Bots you ride in [from bots area this is funny] (Community)

Bots you ride in [from bots area this is funny] // Community

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May 22, 2001, 3:04am
at at at at at at at at at Got this little snippit from the bots group for a reason at at at at at at
Hi, I was wondering if Andras or anyone else has gotten around to creating a
bot.... such as a boat, car, airplane, whatever... which can be "entered"
and will transport a rider (or better still, riders) to another location.
Having acutal control while you ride in the thing could be really cool too.
at at at at at at at at at The Reason is below... lolololol!!!!!!! at at at at at at at at at

yes... I would like to see a bot shapped like reindeer pulling a big old
fart of a person [ME] in th sleigh and i would be giving out nice presents
to all of the good little boys [Including me] and girls here...

And YOU KNOW WHO would get this big huge rocket loaded with special fuel
and the instructions would tell YOU KNOW WHO to take the person who
loves him the most along for a ride of their lives... SO when
YOU KNOW WHO & that other person [OneSummer] pulls the engine cord & the
engine fires up & it takes off... By the time it runs out of fuel....
It's going to take YOU KNOW WHO and OneSummer something like a few
hundred billion years to find their way back into AW Universe....


May 22, 2001, 7:59am
*sigh* I unfiltered you and now it won't go back on. I swear Outlook Express has to be the buggiest thing in the world.
[View Quote]


May 22, 2001, 4:37pm
Well... It might be fine for a quick NGS test [I have software that
huntes down FREE PUBLIC NGS servers and i test them out]
Using the NewsHunter program it defaults to OUTLOOK
but doing it the slower other way i can use XNEWS...
But it's fine for testing only... Not for actualy doing
anything really useful with it.
at at at
testing them simply means i enter the news://name and OUTLOOK downloads
the NGS list. If i get any errors like you have no business
being on my server... Then i delete it or if there are a few select groups..
I delete it as well... Unless the few select stuff is what i want. at at at

wing <bathgate at> wrote in <3b0a3897 at>:

>*sigh* I unfiltered you and now it won't go back on. I swear Outlook Express
has to be the buggiest thing in the world.
[View Quote]

tony m

May 22, 2001, 11:18pm

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