eep (Community)

eep // Community

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May 29, 2001, 9:08pm
opppss told ya so LOL

m a k a v e l i

May 30, 2001, 12:04am
*sigh* When will you juvenile kids learn?

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May 30, 2001, 12:28am
Hasn't anyone ever told you taunting Eep is a REALLY BAD THING(tm) thing to
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sw chris

May 30, 2001, 2:18am
everyone needs a little taunting. it lets them know their place. Although
this post does kind of prove his point with the kids being the uh, er...

SW Chris

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May 30, 2001, 7:51am
Ugh, I really needa get the heck out of these groups, all the idiots are making me lose my mind.
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May 30, 2001, 10:11am
So stop responding to them and contributing to the idiocy...

[View Quote] > Ugh, I really needa get the heck out of these groups, all the idiots are making me lose my mind.
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m a k a v e l i

May 30, 2001, 3:16pm
No, you see Eep says the truth most of the time. Eep is right most of the
time too, we don't need these damn posts in the NG.

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s p a r k

May 30, 2001, 7:14pm
Wise up people! Please!
I was probally the most ignorant person when I came here, people change,
some don't. Change for the better!

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sw chris

May 30, 2001, 11:25pm
He may say the truth, but that's not what I was getting at. His manner of
telling the truth, to tell the truth, is obnoxious, demeaning, rude, and
sounds like a superior human being talking to a moron. There are ways to
let the newbies and kids know what's going on without making them feel
alienated on their first day out..

SW Chris

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May 31, 2001, 1:19am
People grow but they don't change...

[View Quote] > GOING CRAZY!
> Wise up people! Please!
> I was probally the most ignorant person when I came here, people change,
> some don't. Change for the better!
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chucks party

May 31, 2001, 9:36am
Chris you are absolutely right, I saw him pop into bcatts world one night
while bcatts and I were both there. He had absolutely nothing nice to say
and insulted everything he could find and even told her the objects she was
using needed to be fixed along with 100 other things, LOL Being honest and
truthful is one thing, being an itellectual freak is another, LOL Good thing
I didn't have access to the eject button that night, LOL

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May 31, 2001, 5:38pm
Heh, and I was being nice then too (hey, bcatt didn't complain). I was waiting for you to act up so I could pop you a few, but I think you were scared or something. :P

[View Quote] > Chris you are absolutely right, I saw him pop into bcatts world one night
> while bcatts and I were both there. He had absolutely nothing nice to say
> and insulted everything he could find and even told her the objects she was
> using needed to be fixed along with 100 other things, LOL Being honest and
> truthful is one thing, being an itellectual freak is another, LOL Good thing
> I didn't have access to the eject button that night, LOL
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s p a r k

May 31, 2001, 6:49pm
Change= Mature, sorry for the confusion

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May 31, 2001, 8:55pm
Who was that that did all of that? I know someone that did that alot on
NewYork world... Would pop in there and tell people sorry...
You have no.... You know....
But i'm not going to finish that... But that person wasn't a newbie. AND since
Chuck does have the EJECT BUTTON [I do too] i let him live up to his fame
of Blaster Boy Chuck... I'm the more of the type of person where so long as
the naughty words are not spoken... They can have their opinion heard.
As i figure that they might be offering some sound advice that i'm not aware
of. And that includes all of MY ENEMIES AS WELL...

chucks party <Chucks_Party at> wrote in
<3b162ccf at>:

>Chris you are absolutely right, I saw him pop into bcatts world one
>night while bcatts and I were both there. He had absolutely nothing nice
>to say and insulted everything he could find and even told her the
>objects she was using needed to be fixed along with 100 other things,
>LOL Being honest and truthful is one thing, being an itellectual freak
>is another, LOL Good thing I didn't have access to the eject button that
>night, LOL
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