down again?! get your fucking act together, AWCI! (no text) (Community)

down again?! get your fucking act together, AWCI! (no text) // Community

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Dec 7, 2000, 10:11am

the derek

Dec 7, 2000, 11:07pm
<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
lol it aint thyre fault it was a hardware problem even sun microsys. couldnt
figure out for a while.... well i guess they should have at least put out
the backup server earlier sheesh
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Dec 7, 2000, 11:24pm
just ignore Eep, he doesnt pay any money into AW for his acct or "his" world.
Pay no attention to him.

[View Quote] > lol it aint thyre fault it was a hardware problem even sun microsys. couldnt figure out for a while.... well i guess they should have at least put out the backup server earlier sheesh
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Chris Waddell
dmonix at


Dec 8, 2000, 9:40am
My theory is that it took so long because there were 50+ rolls of duct
tape in various spots holding the servers together. The tape had to be
removed, the problem fixed, and then the machine re-taped with fresh
duct tape. The Sun crew provided exrta tape removing hands and swapped
out the offending piece of hardware. Then once the server was rebuilt,
they realized they had left one of their employees inside after a
headcount and had to remove the tape once more. Once the tape was back
in place and a head count had been taken, they set about restoring data
from their 100 meg zip disks, only to realize that disk 5391 from AW's
server was missing. Now they are in the process of hand reassembling the
missing data hoping it'll be correct, which it most likely won't.

[View Quote] > lol it aint thyre fault it was a hardware problem even sun microsys.
> couldnt figure out for a while.... well i guess they should have at
> least put out the backup server earlier sheesh
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Dec 8, 2000, 5:56pm when you say duct this industrial or economical? Cuz I'm
gonna build a "server bomb" shelter if they're using economical. :)

My theory is actually quite more realistic. :) You see, they were putting up
Christmas decorations in the offices, but the wires overelectrocuted the
main circuit board in their office, causing a blackout, which could explain
the sudden stops and go's before the actual "crash". So, they brought in the
candles, but it burned out something REALLY important (maybe the duct
tape?), and then, most likely, Wing's theory can finish the leg of the race.

Sorry AWLD, but hey, it helps to laugh at bad situations. :) Hope you guys
DO get AW up and to its usual self though. :)


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Dec 8, 2000, 9:52pm
LOL Wing, thats funny. :)


the derek

Dec 9, 2000, 6:11am
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sometimes i wonder what goes on in that head of yours lol
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captain mad mike

Dec 11, 2000, 11:46pm
*sigh* leave it to eep to make a rant about this. I was expecting it.
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