No tourist allowed? (Community)

No tourist allowed? // Community

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goober king

May 31, 2001, 1:54am
Umm, you'll notice I was not replying to your post, I was replying to
marcus. Please note the trail of the thread.

Still, since you seem to insist on my answering your original query,
here's my answer:

As others have responded, these newsgroups are just another perk of
being a citizen. Everyone, including tourists, can read what goes in the
NGs, but only citizens can actually post messages. This specific
newsgroup (community) is not meant for tech support or things of that
nature. It is merely a forum for members of the AW community to share
information between themselves, discussing events and exchanging ideas.
If a tourist wishes to contribute, he/she'll either have to pay the $20
or have a citizen friend post for them.

Now, don't get me wrong. I think the whole citizen/tourist distinction
is idiotic. Since it's obvious our $20 don't actually give us any say in
much of anything, you might as well go back to making citizenships free
and everyone would live happily ever after. Unfortunately, that's not
the way things are. The way things are is that citizens get more perks,
(these NGs being one of them) and if you want access to these perks, you
gotta pay up. Asking "why?!" isn't going to change anything because many
before you have asked the same question, but to no avail.

And I believe you're mistaken about my "town connections" being involved
with AW. The only truly AWLD project (that's actually run by AWLD staff)
that UTN is associated with is the AW Newsletter. All other
organizations are run by citizens. (Info Squares by Bille, ComReg by
various citizens, AWEC by Coryashire, etc) None of them are on AWLD's
payroll, therefore they are not AWLD orgs. The only thing AWLD did for
them was supply them with a world and webspace. They do not actually
*run* the orgs. Sorry if I wasn't clear on that point.

[View Quote] --
Goober King
Wasn't thinking the last time... forgot to quote! :P
rar1 at


May 31, 2001, 2:08am
hmm i am taking note ,i didn't see a trail of the thread and still don't not that
it matters to me !!

"This specific
newsgroup (community) is not meant for tech support or things of that
then why at the end of your thread did you request thoughts from Factor? isn't he
tech support? oh maybe i am wrong again :)
*shrugs* (btw i was not mistaken in your connections with AWLD. The newsletter
being one as you say is surely AWLD . but I am too tired to arugue the point LOL
so i will say goodnight and rest well knowing how much you citizens here are so
strongly against a tourist posting here :)
Too bad many tourist now were the ones who made your objects and many programs you
use daily here and made many things possible for aw to even exsist *shrugs* damn,
maybe i need to reread the AW history again while you guys prove that statement
wrong too LOLOL ciao
(sure am glad I know these urls

[View Quote] > Umm, you'll notice I was not replying to your post, I was replying to
> marcus. Please note the trail of the thread.
> Still, since you seem to insist on my answering your original query,
> here's my answer:
> As others have responded, these newsgroups are just another perk of
> being a citizen. Everyone, including tourists, can read what goes in the
> NGs, but only citizens can actually post messages. This specific
> newsgroup (community) is not meant for tech support or things of that
> nature. It is merely a forum for members of the AW community to share
> information between themselves, discussing events and exchanging ideas.
> If a tourist wishes to contribute, he/she'll either have to pay the $20
> or have a citizen friend post for them.
> Now, don't get me wrong. I think the whole citizen/tourist distinction
> is idiotic. Since it's obvious our $20 don't actually give us any say in
> much of anything, you might as well go back to making citizenships free
> and everyone would live happily ever after. Unfortunately, that's not
> the way things are. The way things are is that citizens get more perks,
> (these NGs being one of them) and if you want access to these perks, you
> gotta pay up. Asking "why?!" isn't going to change anything because many
> before you have asked the same question, but to no avail.
> And I believe you're mistaken about my "town connections" being involved
> with AW. The only truly AWLD project (that's actually run by AWLD staff)
> that UTN is associated with is the AW Newsletter. All other
> organizations are run by citizens. (Info Squares by Bille, ComReg by
> various citizens, AWEC by Coryashire, etc) None of them are on AWLD's
> payroll, therefore they are not AWLD orgs. The only thing AWLD did for
> them was supply them with a world and webspace. They do not actually
> *run* the orgs. Sorry if I wasn't clear on that point.
[View Quote]


May 31, 2001, 4:07am
[View Quote] > (sure am glad I know these urls
> :)

Which being from a specific standpoint actually forgetto mention WHY you
have to be a cit to post here because that wouldn't look good in the



May 31, 2001, 5:34am
WELL.... You can not be refering to me as a NO-GOODER
I'm one of the BEST GOODER in here...

