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making yourself show up as off-line?????? (Community)
making yourself show up as off-line?????? // Communitydata21May 26, 2001, 5:53am
Hi, I have a question is it possible to be in AW online, but on the contact
list you show up as off line? I know its not my PC, because I have counted up to about 8 people that can do this. How are they doing it, I have know clue. Its not surver lagg ether. I can be in AW for over 6 hours and they never show up as on line, but yet they are right there talking in the open. gamerMay 26, 2001, 6:36am
Here in england if you get disconnected and re-connect within 3 minsutes
then your online but the server dosent know it becuase you didnt time out...hehe i love it, great way to lurk around AW :) [View Quote] azazaelMay 26, 2001, 7:37am
Gamer is right. If you disconnect but leave the AW Browser open and and
then reconnect you will be in what we call 'stealth mode'. The downside is you cannot query property or send/receive telegrams. It is however great for uninterupted building :0) Regards Az [View Quote] jfk2May 26, 2001, 10:05am
Hello Data21. Love your Teacher's build there on DLP & all the commands for
3.1 browser. AND I see you too have been playing with that BP01 object. Just don't lose any of them or they are a royal pain in the you know where trying to find it again. Maybe that is why you want to be in STEALTH mode so you don't need any interruptions. lolol Any ways... One of the downsides can be when you jump a world or two... You might end up in NOWHERE WORLD with absolutely nothing there. Then you'll have to reconnect properly again. azazael <unkleazazael at> wrote in <3b0f7940 at>: >Gamer is right. If you disconnect but leave the AW Browser open and and >then reconnect you will be in what we call 'stealth mode'. > >The downside is you cannot query property or send/receive telegrams. It >is however great for uninterupted building :0) > >Regards > >Az > > [View Quote] ananasMay 26, 2001, 11:34am
A "rotating" IP can cause that. Some ISP systems that are not
too secure try to "protect" their customers with weird techniques like that. As soon as the IP changes you loose the universe connect, but not necessarily the world connect. These people will not be able to send/receive telegrams but they can chat. [View Quote] -- "_ | /\ \ / __/ /_ andrasMay 26, 2001, 1:50pm
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I got the same scenario yesterday tho I have fixed IP. We experimented a little: I could world hop, I could chat, I could build (I did not try TG) but I tried file transfer. Wierd result :) My opponent got a request from a tourist for file transfer, she confirmed it. I never got a response (xxx did not respond to your request) and she got a "Can't read file" error :)
Andras ananasMay 26, 2001, 2:30pm
More weird things :
There's a ghost in one world. You cannot see him but he shows in the visitors count. Although the owner made the world red, the ghost stayed, even after a restart. The ghost world is hosted by AW. I had 3 aborted file transfers today, message "cannot read file" - after about 200K were transfered. My disk was not full, neither was my tmp directory. This is a little strange as is should be peer to peer. After about 2 hours : universe and world disconnect, 5 minutes later the connect returned - and I was alone in the universe (snief). I saw the visitor counts but could not see any people. After I closed session and line, then dialed again, I could not relogin into AW. All other network stuff worked, I could ping the universe and had no trouble with other web services. All this looks similar to something like a network card problem in the LAN, a card that is damaged and disturbs the local traffic, sends illegal replies or causes timeouts. [View Quote] -- "_ | /\ \ / __/ /_ goober kingMay 26, 2001, 3:26pm
Actually, it's even easier than what Gamer and Co have suggested. Got to
Start Menu -> Run and type in "winipcfg". Then click the Release All button, and click the Renew All button right after that. You'll disconnect for about half a second and your little green checkmark will disappear in AW, but you'll still be able to wander around and build. :) [View Quote] -- Goober King For those who *hate* that little green checkmark... rar1 at kahMay 26, 2001, 5:57pm
this is a UniServer bug. because the browser sends (and is required to)
heart beats at a high frequency and that the timeout period for normal users (not like with bots) is very short, even if you have a biiig download going on (heavy website plus for example world load) the browser won't be able to send it's heartbeats in time, resulting the UniServer to stamp you as offline. now when it does this, it should try to kick your IP as well, just to be sure, then this problem wouldn't occur. And the reason for short time-out is that a lot of ppl would freak out if they get disconnected for a second and get "allready logged in" when they try to re-enter the Uni... KAH [View Quote] jfk2May 26, 2001, 11:33pm
Actually.... I kind of like it having my name lit up in lights so to speak.
