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New Objects ! Alpha World must enlarge it object path ! (Community)
New Objects ! Alpha World must enlarge it object path ! // Communityfacter facter@awsupportJul 24, 2001, 2:57pm
[View Quote]
Of course I do, I am stating that I dont *need* to nor am under any
obligation to do so hypocrasy there. F. [View Quote] facter facter@awsupportJul 24, 2001, 2:59pm
tony mJul 24, 2001, 3:43pm
great website by the way, Facter =) [View Quote] >Hey Tony >I uploaded it. Try >-- >- Syntax - > [View Quote] - Tony M. tony mJul 24, 2001, 3:51pm
iceyJul 24, 2001, 4:03pm
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit [Image] Zeichensetzung .ponctuation .puntuación .punteggiatura .pontuação .interpunctie ..interpunktion .gramm sorry for html jez, sorry for html icey [View Quote] [View Quote] --------------66F54578A3538B4FEBCF38F7 Content-Type: multipart/related; boundary="------------33C3D76EECD078A1146757D5" --------------33C3D76EECD078A1146757D5 Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit <!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en"> <html> <img SRC="cid:part1.3B5DB8FA.DD88366D at" height=25 width=240> <br>Zeichensetzung .ponctuation .puntuación .punteggiatura .pontuação ..interpunctie .interpunktion <font face="">.</font><font face="GreekC">gramm</font> <br><font face="GreekC">sorry for html</font> <br><font face="GreekC">jez, </font>sorry for html <br>icey [View Quote] --------------33C3D76EECD078A1146757D5 Content-Type: image/jpeg Content-ID: <part1.3B5DB8FA.DD88366D at> Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 Content-Disposition: inline; filename="C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\nsmailU2.jpeg" /9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAAEAYABgAAD//gAfTEVBRCBUZWNobm9sb2dpZXMgSW5jLiBWMS4wMQD/ 2wCEABQODxEPDBQREBEXFRQYHjMhHhwcHj4sLyUzSkFOTEhBR0ZRXHVjUVdvWEZHZotnb3l9 g4WDT2KQmo+AmXWBg34BFRcXHhoePCEhPH5UR1R+fn5+fn5+fn5+fn5+fn5+fn5+fn5+fn5+ fn5+fn5+fn5+fn5+fn5+fn5+fn5+fn5+fv/EAaIAAAEFAQEBAQEBAAAAAAAAAAABAgMEBQYH CAkKCwEAAwEBAQEBAQEBAQAAAAAAAAECAwQFBgcICQoLEAACAQMDAgQDBQUEBAAAAX0BAgMA BBEFEiExQQYTUWEHInEUMoGRoQgjQrHBFVLR8CQzYnKCCQoWFxgZGiUmJygpKjQ1Njc4OTpD REVGR0hJSlNUVVZXWFlaY2RlZmdoaWpzdHV2d3h5eoOEhYaHiImKkpOUlZaXmJmaoqOkpaan qKmqsrO0tba3uLm6wsPExcbHyMnK0tPU1dbX2Nna4eLj5OXm5+jp6vHy8/T19vf4+foRAAIB AgQEAwQHBQQEAAECdwABAgMRBAUhMQYSQVEHYXETIjKBCBRCkaGxwQkjM1LwFWJy0QoWJDTh JfEXGBkaJicoKSo1Njc4OTpDREVGR0hJSlNUVVZXWFlaY2RlZmdoaWpzdHV2d3h5eoKDhIWG h4iJipKTlJWWl5iZmqKjpKWmp6ipqrKztLW2t7i5usLDxMXGx8jJytLT1NXW19jZ2uLj5OXm 5+jp6vLz9PX29/j5+v/AABEIABkA8AMBEQACEQEDEQH/2gAMAwEAAhEDEQA/AOzoAKACgAoA KACgCPz4hci33jzShfZ32g4z+Zp2drivrYkpDCgAoAj8+IXIt9480oX2d9oOM/madna4r62G 2tzDd26z2774nzhsEZwcd6JRcXZgnfVE1IYUAFABQAUAFABQAUAFABQAUAFABQAUAFABQAUA FABQBx8M91DoMWq/2pK80b7RC75Vhn7pHUnBzn0+ma7Gk58nKYJtR5rm5aTsNZ1YSykRRCIg M3yoNpJ+lYSXuRt5mifvMybWS7u7fRYvts8Zn88SOGJLAH3744B7VtJRi5O21iFd21JZLq60 yHWI47mWb7N5XltOd5BfrzUqKm4tre47uNy9ZQSWbsY9Se+ZrfesEkgJc9mU54U9Px6mok1L dWKSt1uVhbvP4qjkkknhc2qzNGsnCkMAU919fWqvalZdybXmQm8mXwOs7XLidjhXLncT5nY9 egP4VXKvbWtp/wAAV3yXNPVLiaOxvt5a0ijVfLuEw5bPXC9j26981lBJtdS5PRmdpU17Dqk8 