
On-Line Owner Privilege Rights (Bots)

On-Line Owner Privilege Rights // Bots

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Nov 11, 2000, 9:24am
This is a bit of a lame question, but I'm sorting out what's going to go in
a world before I get one - so I'm jumping the gun a bit here.

Does a bot, with the privilege rights of the world owner have the ability to
delete objects created by someone else. I appreciate that this can be done
off-line by the owner, but I don't know what a world owner can do with
objects online in terms of other people's objects.



anduin lothar

Nov 11, 2000, 12:04pm
Yes, as a world owner you have every right possible (CareTaker). You can
Public Speaker (Bold)
Eminent Domain (Able to delete anyone's property including with a bot using
your privilege)
Build Rights and so on

You are also able to give these type of rights to citizens you wish by
entering their citizen ID number in the world rights section...

Try using an Xelagot also :) Very useful, especially if you are using the v
3.0 World Server which will allow you to see and delete world ejections,
warp and teleport people using bots also!

Anduin Lothar

The USWF, There's No Better Place!
Contact: uswf at

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Nov 11, 2000, 12:33pm
Thanks anduin.

That makes me a lot more confident in what I want to do in the world. What
you said makes a lot of sense, but just wanted to make sure (still trying to
catch up with the rest of ya ... lol).


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twisted horizon

Nov 11, 2000, 12:55pm
Hey hey! I'm all for the starting of new worlds, no matter how confusing it
is (Trust me, for a 12 year old, a world can be a confusing birthday
present) but in the year now that I've had my world, I've gotten used to it.
I will gladly help you out and do any bots for you that you want (for free)
-Twisted Horizon
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Nov 11, 2000, 2:27pm

The bots are one of the things I want to play with "to destructon", and the
world will probably initially just be an environment in which I can achieve

Thanks for the offer though.


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