All of my friends can see me on line AND even MY ENEMIES can see me there too... at at at at at BTW.... MY OLD JFK2 IS BACK ON LINE.... Seems like when AW forgets to send out their email to me... They face my possible lawsuit for suspending it without telling me... It's so nice to have people Send you email by accident only to reveil the correct names by doing a few tooo many CC's with their email software.... I could litterly KISS them for being so nice... BUT at at at at at at My friends & Enemies will now see sometimes lit JFK2 in there AND the sometimes lit JFK2 Helper.... Now all i need is a JFK2 Builder & then one world would be great after that... lolol goober king <rar1 at> wrote in <3B0FE805.472A330 at>: >Actually, it's even easier than what Gamer and Co have suggested. Got to >Start Menu -> Run and type in "winipcfg". Then click the Release All >button, and click the Renew All button right after that. You'll >disconnect for about half a second and your little green checkmark will >disappear in AW, but you'll still be able to wander around and build. :) > [View Quote] kmissile583kMay 27, 2001, 1:31am
I tried Goober King's way of doing this nd it worked. I loged out, and
triedto re-log in as my citizen self. It said that someone was already using my account (a ghost of me). I logged in as a tourist to let aw recognize that I wasn't there as my citizen self anymore anymore. I "renewed all" on the IP address box as a tourist in AW, and I jumped to being back as my citizen self somehow without logging in as a citizen. How is this possible? [View Quote] andrasMay 27, 2001, 6:45am
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And where the hell did you get this info? Don't spread false roumors if you are not sure. The heartbeat's frequency is one minute and Uniserver's timeout is set accordingly. This is the obvious case when you change IP you can't log in for about two minutes because the uniserver believes you are still logged in!
<snip> wingMay 27, 2001, 12:24pm
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Thats nice.
> All of my friends can see me on line AND even MY ENEMIES can see me there > too... Get of the Just In thing moron. Goddamn. > > at at at at at Shouldn't this be a line break? > BTW.... MY OLD JFK2 IS BACK ON LINE.... And we care becauseeeeeeee? >Seems like when AW forgets to send > out their email to me... Who said they had to tell you when they suspend your account? >They face my possible lawsuit for suspending > it without telling me... Go ahead, but please please PLEASE try to get a camera into the courtroom, I wanna see the judge laughing his/her ass off at your idiocy. >It's so nice to have people Send you email by > accident only to reveil the correct names by doing a >few tooo many CC's > with their email software.... *thwack* Your an IDIOT if it takes email to get someones real name. Remove yourself from the internet before I do it for you. >I could litterly KISS them for being so nice... > BUT To all the homosexuals who may read this, sorry, but I need to do this. FAGGGGGGGGGOTTTTTTTTT. > at at at at at at Uhh a line break does just fine. > My friends & Enemies will now see sometimes lit JFK2 in there AND the sometimes > lit JFK2 Helper.... Now all i need is a JFK2 Builder & then one world would > be great after that... lolol There's only room for one idiot of your caliber in this world. Theres somthing incredibly WRONG with you id you spend $20 on another citizenship cuz AWCI suspended your old one. FACTER, GIT YO PUNK AYASS OVER HERE AND HELP US. > > goober king <rar1 at> wrote in > <3B0FE805.472A330 at>: > kahMay 27, 2001, 12:46pm
**In reply to JFK2**
Dear JFK2, please don't confuse laws about being sacked without reason and getting your AW account closed down without reason (ok this isn't a law, and they had a good reason to close it down anyway). they would've won a trial if you would've been stupid enough to go on with it. Then you would be a poor man, after paying a lot of money to lawyers, etc... that would be very fine anyway, cuzz you wouldn't afford to use the internet, thus not annoy us... so, as Wing sayd, please go on with the trial. KAH [View Quote] jfk2May 27, 2001, 1:14pm
I did not mention Just In in that last thing in any way... YOU in your
