Disappointment... [last long one, I promise!] (Community)

Disappointment... [last long one, I promise!] // Community

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goober king

Aug 1, 2001, 11:35am
I must say, I'm disappointed.

I'm disappointed in Flagg, who seemed to think that our letter was all about *my*
concerns and *my* ideas and that *I* was somehow personally wronged by the company,
which is not the case. I'm disappointed in Rick Noll, who seemed to think that all we
wanted was for citships to be free, worlds to be near-free, and AWCom to go out of
business, which is farthest from the truth.

But most of all, I'm disappointed in this community. When I first posted my letter
here and at AWNews, I got all sorts of responses from people, but most of them boiled
down to "Well said!" or "Amen!" or "Go Goob!" or what have you. I took that to mean
that everyone who signed that letter was fully behind me and agreed with me. I
thought that, for once, the community (at least, the newsgroup community) was united
in a singular cause, with a few nay-sayers on the side.

Apparently, I was wrong.

I posted the response from AWC here in these newsgroups last Friday, expecting that I
would at least get some people either agreeing or disagreeing with the response.
Instead, what did I get? Silence. Out of the almost 40 people who signed that letter,
2 of them actually responded to the response. The rest were from people who never
agreed with the letter in the first place, and essentially became an ENZO cheering

What happened to all the support? Where are all of the people who were nodding their
heads and signing that letter? Now that we finally have our answer, are we just going
to go back into our little holes and say "Well, there you have it." ? I just don't
know anymore...

And to all of the unseen readers of this newsgroup that are in the upper echelons of
AWC, I will only say this: This was never about features. This was never about world
prices, or telegram privacy, or replacing textures or any of that. It was a simple
request; a request that you demonstrate more interest in this community you
supposedly care for so much.

In case you didn't notice, this community is dying. Worlds like COFMeta, WildAW,
Atlantis, and many others stand empty where once they were full. Organizations like
AWHS and AWEC are all but dead, while others like ComReg and Info Squares are not
long for this world. Reports of PK abuse and neglect are on the rise, and nothing is
being done. And all those AWC employees who want to help the community can't because
they get ignored just like the citizens.

You want to know what *my* concerns are? My concerns have always been for the health
and well-being of this community, something that was completely avoided in AWC's
response. But now it seems that the community doesn't care about itself either. So I
am left to wonder why I even bother. And that is the biggest disappointment of all.

I'm disappointed in myself...

Goober King
rar1 at acsu.buffalo.edu


Aug 1, 2001, 12:49pm
Should've replied with my feelings about their reply earlier... Goober pretty much summed everything up, but I'd like to add a little.

I think it'd be great if (even one of the) AWC management people held something like Roland's TechTalk every week. Something like bi-weekly would probably be great as well. Citizens could come and talk to/at them and see what exactly is going on. Participating in the "community" like this is something that everybody would benefit from. Citizens would have a better grasp of *why* some decisions were made, and hopefully AWC would ask our opinion of things they're thinking about.

If this is impossible, at least set up a group of citizens that could "advise" AWC on certain issues. It'd have to be a very diverse group (maybe even with regular elections...) in order to represent the user base, but it could work.


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Aug 1, 2001, 1:16pm
I am not sure this community is dying actually and I also think that to gather people is
more effective to be positive and give new ideas or talking about something concrete to
build. Arguments are stressing and do not lead to anything more than other arguments.

[View Quote] > In case you didn't notice, this community is dying. Worlds like COFMeta, WildAW,
> Atlantis, and many others stand empty where once they were full. Organizations like
> AWHS and AWEC are all but dead, while others like ComReg and Info Squares are not
> long for this world. Reports of PK abuse and neglect are on the rise, and nothing is
> being done. And all those AWC employees who want to help the community can't because
> they get ignored just like the citizens.
> You want to know what *my* concerns are? My concerns have always been for the health
> and well-being of this community, something that was completely avoided in AWC's
> response. But now it seems that the community doesn't care about itself either. So I
> am left to wonder why I even bother. And that is the biggest disappointment of all.
> I'm disappointed in myself...
> --
> Goober King
> rar1 at acsu.buffalo.edu


Aug 1, 2001, 1:20pm
Er, you posted AWC's response to your letter here? I never saw it...

[View Quote] > I posted the response from AWC here in these newsgroups last Friday, expecting that I
> would at least get some people either agreeing or disagreeing with the response.