JW6dTamWOK5mDMx3YXn+HPTH51pNRcU/PoTFtMkFu8/iqOSSSeFzarM0aycKQwBT3X19aV7U rLuFrzK1vdXNxp2kWrXjxfank8ybd852twAx9en5fQ04pSk7bCTbSVwuLq5t9O1e1S8eX7K8 flzbvnG5uQWHp0/P6AUU5RdtwbaTVy6Iriw1uwQ31xP9pEnmiRvlyFz8q/w81F1KD02Ks1Ja l+5/e6naW7f6sK8xHqylQM+3z5+oU9qwNCGzvLuSOxmuPJ23YACIpyp2Fs5J5+70xxnqcc9V SnBOcY393/O39fkSmxLV1CafdLEokvMeZycLmMudozxkgZ9e/NOad5wvpH/NLXvoCFs7y7kj sZrjydt2AAiKcqdhbOSefu9McZ6nHKqU4JzjG/u/52/r8gTYQXd2/wBhmdofJuz9wRkMgKMw +bdz0x0H4USpwXPFXvHz80trfqF2GhzNNp1sFAEUcCIc/eLbR27DHr1znpgkxUVGpK+7b/P+ vT12I7D0WaJ1sLOSNFt4E+aVC5YHIHQjH3f17VLcZL2k1u3tp28n3H5Igaa5t5NUuIvK8qGT zGVgSz4iQkDkbenXnr0450UYTVOL3enpq/v/AAFtcfdSEpqFz82+zz5YErqpxGH+ZQcHkn8K UFrCHSW+i7taaAy3LexQyGNknJHdLeRh+YGKxjSlJXVvvX+Y7lK/nVNRhIaQ7XjRlRpcZZgO Sp2DGQcHOc444ztSi3Tfz7dF56/dsJ7krQHTYZmtNzGecyyMyGTZu6kKuCRkAY989qlT9s0p 9FZdL282PYY8k019ZNbSRFzbyhnZDgYaPPy5znIxgkY/DBpKMYSUl1X5Pr+ttRdRh1KYnCuu 9NweNbaR92HZc7lztB2nsce9P2Eeu3ql0T2e9r+XyC5NHeXN5MBaGKOJreOYNKhZvm3cYBHp 68e+eIdOFNe/q7taeVvId7jbSfzL23mRdi3tr5zpnIDLtwfrh8E/7K+lY1Ick3HsNGnUAY+l 6DbWkNu9zDE93Dn51Jx1JB9zz1I/lW06rk3bYiMEty1caRYXV0Lme2V5Rjkk846ZHQ/jUKpK KsmNxTd2Ph020g+z+VDt+zbvK+Ynbu69+fxoc5O9+oKKRILS3WWeTygWuABLnkMAMDg8dKXM 7Jdh2RFZaXZae7PawCNmGCcknH405VJS3YlFLYdcafaXNzFcTQhpYSCj5IIwcjp159aSnJKy G4pu5WPh/Sizk2a5frhjxznjnj8Kv20+5PJHsX54IrmB4Z0DxuMMprNNp3RTV9CraaTY2Uiy W0HluM8h25zjIPPI4HBqpVJS0bEopbElxp9pc3MVxNCGlhIKPkgjByOnXn1pKckrIbim7jTp dk1gti0ANupyqEng5zwevc0/aS5ua+ouVWsA0uyWwaxWAC3Y5ZATyc55PXsKPaS5ua+ocqtY mktoZbiGd0zJDny2yeMjBqVJpNDt1I7qCVpYbi32GaLI2uSA6t1GcHHIU5x/DjuaFa+oyjY2 N5ZxQr9nhkeJAoZ7yQjOMZClSF79PXFdlWrTqN6tX/ur876kpNDo7KeOZJVsbbdGcx5vJCE4 IwoKYAweg46egqXVi005PX+6tfXXULEqw3aRwItlahbfHlj7U/y4Ur/c54JqXKm225PXfRev cepALC6S6hmjtLZfJJKqbpzjIIwuUwq4J4AHRfStPawcXFyevkv89X5vz7isyeGG7g2eVZWq 7IxGMXT/AHR0B+TnHv6n1NZylTle8nrrsv8AMeo2eC8ncO9pCrAY3R3siEj0O1Rnv19TTjOn FWUn/wCAp/mxajmhu3jnRrK1K3GfMH2p/m+UL/c44ApKVNNNSem2i9e49SK4sp7kuZrG2YOM Ov2yQK3GMkBME9OevA9BVQqxhblk9P7q/wAxWLXmaj/z62v/AIEt/wDEVly0f5n9y/zHqVbi zuLhy8lnCCSCdl9IgJHQkBRk8Dn2HpWsKkIKyk//AAFP82KxNOt/OgR7aEAHPyXsiH81QVEX Si7pv/wFP82PUSOG7iaNksrUGNWVT9qc8MQTn5OSSAcnmm5U5XTk9fJdPmGpDLYTSoytYwAN u3bL2Rd24kkHC8jJPB9TVxqxi7qT/wDAV0+YrFkC+EzTCztd7KFJ+0tyBkj+D3NZ/urcvM7e i/zHqFlaSRyrJKkcYiiEMMaOXCL3OSBnOFHtt68msqj5pN3vcaL1QAUAFABQAUAFABQAUAFA BQAUAFABQAUAFABQAUAFABQAUAFABQAUAFABQAUAFABQAUAFAH//2Q== --------------33C3D76EECD078A1146757D5-- --------------66F54578A3538B4FEBCF38F7-- iceyJul 24, 2001, 4:49pm
icey:) [View Quote] > Facter, "punctuation" is also correct. Look before you leap ;) > [View Quote] facter facter@awsupportJul 24, 2001, 6:42pm
[View Quote]
I know, he will never admit I won this one, but we all know anyways =)))
hehe F. > [View Quote] kahJul 24, 2001, 7:15pm
yeah, well next time just don't reply, cuzz then the argument goes on
forever... KAH DISCLAIMER: KAH is not trying to critize anyone, or anything in this post. [View Quote] sw comitJul 24, 2001, 8:06pm
Jeeze why is this topic suddenly getting so much attention? I been