reply mentioned his name... SO YOU are the one that is bringing things up again... BUT i admit... That you must have read my mind in what i was saying... I didn't think you knew i might have any enemies... But i knew i might have one or two of them somewheres out there & that is why i said ENEMIES.... I don't mind FRIENDS & ENEMIES... popping in for a FRIENDLY VISIT... But my enemies are not allways JUST IN.... Can you say PeaceKeeper ##... When they are that way... THEY TOO are my enemies... but otherwise they can be my friends... lololol wing <bathgate at> wrote in <3b110e1d at>: > [View Quote] jfk2May 27, 2001, 1:36pm
Who said anything about paying for a lawyer? I certainly would not have
to pay for a lawyer... NOT unless i won my case... WHAT some people don't realize..[If they are from another country] US poor folk get the services of a FREE lawyer. ONLY should we win... THEN we pay the lawyer a %% of what we win... But that would happen after the trial & after i would win IF any. AND it goes the other way as well... POOR FOLK = People on certain LOW incomes... In the USA that would be SSI, SSD, low Income SS, Workman's Comp, Welfare or any combo of the above. [I'm on Social Security Dissability] kah <kah at> wrote in <3b111345 at>: >**In reply to JFK2** >Dear JFK2, please don't confuse laws about being sacked without reason and >getting your AW account closed down without reason (ok this isn't a law, and >they had a good reason to close it down anyway). they would've won a trial >if you would've been stupid enough to go on with it. Then you would be a >poor man, after paying a lot of money to lawyers, etc... that would be very >fine anyway, cuzz you wouldn't afford to use the internet, thus not annoy >us... so, as Wing sayd, please go on with the trial. > >KAH data21May 27, 2001, 5:06pm
Another weird thing, has anyone ever had the AW browser just close "itself"
down? You "do not" hit the X in the top right, and you "do not" go to file then exit. For no reason the hole AW browser just shuts down. After that I just start it back up and log back in and I am fine. No I did not hit any keyboard hot keys, I was in the middle of building. I had this happen 2 times over this week. [View Quote] ananasMay 27, 2001, 5:30pm
Can be a sign for a damaged cache structure, caused by a crash.
I had this effect very few times, when experimenting with objects and textures caused a browser crash in 2.2 . If you have this problem often, remove your cache directory completely, that might help. [View Quote] -- "_ | /\ \ / __/ /_ budweiserMay 27, 2001, 5:39pm
I tried that, but it would not work for me, I have to d/c with the browser
open the reconnect goober kingMay 27, 2001, 10:19pm
Actually KMissile, you don't have to logout at all. You can be standing
in AW and click Release All, then Renew All and just watch your checkmark disappear. This is especially effective if you're on a non-static IP, as when you "Renew All", it creates a new IP, and AW thinks you logged off because it's still looking for your old IP. (At least, that's how I *think* it works... someone correct me if I'm wrong here...) [View Quote] -- Goober King Preferably someone how *knows* what they're talking about, please... rar1 at lord perceptionMay 28, 2001, 2:15am
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So you actually have yourself in your contacts, and when you do it, the green check mark disappears beside your name? I know this strange phenomenon has happen several times in the pass with me, where I can see there is a check mark against my own name , but the person who I'm talking to doesn't. The other person also reports that I don't have a check mark against my own name but does against his own. Another thing, I cannot seem to perform your trick in Windows 2000 using ipconfig ( I think it is the equivalent of winipcfg in win 9X), Gives me an error message instead when I attempt to release all. "Error: No adapters bound to TCP/IP are enabled for DHCP" *scratches head* kmissile583kMay 28, 2001, 12:55pm
I logged off for 5 minutes because I would be out, then that happened.
BTW, the checkmark next to my name did appear in my contacts list, although no one else could see it. [View Quote] kahMay 28, 2001, 6:59pm
sure you had your dial-up card selected? DHCP is dynamic IP hanging, if your
ISP doesn't have one (if you have a permanent IP) then it truly won't work KAH [View Quote] |