New Citizen Login (Community)

New Citizen Login // Community

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jude hazard

Nov 16, 1999, 7:33am
I am sorry If I am breaking some kind of rules here by posting this, but I
seriously feel that this is yet another mistake on the part of Active Worlds
(AWCOM, COF, whatever..) The newsgroups should be for everyone to share,
not just citizens. Does anyone else agree with me that this citizen only
feature is a bad idea?


Nov 17, 1999, 5:42pm
Well, i think for the community newsgroup, they should allow anyone to
access and post in it. Mainly because there are many tourists that are on AW
enough to be considered part of the community. But as far as the beta,
worldbuilders, bots, sdk, and wishlist go...its probably a good idea

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american police

Nov 18, 1999, 4:25pm mean..the citizen post only thingy is the eason i couldnt get into
the newsgroups?
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jetta lewis

Nov 18, 1999, 9:12pm
I, personally, feel that you are about to see some of the blandest crap to
hit the newsgroups in years. can't continue to take the shots they
have been taking. It is a wonder they didn't take this step some time ago.
Vanilla icecream and stewed prunes anyone?

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Nov 19, 1999, 3:52pm
I am afraid it will get bland too. I have sent and receive email to people
based on comments here simply because I am afraid that I might say the wrong
thing publicly. I don't agree that it was inevitable that they take this
step however. Thre are many fine companies who allow themselves to be
critisized publicly. Most large ISPs have newsgroups dedicated to service
issues and you see some pretty harsh critisisms there. Anyone using the
contents of these newsgroups to evaluate the product (or the stock) will
quickly realize it if they are reading filtered material, and quickly
discount it.

For every "shot" that they took in the newsgoups there were dozens of
positive comments. Until I can see my posts show up within a few minutes
again, I see no reason to discuss any other issue pro or con here. Users
of AW should be allowed to express themselves. Period.

(CCing this via email just in case)

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Dec 15, 1999, 12:30pm
If I'm correctly understanding what I read in the charter, the reason for
the moderated group is to eliminate the personal 'slug-fests' that some
users decided to carry out in the newsgroups - not to avoid criticism of AW.
If that's true, then I'm for it. I stopped reading the newsgroups for a
long time because of the nasty battles that users chose to publicize.
There's no reason for people to abandon common courtesy. There's a big
difference between 'bitching' and complaining. It seems to me that
is encouraging the latter while discouraging the former. Kudos to them.

It also seemed from the charter that this group (community) IS open to all
users - not just citizens. I haven't tried to verify that, but I have no
reason to doubt it at this point.


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jude hazard

Dec 15, 1999, 8:57pm
It isn't - you cannot post unless you have a citizen name and password.

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Dec 15, 1999, 8:59pm
> There's no reason for people to abandon common courtesy. There's a big
> difference between 'bitching' and complaining. It seems to me that
> is encouraging the latter while discouraging the former. Kudos to them.
Just a note... say they took citizenship off from someone... and no complain
in NG... funny :)


Dec 15, 1999, 10:15pm
> There's no reason for people to abandon common courtesy. There's a big
> difference between 'bitching' and complaining. It seems to me that
> is encouraging the latter while discouraging the former. Kudos to them.
Just a note... say they took citizenship off from someone... and no complain
in NG... funny :)


Dec 19, 1999, 7:16pm
Yes, you're right about the login. I didn't realize that until I tried to
post that message. I agree. I think the community board should be open to
tourists as well. However, I do stick by my original idea - that the
intention was basically a good one. Cutting down on the flaming and having
intelligent discussion is a good thing. I also noticed your note on
starting a group to intelligently discuss some of the issues facing the AW
community. I think it's a very good idea.


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