But if you ask a certain person in here....
Just don't believe what they say about me as their comments could be
a little clouded by recent events that are happening & will happen
again as soon as the PK's get another update from me & proof that someone
should have their account deleted as well...


sw comit <swcomit at> wrote in
<3b1577f8 at>:

>It's a price to pay to keep spammers, commercial advertisements, or
>"no-gooders" out of here I guess, at least some of it.
>SW Comit
> swcomit at
>Mayor of SW City
>President of Community Linkage Commission


May 31, 2001, 5:47am
Maybe... Sometimes that is when you follow Chucks Party lead and do a web
regarding that person & world for ALL of aw & the world to see & read...
And when they are confronted witth that... They do what someone else did
and vanish for a little while. MAYBE forever if you get lucky.
But that can be somewhat a relief for even a brief moment... AT least some
one is reading and is helping to cope with it & push that certain person
& or world off the the server.
But the only way for AW to listen... Is to make it so they will be affected
in their wallet with less $$$ and i know withoubt any doubt...
AW will listen & listen real good.

m a r c u s <justdontemail at> wrote in
<3b15916c$1 at>:

>There is no point in this, I tried to talk to Activeworlds about the
>very same thing and they are too stuck up the ass to do anything for the
>citizens. When someone degrades you and you complain to them, they do
>nothing. When you see porn in Active Worlds areas where kids can go,
>they do nothing (and AW don't respond with "did you ask a peace keeper"
>because I did a lot of times giving them coordinates and world name).
>When you even try to submit a group event, organization, cause, whatever
>to them they don't respond. This is basically useless, and when they
>treat me as much as I have seen after just 4 months of using their
>services, I suggest you relieve your worries and find another program
>which will care about you and your concerns.
>After all, it doesn't take a genius to come up with the idea to put a
>tourist newsgroup up and limit the rest to citizens. If people don't
>want to read the posts, then they just don't click on them, that simple.
[View Quote]


May 31, 2001, 7:47am
Unfortunately Chris, we've got moron citizens showing up now that this Juno crap has gone down. a/s/l never was a popular phrase in
AW, now I can hardly frickin build 30504 coords north of AWGZ without some lamer running up to me, asking me a/s/l and calling me
gay when I say "Go the hell away"
[View Quote]

chucks party

May 31, 2001, 9:51am
Sheesh LadyBummy you asked a question and it was answered all the way down
the thread and you still come back saying, I just want someone to answer my
question, LOL It's been answered, accept it and get over it, LOL BTW Elysium
is your Tourist FREE spot in the universe, my bot indiscriminately ejects
all tourists 24/7 LOL I don't call it Elysium for nothing!

[View Quote]

goober king

May 31, 2001, 10:21am
>_< Ugh, did you miss that whole paragraph where I said "Now, don't get me wrong. I think the whole citizen/tourist distinction is idiotic."? We, as a community, *aren't* against well-meaning tourists posting in here! *We* didn't set up these newsgroups, AWCom did. If you want to find out why *they* did it that way, ask *them*, not us! And let's not be putting words in other people's mounths, k?

And I was calling on Facter because he is the moderator of this
newsgroup, not because he's tech support.

[View Quote] --
Goober King
Proof that you shouldn't post when you're half asleep :P
rar1 at


May 31, 2001, 1:41pm
correction: those Juno ppl seem to be cits before they log on for the first

and it's not free to keep this a bit organized and to give you more for the


[View Quote]


May 31, 2001, 6:57pm
Look, let's put it this way:

With tourists being able to post here, we would statistically grow in huge
proportions. It's bad enough there's barely enough experienced posters to
help out newbies, it takes TIME for newbies to get acquanted with how this
place works.