complaining about Alphaworld's crappy OP for years now - you can only manipulate an object so much. And Nornny, I can think of tons of objects that AW needs and would fit in. Probably one of my biggest suggestions is a simple string object. There is no string, cable or wire. Closest thing is a pole or putting objects 99% underground. Don't see many strings that was as thick as my body, like a pole =P wingJul 24, 2001, 10:29pm
Eep, table abuse is the only way to get it to look right and be modular at the same time. At one point the layout for my website
featured 150 different table cells, almost every one of them containing a graphic (Was a BITCH for dialup, hence why I lost it) Sure, the tables can be a problem with Netscape since not all (any?) versions support invisible table borders, but it looks professional to 99% of the PC population (Mindless M$-tards) About modularity and why it's neccessary... Would you rather A) Edit ALL your pages for a link, particulrly if it's graphical and the site is graphics intensive or B) Delete the old link on the include and install the new one I wouldn't go throwing your website out as an example of a fine HTML, though it takes seconds to load on dialup, it simply DOESN'T sell (Which is not your goal by the way. The main purpose of my website is to sell my skills to an employer, the main purpose of Fac's site is to sell AW.) [View Quote] facterJul 25, 2001, 12:24am
> yeah, well next time just don't reply, cuzz then the argument goes on
> forever... But it was amusing - hay, I might be tech support and I might work here, but those who know me know my sense of humour is pretty bloody vast =) I'm allowed to let go and look at things on the lighter side sometimes, am I not? hahaha =) F. > KAH > > DISCLAIMER: KAH is not trying to critize anyone, or anything in this post. > [View Quote] facterJul 25, 2001, 12:25am
> I wouldn't go throwing your website out as an example of a fine HTML,
though it takes seconds to load on dialup, it simply DOESN'T > sell (Which is not your goal by the way. The main purpose of my website is to sell my skills to an employer, the main purpose of > Fac's site is to sell AW.) Bingo =) F. > [View Quote] john viperJul 25, 2001, 12:58am
I know this works on 4.0 and up:
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> ... </table> If you want good-looking borders (instead of those awful 3D things): <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td bgcolor="#000000"> <table cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1"> <tr> <td bgcolor="#FFFFFF">Ima Tablecell</td> </tr> </table? </td></tr></table> Makes a nice, one-pixel thick border around all the text, and works in at least NS4, IE4, and probably most other browsers. Only M$ product that I truly believe is actually worth using is IE simply because of what it allows you to be able to do, and you can do it much more easily. Plus, most of its features and how they are coded makes sense. Netscape really needs to catch up. NS6 came close, but again, no cigar... -John "wing" <bathgate at> wrote in news:3b5e12df at > Sure, the tables can be a > problem with Netscape since not all (any?) versions support invisible > table borders -- _____________________________________________ Jeff Tickle (John Viper, #296714) jviper at syntaxJul 25, 2001, 1:34am
