Hey people... (Community)

Hey people... // Community

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Mar 10, 2001, 8:34pm
Hi everyone, this is my first post. I've been with AW for around 3 years
now. Although, whilst I'm usually around at events, etc. I'm very well
known. I have another cit aswell, although this is my main one now.

I own www.active-worlds.co.uk which is my alternative to Objects
d'activeworlds. It still under construction though :)

I also model objects, but don't get much time these days :)

Just thought I was about time I became an active memeber of the Active
Worlds community, so here I am *waves*

I would particulary like to agree with a post from a week or so ago. Most
english people are on Internet Service Providers that disconnects you every
2 hours (stupid i know) hopefully newer serbices will work on model
inactivity but until then I suffer deaply from discons. I think 3.1 copes
with the problems caused by a discon much better than previous versions but
there are still aparent problems...

Hope to activly take part in future discussions :)



Mar 10, 2001, 9:57pm
[View Quote] Welcome to the battlefield general.


Mar 11, 2001, 12:18am
Welcome aboard, it's nice that we know a little about you. Most newbies are
usually more annoying, so you're a breath of fresh air. And experienced air
at that. Just don't fall into the same traps as the rest of us did to get
here. ;) You're in for the ride of your life.


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Mar 11, 2001, 3:12pm
Thanx, except I'm not a newbie :) I've been around AW for 3 years. I just
never got round to getting in here :)


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Mar 11, 2001, 3:45pm
Welcome old timer, Glad to have you here :)
I hope you will have a pleasent experiance with us.

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Mar 11, 2001, 3:53pm
I meant newbie in the sense at you're new here. You could be in AW from the
begining of time, and if it's your first time posting here, you're a newbie.
You'll have to stick around and see what I mean. :)


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Mar 11, 2001, 5:02pm
Welcome welcome welcome, old friend, Gamer! hehehe I will have to
agree...was such a nice "Hello, Im here!" message. ANyways, yes, please do
watch out for those flame attacks - I can feel one coming on soon. Gotta hit
the dust *pulls on helmet and throws himself tot he ground* Later Soldier

- Poseidon


Mar 12, 2001, 5:31am
Wow, I find it hard to believe you get flames in here with such nice people,
thaks all for the nice warm welcome. :)

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Mar 12, 2001, 8:57am
[View Quote] There are hardly any real flames here. Most of the "flaming" is when someone
does something stupid and other people tell that person about it. Some
people can't stand that and start an argument over it and then complain
about all the "flaming" in this newsgroup. Stupid things are, for example,
posting large attachments, not snipping extremely large messages, abusing
grammar and punctuation to the point where it becomes hard to read, etc -
anything that could have easily been prevented if the poster had read a page
about nettiquette.

People who don't do stupid things like that can still get into an argument
over some topics here - but so be it. It's a discussion forum after all.
Nothing wrong with that, as long as you know how to participate in a
discussion :-)


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