Pornographic Material In Active Worlds (email #3) (Community)

Pornographic Material In Active Worlds (email #3) // Community

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Jun 6, 2001, 8:38am
No, but 3 emails and constant notification of the newsgroup on how you seem
to be failing at it is...

Look, I enjoy passion as much as the next guy, but we KNOW you have a
passion, and we've tried to help you. We heard you. We can't do anything
else but to filter or flame you at this point, because you're trying to make
this into a community thing. The only thing I see out of this is our 12 year
old newsgroup readers going into AW and deliberately look for porn, now that
they know it's "somewhere". Unintentional consequences, you gotta watch out
for those. :)


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Jun 6, 2001, 8:39am
[View Quote] Oh god... then get the hell up your ass and WORK ON IT. Get off your soapbox about these issues and find a cure for cancer. There
is a distributed computing project known as Genome at Home that is assisting in finding possible genetic cures for any ailment they
can. It's the same as that stupid SETI at Home project, but there is no GUI (It's a DOS console box) and it's much more likely that you
will find the immunity to cancer with your computer's spare CPU cycles than ET. Have a GOOD cause, one that has a chance.

I don't have a link on me right now, I gotta get goin cuz I'm already late.

However, removing porn is something we can do.
> Let's ALL work together on this instead of trying to shoot the peron who is
> trying to help remove it.
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Jun 6, 2001, 8:40am
Noticing a trend? Chuck, jfk and marcus seem to be friends. Blech.
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m a r c u s

Jun 6, 2001, 9:46am
You fail to miss the point. If all Active Worlds did after the first email
was say "Thank you, we got your email", I wouldn't have posted here or have
to send it more than once in email.

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m a r c u s

Jun 6, 2001, 9:49am
yea, heaven forbid we make friends at this joint. It might be contagious,
and before you know it, people will actually like Active Worlds.

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m a r c u s

Jun 6, 2001, 9:49am
Oh, and I forgot to add "Oh the horror, the horror!!!"

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facter facter@awsupport

Jun 6, 2001, 11:43am
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Must I repeat myself so many times?

We never received anything from you Marcus until the emails that I received
yesterday. And yes, I did get something from you yesterday, and it was
forwarded to the appropriate places, I even went there and looked myself, I
saw no need to reply as I had *already* replied to you a hundred times here
in the newsgroup and given you the lay of the land on the matter.

But let me tell you right now - I went to that spot yesterday, and there is
no pornographic material in sight anywhere, nor do I have any proof that
there was pornographic material there, all I see are two cages with blank
picture objects. There is nothing there now, and I have no idea what was
there so I cannot make a decision, so there is no proof to delete the
citizens objects in the first place nor take action against that citizen.

Maybe if you had of emailed abuse or support earlier, or contacted the GET
team, we would of had proof of what you said and could take action, but you
did not, so I regret to inform you that we will not be deleting a citizens
property if we cant see anything wrong with it at the time of notification,
it is unfair and unjust to do so without proof in front of us of what you


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facter facter@awsupport

Jun 6, 2001, 11:51am
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Did the ISP email you telling you that they had removed it?

If not, did you consider that they did not have it removed, and that the
user themselves removed it ?

Just interested.


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m a r c u s

Jun 6, 2001, 12:07pm
"Must I repeat myself so many times?"

This is your first response to my efforts to remove porn from Active Worlds
since you told me how Active Worlds handles issues like this. Please don't
make it sound like you did more than you really did.

"We never received anything from you Marcus until...yesterday. And yes, I
did get something from you yesterday, and it was forwarded to the
appropriate places...I
saw no need to reply as I had *already* replied to you a hundred times here
in the newsgroup and given you the lay of the land on the matter."

Thank you, you did post here telling me how to deal with matters, and those
emails were in direct response to those directions. I was waiting for your
response which you have finally done now. Thanks again.

"I went to that spot yesterday, and there is no pornographic material in
sight anywhere"

Think it's because you are a little bit late? Active Worlds made this fucked
up system so people either wait or they are forced to remove the porn other
ways, so you can't see it now cause I took action which Active Worlds did

"all I see are two cages with blank picture objects"

Use some common sense here, when you see picture objects in cages it sort
yells out BDSM!!!, and seeing that you note there is "static" it's because
the pictures are no longer there. Why do you think they are no longer
there? CAUSE THEY WERE REMOVED!!!! Why were they removed? Probably because
they went against reasonable terms of service. Doesn't take much to figure
that one out. You have no reasonable doubt here except claiming
incompetence if you wish.

