--==[(/ Please Join The USWF Today! \)]==-- Reasons Added Below! (Community)

--==[(/ Please Join The USWF Today! \)]==-- Reasons Added Below! // Community

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anduin lothar

Nov 18, 2000, 4:34am
Hi all,
Just giving you a good reason to join the USWF today! We're working on a
new bot which will have its own GUI and everything an owner would need to
have their own economy in their world/town. BUT there is a draw back, and
that is that we are going to be charging $20US per bot. Once you have paid
the $20US you will get all new updates for free. You get the bot mailed to
you in a disk with help files and everything with technical support for
life. There is another thing though!!! And that is that if you join the USWF
today or atleast before the bot has been created you would get the new bot
for free if you wanted your very own economy. As all members of the USWF get
a free copy of the bot when it comes out, and all citizens joining once the
bot has alreday been released will need to pay the $20US.
Another few good reasons to join the utn is that you get advertisement on
our website and if a town you also get listed in the UTN website. But that's
not all, you will also receive a redirect e-mail like activeworlds... EG:
yourname at uswf-aw.com and if you have a website we can create
yoursite.uswf-aw.com if you wanted to. Don't forget that worlds joining with
the USWF get the standard security from our own Peace Keepers/USWF Security.

Visit our website at: http://uswf-aw.com (Use Internet Explorer if possible
for best results).

Best Regards,
Anduin Lothar (Samuel Lison)

The USWF, There's No Better Place!
Contact: uswf at centercom.com.au
Web-Page: www.geocities.com/uswf_head

My Song Picks for the Month (If I like em, you gotta get em!):
[The Artful Dodger] - Re-Rewind The Crowd Say Bo Selecta
[Paul Van Dyk] - Another Way
[Delerium] - Heaven's Earth
[Armin] - Communication

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Nov 18, 2000, 6:46am
I swear I've done this before...

[View Quote] > Hi all,
> Just giving you a good reason to join the USWF today! We're working on a
> new bot which will have its own GUI and everything an owner would need to
> have their own economy in their world/town. BUT there is a draw back, and
> that is that we are going to be charging $20US per bot. Once you have paid
> the $20US you will get all new updates for free. You get the bot mailed to
> you in a disk with help files and everything with technical support for
> life. There is another thing though!!! And that is that if you join the USWF
> today or atleast before the bot has been created you would get the new bot
> for free if you wanted your very own economy. As all members of the USWF get
> a free copy of the bot when it comes out, and all citizens joining once the
> bot has alreday been released will need to pay the $20US.
> Another few good reasons to join the utn is that you get advertisement on
> our website and if a town you also get listed in the UTN website. But that's
> not all, you will also receive a redirect e-mail like activeworlds... EG:
> yourname at uswf-aw.com and if you have a website we can create
> yoursite.uswf-aw.com if you wanted to. Don't forget that worlds joining with
> the USWF get the standard security from our own Peace Keepers/USWF Security.
> Visit our website at: http://uswf-aw.com (Use Internet Explorer if possible
> for best results).


Nov 18, 2000, 4:22pm
This seems to fit perfectly here, Eep.

- Tony56 (chandler56 at mail.com)
"Freedom: That's What The Government Wants You To Believe!"
[View Quote]

goober king

Nov 18, 2000, 5:56pm
Umm... where else is he going to put it? USWF is a community, and last I
checked this was the community newsgroup. Maybe you should bug COF and
tell them to put in an ads NG or something. Yeesh. :P

[View Quote] --
Goober King
Wonders if Eep believes that the perfect NG is one which contains only
rar1 at acsu.buffalo.edu


Nov 18, 2000, 5:58pm
I think he's trying to say that the USWF copied him from his quote.

"I swear I've done this before..."

*shrug* But you got me. :) He could be refering to an earlier thread also in
which we discussed the pros and cons of having a town or world with an
economy. :)


[View Quote]

anduin lothar

Nov 18, 2000, 9:16pm
SOrry Eeep,
If you don't like it well just ignore it or don't read the community
news groups. I don't see any other places to post this, and if you wanted me
to I could place it in sdk or something, maybe it will fit better.

Anduin Lothar

[View Quote]


Nov 19, 2000, 11:26am
As does my comment, considering they want to charge $20. Give me a fucking break...

[View Quote] > This seems to fit perfectly here, Eep.
[View Quote]

john viper

Nov 19, 2000, 2:02pm
I think he is referring to the $20 and referencing that with AWCOM

John Viper
"Java is a machine. You put Java code in one end, and money comes out the other." - Anonymous

[View Quote]


Nov 20, 2000, 12:44am
[View Quote] You know, two words into a message and, I already think you're an idiot,
wow. I would never pay someone $20 for a floppy if this was the way they
chose to present themselves on the internet.

> If you don't like it well just ignore it or don't read the community
> news groups. I don't see any other places to post this, and if you wanted
> to I could place it in sdk or something, maybe it will fit better.


Nov 20, 2000, 9:53am
$20 for a floppy is outrageous no matter whats on it (outside of government
secrets). A CDR with a label and install program might be worth $5. This may be
AW, but we're not as nuts as we appear.

[View Quote] [View Quote]

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