6:30pm

Total Posts: 977
Perhaps you could consider recoding Dribble to work with Blender? With the growing trend of commercial renderers becoming more palatable with the userbase, you may get the attention there that you deserve.

Anyway, just an idea, I'm sure you've got other things to work on.

Post by splinters // May 20, 2009, 1:09am

Total Posts: 4148
If you subscribe to 3D World they send you a DVD full of training videos as well as full versions of Carrara 6 and Hexagon 1.5. Current subscribers will get it free with the next issue.

Post by Johny // May 20, 2009, 3:11am

Total Posts: 672
You can get terragenTerragen 2 at $199 for new user and $100 for upgrade from registered v0.9 user.

Special price until May 30th, increasing to $299 on May 31st

Post by frootee // May 20, 2009, 5:36am

Total Posts: 2667
Oohh now that sounds tempting... terragen2. I wondered when that would get released.

Post by Plum // May 20, 2009, 7:18am

Total Posts: 39

For those looking to eventually move on, you may want to give Lightwave a test drive. You can get a 30-day (iirc) demo of the latest version (9.6) and give it a whirl. I'm still a Lightwave newb (only had it for a few months now), but I quite like it in a lot of ways. Still intimidated by it's bones/animation workflow...but I was spoiled on XSI's, so that's to be expected. :)

If you don't mind Autode$k, XSI would be my first choice though. However, I chose NOT to upgrade to XSI 7 once I heard AD bought them out. I "severely dislike" their business practice/ I moved on to Lightwave.

Post by jayr // May 20, 2009, 10:28am

Total Posts: 1074
Messah looks tempting but not sure i can justify the expence with blender out there for free. Blender is quite powerful when you look under the bonet....

Post by Paul Boland // May 20, 2009, 11:08am

Paul Boland
Total Posts: 383

For those looking to eventually move on, you may want to give Lightwave a test drive. You can get a 30-day (iirc) demo of the latest version (9.6) and give it a whirl. I'm still a Lightwave newb (only had it for a few months now), but I quite like it in a lot of ways. Still intimidated by it's bones/animation workflow...but I was spoiled on XSI's, so that's to be expected. :)

If you don't mind Autode$k, XSI would be my first choice though. However, I chose NOT to upgrade to XSI 7 once I heard AD bought them out. I "severely dislike" their business practice/ I moved on to Lightwave.

The only problem with XSI, Maya and 3D Studio, all Autodesk products, is that they are very expensive!! Also, I'm not a fan of Autodesk's subscription based payment scheme to get point-updates.

I'm working with Lightwave and while it has a steep learning curve, it has a great community, just like what is here, and there are loads of books, tutorial DVD's and tutorials online for it so there is a lot of help out there to learn the software.

Also, Newtek are working on the next generation of Lightwave 3D, Lightwave CORE. It's promising to pack a real punch and has been redesigned from the ground up. Right now, they have an offer where by you can buy Lightwave 9.6 and get the first version of Lightwave CORE for free.

Also, of the top packages on the market, it's the cheapest of the lot and while it might put a dent in your pocket, it won't totally obliterate it, price-wise ;)!

The Newtek website is here:

For those wanting information on Lightwave CORE, go here:

Post by aidanodr // May 20, 2009, 3:37pm

Total Posts: 90
Hi Guys,

FYI - I see MESSIAH ( ) mentioned here in a few threads. Just to clear something up - MESSIAH is a Character Animation application, it has no modelling and never will. It is used alongside other apps. It does have particles and a v good render engine.


Post by transient // May 20, 2009, 3:53pm

Total Posts: 977
Considering how many third-party modelers that are on the market, I don't think this is a huge deal. The problem with PMG is that they subscribe to the patented Caligari PR methods. If you can tolerate this (I'm afraid I'm really over it), then Messiah is a very nice looking app.

Really, I think Modo is the only app I can think of that really ticks the boxes as truespace's "spiritual" successor, considering ts's traditional focus on illustration, the price, and the community.

However it costs money I currently don't have. One day...............

Post by 3dassets // May 20, 2009, 4:09pm

Total Posts: 23
I switched over from Carrara 5, the latest version is up to the standard but the no upgrade for version 5 or upgrade is unreal so I am not wasting my money and effort to promote it.

Other than Blender, Anim8or anyone? trueSpace is good enough for me to do modeling and UVmapping as I have demonstrated at I will continue to develop free models as long as I can because it will lead to other business for 2D / 3D artists later (Fantasy wedding album).

If your intention is to make money with your skills, email me your website or forum to

Post by jamesmc // May 20, 2009, 4:10pm

Total Posts: 2566
I have Houdini, LightWave 9.6, Carrara 7, Hexagon and Swift3D - along with Blender and some other minor applications.