"There is nothing there now, and I have no idea what was there so I cannot
make a decision, so there is no proof to delete the citizens objects in the
first place nor take action against that citizen."

What you should do, ::cough:: ::cough::, is take that information I provided
in the email, then monitor builds by the same individual. Since they
probably paid with credit card, Active Worlds will have that information som
ewhere. Together you and the rest of Active Worlds company can make sure
this person doesn't do it again through tracking builds that connect with
that credit card since perhaps they might make a new citizen account later
on with the same credit card.

"Maybe if you had of emailed abuse or support earlier, or contacted the GET
team, we would of had proof of what you said and could take action, but you
did not, so I regret to inform you that we will not be deleting a citizens
property if we cant see anything wrong with it at the time of notification,
it is unfair and unjust to do so without proof in front of us of what you

I emailed Active Worlds, I told Peacekeepers, Gatekeepers, Teachers, filled
in forms, and eventually went outside of Active World's system to get the
job done of removing the porn Active Worlds should have done when reports
were initially given to the contacts I just listed. If you choose to not
recognize that, then it again presents your incompetence to act when users
like myself report matters that Active Worlds should have dealt with.


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m a r c u s

Jun 6, 2001, 12:09pm
LOL, yea, they love the new look. It's the static motif LOL

You crack me up with your incompetence

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chucks party

Jun 6, 2001, 12:36pm
lmao! This friendship thing might be contagious, sombody, please, help me!

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chucks party

Jun 6, 2001, 12:42pm
Marcus I think she knows that, she was refering to the messenger, not the
message, lol

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chucks party

Jun 6, 2001, 12:46pm
LOL, well I can think of a few people here that have 1 or 2 of those
attributes but I avoid people like that in AW at all costs, LOL Actually I
am here now too, I've blocked all their nasty butts, LOL

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Jun 6, 2001, 1:27pm
Look.... If i was some 10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17, yr old kid looking for
SMUT... I certainly would NOT go looking for it in AW.
It's too hard to find in here. Yes there are a few places you can
find SMUT... But my interpretation of SMUT is nude sexually pleasing
PICTURES of ladies or men... And AW or for that matter ANY OF THE

I would use mommy's or daddy's newsgroups server provider ad do a serch
for MALE NUDES or FEMALE NUDES and see what pops up.
and look for alt.binaries.pictires.erotica.[i would go for the males &
someone else the ladies after this part] and download all the SMUT
i ever want. Well.... To my way of thinking... It's NOT SMUT unless it
is about nude women... THEN IT IS THE WORST SMUT ON THIS WORLD
but anything about NUDE GUYS... Ahhhhh... Such wonderful works of
grand mastered art it is.

nornny <Nornny1 at> wrote in <3b1e0820$1 at>:

>No, but 3 emails and constant notification of the newsgroup on how you
>seem to be failing at it is...
>Look, I enjoy passion as much as the next guy, but we KNOW you have a
>passion, and we've tried to help you. We heard you. We can't do anything
>else but to filter or flame you at this point, because you're trying to
>make this into a community thing. The only thing I see out of this is
>our 12 year old newsgroup readers going into AW and deliberately look
>for porn, now that they know it's "somewhere". Unintentional
>consequences, you gotta watch out for those. :)
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Jun 6, 2001, 1:59pm
[View Quote] > "all I see are two cages with blank picture objects"
> Use some common sense here, when you see picture objects in cages it sort
> yells out BDSM!!!,

It does?

I think your warped and never been to a zoo.

You got a cage fetish or something???


goober king

Jun 6, 2001, 2:05pm
If it wasn't official before, it is now: Marcus must be on crack.

Facter has mentioned numerous times that he never got anything from you and that, if
he had, he would have made sure that your message got into the hands of the proper
authorities. *That* is what he has been repeating over and over. It wasn't until now
that he finally heard from you, but since it was after the fact, there was nothing he
could do.

You say "I emailed Activeworlds, I told Peacekeepers, Gatekeepers, Teachers, filled
in forms..." Which email address did you mail to? Which Peacekeepers did you talk to?
Which Gatekeepers did you talk to? Which Teachers did you talk to? Which forms did
you fill out? THIS is the information I've been hounding you for, yet you refuse to
want to share. If we had this information, perhaps we all wouldn't be so harsh,
because then we could tell if, in fact, you *were* "screwed by the system" or you
just simply didn't go to the right place.