goober kingJul 25, 2001, 1:50am
Don't make me have to smack both of you... IE is atrocious because it breeds poor web
design skills and has no concept of standards whatsoever, whereas Netscape actually *forces* you to think about what you're doing and to do it right the first time. Once they get all the minor bugs out of NS6, Netscape will proceed to flatten IEvil and web developers will scream bloody murder once IE6 comes out, I guarantee you that. [View Quote] -- Goober King And people wonder why most websites suck :P rar1 at eepJul 25, 2001, 2:40am
[View Quote]
> your hypocracy in dealing with such a thread. You claim you don't want
> personal insults and the like yet you've done it all throughout this thread. > Look into the mirror, sport. Have a nice day. Drive through... > > I dont see any personal insults ? If you have to ask you obviously have no usual. > What, calling your website bad is an insult? Saying you are making yourself > look like a fool is an insult? No, not insults, merely observations of > truth. > > If you cant handle what you dish out in a form a hundred times milder, then > dont post in here Eep, simple as that. Exactly. That's all my "insults" towards you and others are too, sport: the truth. However, the truth is relative, of course, so just because YOU may think something is the truth, I may not. In short, you're a hypocrite. > I said, you've amused me and everyone else today, thankyou =) <yawn> Keep laughin' at yourself... eepJul 25, 2001, 2:41am
eepJul 25, 2001, 2:43am
eepJul 25, 2001, 2:48am
[View Quote]
> Eep, table abuse is the only way to get it to look right and be modular at the same time. At one point the layout for my website
> featured 150 different table cells, almost every one of them containing a graphic (Was a BITCH for dialup, hence why I lost it) > Sure, the tables can be a problem with Netscape since not all (any?) versions support invisible table borders, but it looks > professional to 99% of the PC population (Mindless M$-tards) A page that abuses tables is one that takes forever to load in Netscape. I use Netscape so I can tell when a page abuses tables. <shrug> > About modularity and why it's neccessary... Would you rather A) Edit ALL your pages for a link, particulrly if it's graphical and > the site is graphics intensive or B) Delete the old link on the include and install the new one Uh, when did we start talking about modularity? I never mentioned anything against it. > I wouldn't go throwing your website out as an example of a fine HTML, though it takes seconds to load on dialup, it simply DOESN'T > sell (Which is not your goal by the way. The main purpose of my website is to sell my skills to an employer, the main purpose of > Fac's site is to sell AW.) Uh, my site "sells" just fine, thank you. My RW site averages ~20 hits/day (at least on the intro page anyway), which isn't bad for a fairly obscure 3D scripting language for a hole-in-the-wall program like AW... birdmikeJul 25, 2001, 3:05am