The newsgroup will look very unclean and unorganized. Considering all
newsgroup, we are extraordinarily tight and responsive. We just wouldn't be
able to help out others in a clean manner with an influx of new tourists.
You would get tourists asking and posting the same thing OVER and OVER
again. most likey headers (through research and experience of other
gaming/chat/ and similar newsgroup that i've been involved in)


2) HELP MEEE!!!! (repeated 10 times over)



5) YOU ARE ALL *** ***** ****, **** OFF

6) STOP YELLLING!!! (in an attempt of a newbie trying to prove he is
supeiror to the other newbies)

Look, I know morally, we're going to hell in a handbasket by not accpeting
tourists, and we're closing our gene pool just a little by doing so too. But
we all take posting in the newsgroup as a priveledge. We pay 20$ to get our
voices heard, and although it doesn't seem like it at times, they do get
heard. By AWCOM, by other members of the community, and everyone else.
Tourists who "refuse" or "aren't ready" to pay 20$ don't neccessarily
deserve it in most cases. They're not "morons" per say, just experienced
users in training. Gotta look at the glass as half full, folks. ;)

If you want to fight for equality for all users in AW in this newsgroup, get
us non-moderated ALL the time. We are now, and look at the flame wars
around. Tourists are not our equal, for the sole reason that they don't pay,
due to various reasons. I think if citizens felt this was unfair, AWCOM
would open it up (they like torturing us like that), but we kinda like our
nice inner society. We LIKE getting new and challenging questions, not the
same ol newbie FAQ questions (such as this one). Plus, there are also
technical and other various reasons why we don't allow tourists. Tourists
are given limited rights to get a "feel" of AW. If you can't fork it, don't
even live your life as a tourist, it would be degrading. Letting tourists
here would just throw away the excitement and neatness of a cit even more.

Don't like the reasons? Do something. ;) But hey, you're asking as if we CAN
just change the rules, when you know we can't.


[View Quote]


May 31, 2001, 8:30pm
When any people start that stuff with me... Rather than clam up or answer
in a way they expect me to... I usualy have fun here.
Sure I;m GAY... Then when they ask for me to scram... I ask why
WE DON"T LIKE GAYS... Ohhh.... You don't like people that are happy.
And since you will be HAPPY [GAY] after i leave then you must leave with me.
My place or yours... And usualy they will become a little to
flustered and drop the whole crap and go bye bye & you stay there to do
what you darn well please.

wing <bathgate at> wrote in <3b161315 at>:

>Unfortunately Chris, we've got moron citizens showing up now that this Juno
crap has gone down. a/s/l never was a popular phrase in
>AW, now I can hardly frickin build 30504 coords north of AWGZ without some
lamer running up to me, asking me a/s/l and calling me
>gay when I say "Go the hell away"
[View Quote]


Jun 1, 2001, 12:25am
And on a few occasions... I have had to contend with Chucks TOURUST TRAP BOT...
If anything can make a WORLD PARTNERED OWNER a little bent... It's popping
into that world as a TOURIST and having the BOT BOOT YOU.
And that gets me more TEED than ALL the Just In's & OneSummer's
bouncing my poor butt from all the Broadway Worlds... when you need
to contact him because you have no GRAMS & JOINS... and have to find some
friend who might be on-line to GRAM Chuck to open the front gate to TOURISTS...

My friend Eric that lives down the hall from me in the apartment building
where i live wanted me to add this comment...

chucks party <Chucks_Party at> wrote in
<3b163035 at>:

>Sheesh LadyBummy you asked a question and it was answered all the way
>down the thread and you still come back saying, I just want someone to
>answer my question, LOL It's been answered, accept it and get over it,
>LOL BTW Elysium is your Tourist FREE spot in the universe, my bot
>indiscriminately ejects all tourists 24/7 LOL I don't call it Elysium
>for nothing!


