
How do u make a Bot in VisualBasic (Sdk)

How do u make a Bot in VisualBasic // Sdk

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Mar 14, 2001, 11:22pm
I just gfot Visual Basic, and ive been learning it.. But verytryi get to
try and make a bot, it dosnt work, and ive used the one Mr Grimm made as
an example, and i can see how to make it login can someone help me?


Mar 15, 2001, 7:31pm
Talk to me in AW.. or email me.. (Lanezeri at and I will help ya

- = [ T e c h n o ] = -
- = [ S t u f f - X ] = -


Mar 16, 2001, 10:12am
Very easy, you throw VB away and get a decent programming language :)

XelaG :)~

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Mar 16, 2001, 10:56am
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see two postings later ;)

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Mar 17, 2001, 12:30am

[View Quote] > Very easy, you throw VB away and get a decent programming language :)
> XelaG :)~
[View Quote]


Mar 17, 2001, 2:14am

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Mar 17, 2001, 2:43pm
TrekkerX.. I said I would help you.. dunno if it reach the NG or not..
anyway.. why was it some people told me I was telling people not to use
Delphi or C++ when XelaG here is telling him to not use VB.. VB is a good
learning tool for other languages.. if u learn VB.. u will understand more
in C++ while u learn it.. because u will kno what something does rather than
just play with it..

- = [ T e c h n o ] = -
- = [ S t u f f - X ] = -


Mar 17, 2001, 7:05pm
[View Quote] And how will you learn it in VB? Exactly, by playing around with it. So skip
VB and go to C++ directly, and don't get used to all the bad programming
habits from VB.



Mar 23, 2001, 12:57am
As others have mentioned, VB is a good learning tool. Yes, it lacks the
power of C++, but that is only because it is not as complex. VB is simple,
in that it leaves out all the MFC code and many other odd things you come
upon in C++. I started with VB when I was 7 years old. I knew very little
about what I was reading in the book I bought, but through time, doing the
examples ("playing around with it" if that's what you want to call it). By
that time I realized that VB was a load of crap and picked up C++. I
understood much more than I would have if I started with C++. Recently I've
picked up PERL and Java, with no problems at all. In short, VB is for
simple, weak programs and for teaching the general ideas of programming
(variables, functions, classes/objects, loops, if statements, ect...)
without confusing the hell out of someone. Then you can adapt what you've
learned to other languages, understand them more, and pick up on them
faster. Start with VB graduate to something better ;-)


JerMe at
AIM: AlphaNumeric100
ICQ: 106209991
AW: JerMe (#296967)
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Mar 23, 2001, 3:15am
Yea... ive been thincking thats what i sould do. I know xelagot Scripting, wich
i noticed is alot like VB... I wonder why....XelaG... LOL.... I know some Java
and stuff.

[View Quote] > As others have mentioned, VB is a good learning tool. Yes, it lacks the
> power of C++, but that is only because it is not as complex. VB is simple,
> in that it leaves out all the MFC code and many other odd things you come
> upon in C++. I started with VB when I was 7 years old. I knew very little
> about what I was reading in the book I bought, but through time, doing the
> examples ("playing around with it" if that's what you want to call it). By
> that time I realized that VB was a load of crap and picked up C++. I
> understood much more than I would have if I started with C++. Recently I've
> picked up PERL and Java, with no problems at all. In short, VB is for
> simple, weak programs and for teaching the general ideas of programming
> (variables, functions, classes/objects, loops, if statements, ect...)
> without confusing the hell out of someone. Then you can adapt what you've
> learned to other languages, understand them more, and pick up on them
> faster. Start with VB graduate to something better ;-)
> --
> JerMe at
> ----------------------
> AIM: AlphaNumeric100
> ICQ: 106209991
> AW: JerMe (#296967)
[View Quote]

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