Aug 1, 2001, 1:23pm
Exactly...that's the issue: communication or in AWC's case, lack thereof. Roland's TechTalks are meaningless without the support of the people who actually give approval for ANYTHING discussed in them. And that, unfortunately, is sleezy used car salesman JP and wanna-be cyberpunk Ricky. Until one or both of these peons actually confronts the community publically, and stops playing games with us and avoiding us, they'll continue to get bashed and rumors spread. It's called public relations, Rick and JP; learn how to fucking DO it already, ya freakin' newbie suit gits...

[View Quote] > Should've replied with my feelings about their reply earlier... Goober pretty much summed everything up, but I'd like to add a little.
> I think it'd be great if (even one of the) AWC management people held something like Roland's TechTalk every week. Something like bi-weekly would probably be great as well. Citizens could come and talk to/at them and see what exactly is going on. Participating in the "community" like this is something that everybody would benefit from. Citizens would have a better grasp of *why* some decisions were made, and hopefully AWC would ask our opinion of things they're thinking about.
> If this is impossible, at least set up a group of citizens that could "advise" AWC on certain issues. It'd have to be a very diverse group (maybe even with regular elections...) in order to represent the user base, but it could work.


Aug 1, 2001, 2:19pm
"The AWC Tribe Has Spoken... [long!]"


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facter facter@awsupport

Aug 1, 2001, 3:25pm
How much more direct do you want than a personal email to the community ????


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Aug 1, 2001, 5:43pm
we can't know if he wrote it... no, just joking ;-)) but letters (yes,
letters, e-mail is just electronic letters) are a very outdated way of
sake! it is VERY, VERY, VEEEEEERY indirect, yes, go tell him that, and be
sure to translate the beeps into your favorite cuss words!!


[View Quote]


Aug 1, 2001, 6:11pm
Your long messages are the only really good ones here. Don't get rid of them.

Anyway, I share your thoughts about them pretty well missing the point. I also thought better of Flagg's people skills, but no

I feel that a large number of the people that signed the letters were what are known as "me-too's" that just saw an oppertunity to
get with the "in crowd" and jumped on it. I figure that in terms of actual, strong-willed support, there were maybe 10 people at
most. But honestly, what do you expect from a community of mere children? Cybersex and paintball are their AW lives (Generalizing,
don't waste time flaming kiddos) and they don't know any better than to try to be cool and look older and more mature. Though they
make us look more impressive in numbers, they can't back us up.

While we've essentially lost this critical battle, don't count the community out yet. Some people really care and will stand at your
side Goober, I'm one of em. Just finding them is a task all unto itself. There are vehicles of communication not yet even tried.
These newsgroups and awnews.com only get so much use. While it's easy to just post here and post there, it's apparently not working.

However, even if we track down every Activeworlds website, every Ad banner rotation, every world owner willing to put up a message
and every little "organization" that isn't gonna fall apart, we may not do anything but just increase awareness. Though it may not
be the best fruit, it's still fruit. Even if it fails entirely, at least there was an attempt.

If AW were to go terminal, what would happen? Most everyone would walk their separate ways, or remain with their cliques of newfound
friends, many wondering if there was something they could have done. Then there will be the few that know they tried to do...

She aint under yet, but she sure is sinkin. But this aint the Titanic, we fix her.
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Aug 1, 2001, 7:56pm
nice one :)

- Excal

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Aug 1, 2001, 8:57pm
Oh, THAT? I thought that was some silly newsgroup survivor thing so I didn't even bother with it...

[View Quote] > "The AWC Tribe Has Spoken... [long!]"
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Aug 1, 2001, 9:11pm
Um, personal email to the community my ASS, Fac. Flagg simply passed it on instead of Rick himself emailing and posting his response. As usual, Rick dodged things and leaves one of his peon employees to take the fall for him.

