Strange, weird extra .dll? (Community)

Strange, weird extra .dll? // Community

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Mar 26, 2000, 12:35pm
Hi all,

I have seen quite a few people saying "Blocker" it seems they have something
scrolling at the bottom
of the AW browser which tells them to type 'Blocker' to prevent hacking

Anyone else seen this or heard of it, know what it is?, or where it came



Mar 27, 2000, 11:18pm
Hi Klassi,

This seems to be a joke by a world owner. I presume you are talking about the world England. The java messages that appear in the
world's homepage on the internet browser's status bar appear on the AW browser's status bar too, (eg Warning hacking in progress,
to autoblock incoming signals type Blocker now), when you have selected "show web". So ppl think it is something coming from the
AW browser itself. Hope this explains it.


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Mar 28, 2000, 10:59pm
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Thanks for that Baron..

Well I guess it takes all types, strange thing to do... England is the only
world I have heard of it happening.


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