Jun 1, 2001, 8:42am
Well, in the corporate world, the big heads always have a trial to have
users say "WOW, this is cool!", only to be stepped on like tiny shrimps by
regular users (ie cits). It's just the way of life. It even promotes
tourists to become citizens and gain the superiority complex many have

As a tourist, they try to make it seem you can "do whatever you want" as a
cit, and the newsgroup is just another ploy. After a fairly small payment of
$20 a year (considering the magnitude of the program), they see it's not all
THAT great, but still worth using.

Anyways, I say we try to get those cits who have been hiding here for years
and never care to contribute because of all the stupidity in here first
before we add any "more" posters.


[View Quote]


Jun 1, 2001, 8:50am
[View Quote] Then DO it if it's so important.

> there is nothing in the awld conduct guidelines that states of guidline
> behavior for these newgroups. I copied and pasted all guidelines and did a
> search for *newgroups* and none was found.

You need to read the newsgroup charter. Not the Content guidelines, silly.
That deals with content in AW. Tony m will be happy to repost it multiple
times again.

> Therefore is this newgroup an *anything* goes? Then whats the problem with
> tourist being able to post here?

1) it's NOT an anything goes. We ARE moderated at times.

2) A tourists means more hassles for AWCOM in moderating, keeping the server
clean, and all that. For me, I just see arguing and debating like this
TOTALLY wiped out by stupid remarks and posts. Somewhat stereotypical and
ignorant? yeah, sure, I would think so. But look at the tourists and tell me
they aren't the same way? After all, they are jsut beginers.

> As for banning since there are no guidelines how could you ban someone
> nothing to show them .

I think the charter states it somewhere that if you misbehave, you can get
banned. It's similar to breaking the Conduct guidelines in AW. Eep has been
banned a few times over, I believe. never helped any, Eep still ended up
winning, but anywho, I'm getting sidetracked.

>Isn't that like arresting someone for going into the
> wrong bathroom when no signs are displayed saying which is which :)
> *shrugs* again

Hey, if you're stupid enough to play the roulette wheel in times of potty,
you get what you deserve. Just do it in the bushes or another bathroom or
something if you need to go that bad.

[View Quote]


Jun 1, 2001, 5:55pm
nornny I read the charter here thanks to Tony

too bad it gets broken everyday
I am sure *quiet* places and *survivor games* help newbies and other citizens
alot :)not to mention personal attacks and flames .. but its been interesting to
ask one question here and see so many diverse answers :)


Jun 1, 2001, 11:35pm
I would love a WIDE OPEN NGS...
Then all the tourists could complain that their builds got STOLEN
by some BIG DUDE or FAT LADY with a CIT NAME....
OR maybe just because they have a nice sounding name "IT's ME DUDE"
they get bounced out of some world by some BOT set to boot all tourists...
And i would be one of the first in here to state my complaint.
[I can't say names here as I.... Well.... I'll let all my enemies
have a ball on this one if they want... This one i opened the door
with my BIG YAP & now all my enemies can roll that big ball...]

nornny <Nornny1 at> wrote in <3b1771b1 at>:

>Well, in the corporate world, the big heads always have a trial to have
>users say "WOW, this is cool!", only to be stepped on like tiny shrimps
>by regular users (ie cits). It's just the way of life. It even promotes
>tourists to become citizens and gain the superiority complex many have
>As a tourist, they try to make it seem you can "do whatever you want" as
>a cit, and the newsgroup is just another ploy. After a fairly small
>payment of $20 a year (considering the magnitude of the program), they
>see it's not all THAT great, but still worth using.
>Anyways, I say we try to get those cits who have been hiding here for
>years and never care to contribute because of all the stupidity in here
>first before we add any "more" posters.


Jun 2, 2001, 4:09pm
Yes, tourists would probably complain half the time that someone deleted
their build if they were allowed to post in the newsgroups.


Jun 2, 2001, 6:39pm
Hmm... that reminds me of quite a few citizens already posting here :)

Oh, by the way, please quote what you're replying to.


[View Quote]

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