[View Quote] --
Goober King
Information is a valuable thing, especially for those who know how to use it...
rar1 at

run facter run

Jun 6, 2001, 4:29pm
[View Quote] Marcus,

Until you have proof of my "incompetance" I will kindly ask you to not again
refer to my person in that way again, as I consider it slanderous, and libel
against my character. You have no proof as to the fact that I have in any
way, shape or form conducted myself in any other manner other than that
which my job description, and personal morals define as proper conduct in
regards to my support of users in the Activeworlds software.

Further slanderous and libelous remarks of a personal nature against myself
or any other user will result in the removal of such posts from this

Fletcher Anderson
AW Support.

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m a r c u s

Jun 6, 2001, 7:38pm
ROFL, I love it when people talk out of their ass

The porn was remvoed and still you persist to believe every way possible
that it could not be.

It could not be porn in them darn hills. Well hate to tell Betty Lou, it
was porn, and it was removed. If it were pictures of apes in a cage, I am
sure you would have been the first asked to go inside it instead.

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m a r c u s

Jun 6, 2001, 7:40pm
BLAH BLAH BLA'dy fucking blah, do you ever read my text?

The porn was removed!!! Your "facter"/"fletch" did nothing to help in the
matter. Get over it. Find someone that can.

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m a r c u s

Jun 6, 2001, 7:47pm
I can claim being a witness. What can you do? Claim you sat on your duff?
I email using an AOL account and all they have to do is go back in their
records to substantiate this.

I wouldn't try it if I were you, wouldn't like the result of it. I am
saying this because I want you to step up to the plate next time and remove
the porn the right way. Take measures to make sure it happens, and I will
be more than happy to help you in the process.

It is incompetence, and it is not right to let pornography sit if you are
the responsible party who is supposed to remove that porn.

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m a r c u s

Jun 6, 2001, 7:48pm
Well, I am not taking my clothes off for her, LOL

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chucks party

Jun 6, 2001, 8:14pm
And you notice no one but SW Chris replied to my post about AWCI being
responsible for removing porn, they can try and shuffle it off onto someone
else but anyone with half a brain can read their very own rules and see they
are responsible for investigating it and removing it, not GET or the PKs,
it's AWCI's responsibility. And I will post it again....
We reserve the right to suspend or remove any world, objects or properties
from the Active Worlds universe which is brought to our attention and which
we find, in our sole discretion, violates any of these content guidelines or
otherwise is in violation of the law.

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goober king

Jun 6, 2001, 8:27pm
And do you read mine? Do you read Facter's? Do you read anyone else but Chuck's?
Obviously not. The reason Facter "did nothing" was because he had never even *heard*
of this whole situation until you started raising a rucus here in this NG. And the
only reason he didn't here from you was because he didn't get *any* emails from you!
Perhaps *you* are the one who needs to start reading posts better.

And it's obvious you don't read because you *still* haven't told us *exactly* who it
was you contacted. Why is this such hard information to reveal? As I said before, we
would all be able to make a better judgment of this situation if we knew this
information. Maybe then you wouldn't get such grief.

[View Quote] --
Goober King
Now where did I leave that fly joke...
rar1 at


Jun 6, 2001, 8:27pm
Hi Everyone,

Thank you for taking the time to read this post.

I just wanted to take a moment to clear up some of the confusion regarding
this current topic.

Activeworlds takes all reports of content violations seriously. We
investigate every single one and take action when necessary.

We received two complaints regarding two cartoon pictures of adult woman in
WildAW. One of the complaints was from a citizen who had found the pictures
in WildAW and one was from somebody who had heard about them in the
newsgroups. I do believe these are the images that "m a r c u s" continues
to refer too.

According to our content guidelines (which I will not post entirely as I
know everyone has already read them) "We reserve the right to suspend or
remove any world, objects or properties from the Active Worlds universe
which is brought to our attention and which we find, in our sole discretion,
violates any of these content guidelines or otherwise is in violation of the

I personally went to the location and viewed the reported pictures and after
looking at them I also checked with some other members of the staff for
there opinions. Using our "sole discretion" it was determined that the
pictures in question did not violate our content guidelines and hence no
action was taken against the property or persons who built the property.

Please understand that we value all of our users and there opinions, however
occasionally it is necessary for us to make decisions that may inevitably
upset a portion of our users. In fact it is impossible not to when you
consider the varying opinions in our diverse Activeworlds community.

I hope I have been able to resolve some of your questions and please feel
free to e-mail me directly if you would like more information.