Constantly harassing Facter will only result in him getting sick of the
abuse and not reading the newsgroups. Then AWCI will have no one reading the newsgroups. Do you want that, to go completely ignored? At least with Facter reading the newsgroups we have someone to talk with Rick and JP about what we say. Remember, Facter isn't the one you should be mad at, it's Rick and JP. Lay off Facter. [View Quote] eepJul 25, 2001, 5:59am
Hardly, sport; people go there to learn about RWX.
Learn how to quote only what you're replying to, newbie. [View Quote] > 20 hits? yeah they go there and laugh then leave > [View Quote] eepJul 25, 2001, 5:59am
You obviously failed to read what I wrote more carefully. I suggest you do so before replying again.
[View Quote] > Constantly harassing Facter will only result in him getting sick of the > abuse and not reading the newsgroups. Then AWCI will have no one reading > the newsgroups. Do you want that, to go completely ignored? At least with > Facter reading the newsgroups we have someone to talk with Rick and JP about > what we say. Remember, Facter isn't the one you should be mad at, it's Rick > and JP. > > Lay off Facter. > [View Quote] the derekJul 25, 2001, 6:30am
<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
<html> as amusing as this is, i really cant belive you, of all people are arguing with eep. face it its hopeless with him [View Quote] the derekJul 25, 2001, 6:35am
<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
<html> eep... youre just being a bonehead here... since when do people ONLY do what they are SUPPOSED to do? im not SUPPOSED to write here and neither are you, yet we both do... [View Quote] john viperJul 25, 2001, 8:27am
I must admit that IE is a bit TOO lenient sometimes, but most of the time,
it really does make life easier... (of course, it doesn't make a difference since we have to develop to the lowest common denominator anyways.) I haven't had a chance to see IE6, although I hear it is absolutely atrocious. The deal is that if Netscape can get their act together and make a product better than IE, I will use it. Right now, this is not the case. -John "goober king" <rar1 at> wrote in news:3B5E418B.D6C6CE7F at > Don't make me have to smack both of you... IE is atrocious because it > breeds poor web design skills and has no concept of standards > whatsoever, whereas Netscape actually *forces* you to think about what > you're doing and to do it right the first time. Once they get all the > minor bugs out of NS6, Netscape will proceed to flatten IEvil and web > developers will scream bloody murder once IE6 comes out, I guarantee > you that. <snip> -- _____________________________________________ Jeff Tickle (John Viper, #296714) jviper at kahJul 25, 2001, 10:48am
OMG! he's been infected with MSebola!!!!!!!! Netscape is like... uh... a
billion times better than IE? KAH [View Quote] kahJul 25, 2001, 10:50am
yes, 20 hits wouldn't surprise me at all, those pages are VERY popular...
and VERY usefull... KAH iceyJul 25, 2001, 1:18pm
icey [View Quote] [View Quote] > Uh huh...<pats your wittle head>...keep tryin', Factypoo. > [View Quote] |