well I missed the awards... (Community)

well I missed the awards... // Community

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Oct 15, 2000, 11:48pm
I really can't figure out what was wrong, but I could never get into
AV00 or AV00avvy... or what ever it was called. It really ruined my
day. It seemed as if I were ejected? completely kicked out of AW. I
really looked forward to this and had fun last year. I just felt like
letting off steam here.... since my day has been so screwed up.... could
have cleaned the house instead........... ugh, Ingie


Oct 16, 2000, 4:14am
A friend of mine had the same problem. Seems he was using a firewall proggie
(forgot the name of the proggie) and had to disable it to stay in.

> I really can't figure out what was wrong, but I could never get into
> AV00 or AV00avvy... or what ever it was called. It really ruined my
> day. It seemed as if I were ejected? completely kicked out of AW. I
> really looked forward to this and had fun last year. I just felt like
> letting off steam here.... since my day has been so screwed up.... could
> have cleaned the house instead........... ugh, Ingie


Oct 16, 2000, 10:41am
I'm on regular dial up, no fire wall. Restarted numerous times.... Ugh, got so
mad!!! Oh well, happy Monday all!

[View Quote] > A friend of mine had the same problem. Seems he was using a firewall proggie
> (forgot the name of the proggie) and had to disable it to stay in.

lady murasaki

Oct 16, 2000, 1:47pm
We also had the problem. AW crashed each time we entered the AV00 awards
worlds....until we changed the settings for avatars. We unchecked the two
boxes on showing multiple avatars and avatar animation. After that was
ok...but of course we didn't get to SEE the avatars unless a screenshot was
put on the stage.

Contratulations to all the winning entries, by the way. Great work!

Lady Murasaki
[View Quote]

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