[View Quote] > we can't know if he wrote it... no, just joking ;-)) but letters (yes,
> letters, e-mail is just electronic letters) are a very outdated way of
> sake! it is VERY, VERY, VEEEEEERY indirect, yes, go tell him that, and be
> sure to translate the beeps into your favorite cuss words!!
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Aug 1, 2001, 10:08pm
NG Survivor posts are always clearly labeled. However... I had confused it for one at first too.
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john viper

Aug 1, 2001, 10:44pm
"facter" <"Facter at AWsupport"> wrote in
news:3b683ba7 at server1.Activeworlds.com:

> How much more direct do you want than a personal email to the community
> ????
> F.
[View Quote] I didn't respond simply out of lack of something to say. I was disappointed
in the response, but honestly, and literally, simply did not know what to
say. For some reason I had my hopes up that GK's letter would cause some
fundamental change somewhere... and I gues I just forgot to prepare for the
other possibility. And you know what? I still do not know what to say.

And Facter, what we want is to resurrect "Hang Out with ENZO." I could not
attend any of those simply because the time at which they occured was always
a time I was at work or school or for some other reason not able to attend,
and the first chance I actually got to be there during the right period of
time, I found out they had been terminated. Here's a thought: Instead of
during the week (this is appropriate for Tech Talks) have it Saturday
evening. I am sure that ENZO can take 1 hour out of his time, if that much,
to at least come in and say hi. Chat for a few minutes. Jeez, if he
actually used the software for the community part, he might actually like
it! We all have to experience SOMETHING new... Okay I am getting off track
here. My only thought with this idea is that unfortunately, what would
probably happen is that no one would show up, or people would shot up that
don't really care about the community, but just want to see someone famous.

However, I still think trying a new Hang Out with ENZO thing would be a
great idea, but it would have to be when more people could show up. Maybe
JP could make some surprise appearances now and then, too.

looking over the message I feel like a bit of a hipocrite (sp?), but what
the hell...


Jeff Tickle (John Viper, #296714)
jviper at jtsoft.net


Aug 1, 2001, 11:36pm
ya,i agree with eep. and even IF rick did write it,whats so hard bout
writing a e-mail?writing a e-maild oesnt mean u accully care bout what
everyone said,it can also mean ur just bullshiting to try to get more
popular or something. i mean enzo and rick never even make apperences in AW.
it would be nice if they did have tech-talk like things(like agent1 said,or
someone) and listened to what everyone said.
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Aug 1, 2001, 11:42pm
[View Quote] > popular or something. i mean enzo and rick never even

Enzo IS Rick, and Cryonics is JP. Just clarifying this for you


Aug 1, 2001, 11:45pm
> Um, personal email to the community my ASS, Fac. Flagg simply passed it on
instead of Rick himself emailing and posting his response. As usual, Rick
dodged things and leaves one of his peon employees to take the fall for him.

And here I was thinking I was filtered - ho ho ho...


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goober king

Aug 2, 2001, 12:26am
heh sorry about the confusing heading... Felt it was appropriate with all the
Survivor stuff going on... Guess it was a bit *too* appropriate... *smirk*

[View Quote] --
Goober King
Next time, it'll say "AWC is the Weakest Link. Goodbye!" :P
rar1 at acsu.buffalo.edu


Aug 2, 2001, 12:27pm
actually you could well be, because he replied to my post (wich had your
post quoted...)


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Aug 2, 2001, 1:59pm
Exactly. Fac's still a wittle newbie, Kah--you'll have to forgive his ignorance...


[View Quote] > actually you could well be, because he replied to my post (wich had your
> post quoted...)
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sw comit

Aug 2, 2001, 9:13pm
Yea...Enzo and Flagg's message wouldn't even of touched the community if GK
didn't forward it here. Curious...did you tell them you were going to
forward it? If you didn't then it was pretty much only a response to you.
Why doesn't Enzo post in the NGs regularly? If he "loves AW so much", why
is he so afraid of the community? According to him, he has nothing to

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sw chris

Aug 3, 2001, 2:47am
I'm just happy they responded. ENZO cheering? Really... :)

I would have signed your letter if I would have known it was about community
interaction and not all the frosting and features of the program in addition
to the well-being of the community. AWCom has now addressed the issue of
concerns about frosting and features. The next step is to become involved
with the community, something of which takes some time to actually notice,
right? Time will tell if they've waken up to that fact yet.

SW Chris

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Aug 3, 2001, 9:09am
> Exactly. Fac's still a wittle newbie, Kah--you'll have to forgive his

Keep it up Eep.

What did I ask you about being insulting all the time ?


> <chuckle>
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Aug 3, 2001, 12:16pm
well i read the post but i didnt think it was ment to be replied to,i didnt
even know what to write. :)
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