Cy Nominees Page Updated and Final:) (Community)

Cy Nominees Page Updated and Final:) // Community

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alphabit phalpha

Jun 1, 2001, 9:37pm

All revisions have been made and can now be viewed at .
Thank you everyone for your corrections!:)
Voting will commence next weekend. Please see the schedule for more
information at the above url also:)
Please hit the home page first as I am collecting information as to times
that most people are on and which browser etc for future rounds. And no...I
don't get ANY personal info from this service:)

Thank you and good luck to all!:)


AlphaBit Phalpha and The Cy Committee:)


Jun 2, 2001, 5:37pm
I'm really happy with Chucks Party getting nominated for so many things
He deserves the recognition there. AND PeteHetherington deserves some
credit there as well. It was Pete's World LOGO design [Elysium] that
gave everyone there a good sense of a fine community being born on that
I'm also happy that they took ME off the write in parts. I don't
need an award... Just doing my RADIO shows when i can is plenty of rewards
alone. To see people with a smile is far more rewarding than all the CY's
in every world or UNIVERSE could ever bring. Even seeing people with
smiles last night on Dreamland Park Universe impromptu party & me
playing the midi's is plenty of an award. Those are my awards. And mean
far better than having my name on anything else.

alphabit phalpha <alphabit2 at> wrote in
<3b182751 at>:

>All revisions have been made and can now be viewed at
> .
>Thank you everyone for your corrections!:)
>Voting will commence next weekend. Please see the schedule for more
>information at the above url also:)
>Please hit the home page first as I am collecting information as to times
>that most people are on and which browser etc for future rounds. And no...I
>don't get ANY personal info from this service:)
>Thank you and good luck to all!:)
>AlphaBit Phalpha and The Cy Committee:)

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