Tom Fournier
Tom at
Customer Service / Sales Manager Inc.
95 Parker St.
Newburyport, MA 01950

m a r c u s

Jun 6, 2001, 8:58pm
Would you have printed and given those pictures for your children or
neighbor's child so they can show their friends in school?

To decide to keep it there was a ludicrous decision and as a result measures
had to be taken so that the filth you allowed wasn't possibly seen to

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moff piett

Jun 6, 2001, 9:27pm
One person's filth is another's art. If you don't like it, don't look at
it. If you don't want your kids looking at it, don't let them use aw.

What makes your opinions any more valid than others marcus? Everyone has
the right to believe in what they believe in. awcom isn't forcing children
to see porn (and I personaly don't believe that a naked drawing of a woman
is going to destroy a child), its set very clear rules, very clear
warnings. You want awcom to follow YOUR morals and handle it the way YOU
want to. You must have led a very sheltered life marcus, to be making such
a fuss about some soft core "porn" and expecting everything to be so clean a
tidy. This is not how the world works, and is definatly not how AW works.
Actualy, AW has many more rules and is much "cleaner" than real life. If
you read the disclaimer when you downloaded this product, it pretty much
voided you're right to bitch about this topic. In fact, you're lucky awcom
cares as much about this silly prudish issue as they do. Be happy they
actualy do clean up your evil porn, and let this issue rest.

If you don't like awcom, don't give them business. Please, please marcus,
we've heard enough. All you've done these past few days it get the majority
of the readers of this NG to think you're a clueless prude with nothing
better to do than rant and rave on your soap box.

Your point is understood. Leave it, it's over. please, I'm begging you.
Please, let us have our peace.....


Jun 6, 2001, 9:34pm
Marcus will ya let go already? you've proven yourself totally unwilling to
name the ppl that allegedly steered you wrong when they gave you erroneous
information concerning garbage removal, and so thereby casting doubt that
you *did* contact the many ppl you claimed and that could be expected to
know and not just some other newbie.

You have also been proven to be "mistaken" when you claimed to have reported
your complaints to the proper place eventually.

You have been informed by the person/s in charge of garbage removal in AW
that regardless of your overzealous interpretation of porn and its need for
removal, that it wasnt considered porn.
These ppl remove porn because if they didnt it would reflect badly on
them..... they also dont remove it if its just something that you see on the
Batman and Robin cartoon show!

You are demonstrating your need to "win" whereas a graceful " thank you for
the information about the GET, i should have thought to post a message in
this NG asking for help sooner" would suffice.

After all that IS what this newsgroup is MEANT to be for.

ohhh and on that Topic...... Thanks, Goober, for one of the few
INFORMATIVE posts of the week ! lol

m a r c u s

Jun 6, 2001, 9:46pm
My comments on this issue are no longer going to continue here after this
post in this thread. I already stated my position and it presents equality
where those that want pornographic matter in Active Worlds have it in an
adult area of the program, while keeping areas children can access free from
that material. If you want to continue this, I ask that you talk with
Tom at and see if we can have a meeting where I can better
present in a real-time conversation my position.

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goober king

Jun 6, 2001, 10:22pm
Very good, Chuck. You can quote the Content Guidelines, now let's apply it to this
situation, shall we?

"We reserve the right to suspend or remove..." This means that, by agreeing to these
guidelines you are allowing them to remove the offending material. This does NOT mean
that it is their JOB to remove the material. It simply means that they possess the
ability to remove it, not necessarily the obligation to do so.

"...which is brought to our attention..." As Facter has said, he was never notified
of the offending material until *after* it was removed. It's rather hard to remove
something that you've never been told about...

"...and which we find, in our sole discretion, violates any of these content
guildelines..." This means that AWCom decides what does and does not get removed, not
you, not Marcus, and not anyone else. It is ONLY up to AWCom what they think should
be removed. If they review your case and choose not to do anything about it, well
then, tough noogies. They didn't feel it was an issue worthy of further
investigation, end of story. Any amount of complaining about it will only get you
flamed, since you supposedly agreed to all these terms when you became a cit.

Note: That last part is not directly referencing the porn incident, it merely speaks
about bringing up complaints with AWCom in general.

[View Quote] --
Goober King
As a certain newsgroup traveler once put it, "THINK!"
rar1 at

goober king

Jun 6, 2001, 10:26pm
hehe... felt that this place needed a change of pace every now and then. Y'know, to
keep things *interesting*... ;)

[View Quote] --
Goober King
Even my threshold for stupidity has it's limits...
rar1 at

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