Interested in Cyberculture? (Community)

Interested in Cyberculture? // Community

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wizard myrddin

Jun 5, 2001, 10:41am
Please excuse this cross posting.

I have recieved a URL that might be of interest to some members whose
interests lay with Cyberculture. This url deals with the following:

There is collection of links which are relevant to the following topics
related to Cyberculture:

* Crime and Espionage

* E-Commerce

* Hacking and Cracking

* InfoSec

* Information Operations

* Infrastructure Protection

* Intelligence

* Military Affairs

* Online Legal Issues

* Psychological Operations

* RMA and C4I

* Terrorism

The URL is located at,

wizard myrddin

Jun 5, 2001, 7:16pm
see your harrasment of me is still going on.

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s p a r k

Jun 5, 2001, 7:52pm
Oh no! The idiotness is spreading! ::runs for cover::
hide Eep! It will chrush you!!!!!!!!!!!!11
::evil grin::
No, I'm NOT making fun of you.
~S p a r K

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Jun 5, 2001, 8:50pm
Apart from his coarse language, his post is pretty much valid... he's not harrassing you.


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Jun 5, 2001, 11:55pm
I didn't post the below... BUT for me to reply properly... I have to...
WELL... Make it look like i'm the poster so it all comes out nice the way
it should... SO all of you look down there and you will see MY ADDED

wizard myrddin <avrquest at> wrote in
><3b1cd36e at>:
Please excuse this cross posting.

I have recieved a URL that might be of interest to some members whose
interests lay with Cyberculture. This url deals with the following:

There is collection of links which are relevant to the following topics
related to Cyberculture:
* Crime and Espionage
* E-Commerce
* Hacking and Cracking HACKING = NOPE... Cracking is more my stuff...
And maybe i can send some info to Terry Blount of Crack Talk On-Line
ezine I subscribe to.
* InfoSec
* Information Operations
* Infrastructure Protection
* Intelligence = I have to study this one... Why Some People In A NGS Act
Really Dumb... [Well that leaves me[JFK2] & Chucks Party out]
* Military Affairs
* Online Legal Issues
* Psychological Operations
* RMA and C4I
* Terrorism = Ohhhh.... This is Just In's favorite... He TERRORIZES me
everytime he sends a PK over to say "Hi :))) Lets Have A Little Chat"
>The URL is located at,

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