Wish I could see well enough to use them. :)

Post by ruscular3D // May 20, 2009, 11:01pm

Total Posts: 2
I switch to Lightwave years ago with version 7, and just recently bought Messiah studio 4, and I also inform Wegg and maybe can get him to consider getting Truespace user a break on a deal. The Truespace was an excellent modeler, and still useful. Messiah can take many format and animate them and renders quite fast and uses sub scatter shaders very well.

I honestly think this is the best road to consider. If you haven't met Wegg, then your missing one of the finest individual in the 3D forum I have ever encounter. He has made ton of insightful tips and tutorial and been most accommodating to the community for support like none I have ever had. He supported the little guy who cant afford the big package and firmly believe its not just the package but the artist that uses them. The best friend you should have in the 3D forum.

This is his site that he moderate personally if you have any question!

Post by RichLevy // May 20, 2009, 11:46pm

Total Posts: 1140
PMG used to be very bad about dealing with their customer's, this is true. Updates and fixes were very slow in coming and I never felt they were responsive to the user base. PMG is a very small company, they develop Messiah in conjunction with paid commercial work. This is good and bad. Over the last couple of years I have seen a gradual change in them though. The beta testers are very active on some of the forums, they are answering questions, showing new things that are happening with the program, talking about some of the things that are in development, far different than they used to be. I used to own Messiah Studio from 2003 till sometime in 2005, I sold my copy because the company was showing every indication that they were going to go out of business. I bought another license last weekend, the price was good, the software is solid, the user base is active on, the company is more active with the user's and updates are coming far more regular than they had previously...

I am using Messiah Studio in conjunction with Modo, they complement each other well. It program works well with the way I like to work. Messiah is different to work with but after you get used to the way the interface works you are very free to do almost anything you can think of in the program. The bones and skinning are the easiest you are going to find in any program, yes, even easier than TS, and I am a big fan of how easy TS bones setup.

If you want to buy at the present discount, go to their site and select the 499.00 Modo to Messiah Studio special.

When you do it brings you to a special check out, you have a choice of selecting to pay thru PayPal, or using a credit card. There are no serial number exchanges, they take your word for it... I think they just want to expand the user base.

500.00 is a lot of money now a days, I can understand someone not wanting to spend the money, that is going to be a personal descision for you. If you have the money and you want a very good character animation program, a very good node basedrender engine, fluids, morphs, particles, hair... this is a very affordable over the standalone 3D packages.



Post by theuns // May 21, 2009, 2:36am

Total Posts: 519
If you subscribe to 3D World they send you a DVD full of training videos as well as full versions of Carrara 6 and Hexagon 1.5. Current subscribers will get it free with the next issue.

3D world is too expensive with import costs here to Africa, can't afford that, but might try back ordering the issue that had the full free Carrara on it...

Post by theuns // May 21, 2009, 2:51am

Total Posts: 519
RichLevy : sounds good but 500 is WAY out of my budget... even the specials of $99 I have to think carefully about...

For those outside the US and Europe, the exchange rates are normally HUGE and since I'm doing this as a hobby only, I can't spend that much and that often, even though I'd LOVE to do this as my day job...

PMG used to be very bad about dealing with their customer's, this is true. Updates and fixes were very slow in coming and I never felt they were responsive to the user base. PMG is a very small company, they develop Messiah in conjunction with paid commercial work. This is good and bad. Over the last couple of years I have seen a gradual change in them though. The beta testers are very active on some of the forums, they are answering questions, showing new things that are happening with the program, talking about some of the things that are in development, far different than they used to be. I used to own Messiah Studio from 2003 till sometime in 2005, I sold my copy because the company was showing every indication that they were going to go out of business. I bought another license last weekend, the price was good, the software is solid, the user base is active on, the company is more active with the user's and updates are coming far more regular than they had previously...

I am using Messiah Studio in conjunction with Modo, they complement each other well. It program works well with the way I like to work. Messiah is different to work with but after you get used to the way the interface works you are very free to do almost anything you can think of in the program. The bones and skinning are the easiest you are going to find in any program, yes, even easier than TS, and I am a big fan of how easy TS bones setup.

If you want to buy at the present discount, go to their site and select the 499.00 Modo to Messiah Studio special.

When you do it brings you to a special check out, you have a choice of selecting to pay thru PayPal, or using a credit card. There are no serial number exchanges, they take your word for it... I think they just want to expand the user base.

500.00 is a lot of money now a days, I can understand someone not wanting to spend the money, that is going to be a personal descision for you. If you have the money and you want a very good character animation program, a very good node basedrender engine, fluids, morphs, particles, hair... this is a very affordable over the standalone 3D packages.



Post by splinters // May 21, 2009, 2:54am

Total Posts: 4148
3D world is too expensive with import costs here to Africa, can't afford that, but might try back ordering the issue that had the full free Carrara on it...

Not sure it has been in 3D world yet.

Try for issue 1. That has Carrara 6.2 Pro in it...:) is a privately held community resource website dedicated to Active Worlds.
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