Suggestions (Community)

Suggestions // Community

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agent fox mulder

Apr 4, 2001, 8:29pm
I think,If possible,That the contact list should allow more contacts to be
added to a users list.And tourists should be able to have a contact list
that allows one user to be added.And he/she can only receive and sent to
that person And they should get to choose from Mr.Tourist,Ms Tourist,And one
more.Then they could see what telegrams And avs are And that there is more
than what they get. That way they can see what its like before they
register.And there should be a feature so you can send email to other users
by right clicking there name on the contact list and click something
like"Send Email to *Users Name*"Or something.

Also there should be a feature that when activated,Censors foul Language
In the chat box. Like if its activated It would be like

*Activated*User1: Shutup You Mother ******

*Not activated*User1: Shutup You Mother F***er *This word wouldn't be
censored,I just didn't want to say the actual word in the newsgroup*

And Maybe like a user search program that you can search for user by first
name,Last name,Or email maybe. And the newsgroup should get a
Miscellaneous And test Group.

If you are reading this right now You actually Listened,hopefully,Well
anyway if you are reading this thanks for your time,Peace
out,Westside.....And i hope the spelling and grammar was good enough so i
don't get people complaining about it

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m a k a v e l i

Apr 4, 2001, 8:32pm
This should first be in the Wishlist NG, next, tourists change names,
impossible to hold a contact list that works.

tony m

Apr 4, 2001, 8:36pm
a) The contact list max issue has been raised, debated and defeated.
It's enough to have the browser querying 100 users, do you want the
Uniserver to lag if abusive person has 1,000 users on his contacts?

b) Tourists don't have a contact list because it is used to encourage
immigration. The same with avatar limits. Why should we let them have
these things if it is to only discourage immigration? Next you'll be
saying they should have worlds.

c) The email thing is a good idea :)

d) You're going to get heavy anti-censorship critics. Perhaps make the
censor an option, off by default?

e) The user search would introduce a kind of "personal profile", which I
think is a good idea.

f) Your grammar and spelling was... tolerable :-)

- Tony M.

[View Quote]


Apr 4, 2001, 9:33pm
You can have parts of it, check the Bots newsgroup

Subject: Contact list bot

[View Quote]

captain mad mike

Apr 4, 2001, 9:40pm
Yeah I agree with tony on the tourists...the reason they are so limited is
because thats how AW grows (until they drop world prices). E-mails nice too.
So is the censor I guess for the few 8-10 year olds who use AW...


Apr 4, 2001, 10:15pm
[View Quote] 1, - I have to tell your posting skill improves! Way to go!!!!

2, Tourists can't receive telegrams - not even a single one since they don't have unique ID within the system. The moment a tourist logs off - all info is lost about him/her.

Several your wishes actually belongs to whislist but it is nice to see you post a reasonable message!


agent fox mulder

Apr 5, 2001, 12:52am
Ya Your right there,Wasn't thinking right about that part....And the
censor,search,email were the top suggestions. And to tell you the truth
those have been the first emails where they haven't said"Learn to

sir chaos

Apr 5, 2001, 2:23am

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