US Flag (General Discussion)

US Flag // General Discussion

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Nov 27, 2003, 6:06am
I am white and my sister is black. You are right, black people do say that
to each other, but when they do it dosn't mean the same thing that you
meant. I would never call any one that. Even jokeing with my sister I won't
use that word. It's not alloweed in my house, nor is it allowed in my world.
To keep that word out of my world, and knowing you use it, you are not
allowed in my world. If I ever see you in my world you will be ejected on
sight. So that you know which world to stay out of, my world is Image in AW.


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Nov 27, 2003, 6:28am
Thank you for bringing that to my attention. I am well aware of that tyvm. I
do have a lot of friends who are African American. It's one thing for THEM
to joke around about that word. It's quite another to say something like you
did. Heck, I'm blonde and am always making comments about my blonde moments,
however if someone says they can't stand blondes cus they're all F***ing
dumb it is offensive and full of hate. Or a Jew joking about their customs
even though a thoughtless remark from another person such as "They're
f***ing selfish pigs" is very hateful. Think before you speak. You never
know who might read your comment and feel racially or religiously offended.
By saying what you did... ( > > > who would want to go there just to get
shot by some fucking nigga?<<< ) You insinuated that they are the only ones
who would attack a visitor to our country. And you insinuated that they do
it on a regular basis. Here where I live we have "drive by" shootings. We
have all the other violent crimes too. The people who do something like that
are all different colors and backgrounds. In this area we have African
Americans, Hispanics, Hindus, Native Americans, Asians, and people from
several European countries including Russia, Italy, the Ukraine, Germany,
........ the list goes on and on, and this town isn't as large as NYC. Its
just a small example of a typical city with typical problems. You can't just
use words like that around here without people getting offended. If you were
to say what you did, in the manner you said it to an African American, not
only would that person feel hurt and angry with you, that person would look
upon you as a reminder of all the bigotry done to them by your particular
race. If you say the wrong thing to the wrong person who might be a crazy
nutcase you'd be the next victim laying in the city morgue. Doesn't matter
what they LOOK like or what country you are in.

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bowen ten.sardna@newob

Nov 27, 2003, 6:41am
[View Quote] Well, all the black friends I have call me a nigger. I call it them
back. It's the equivalent to the surfer term "dude."

Of course I may not have 300 black friends, but I have a few. It's only
a bad word if you let it be a bad word. The only time black people take
offense is when a white person calls them it that they don't know.

Give me ideas.

bowen ten.sardna@newob

Nov 27, 2003, 6:43am
But blondes are dumb. Ask Daphne, or Stacee.

Give me ideas.

citizen cane

Nov 27, 2003, 9:46am
[View Quote] >The Soviet Union did little to stop advancing NAZI forces, so spare me
>that rebuttal. In fact the conditions were so horrible in the Soviet
>Union, Soviet soldiers would surrender to unarmed NAZI scouts...

During WWII, many european populations paid a price that has no comparison in human
history, and the sacrifices made by the soviet people vastly exceeded that of *any* other

It could also be reasonably argued that the German's ruinous assault on their Eastern
front was what finally led to their downfall. You might read up on the Battle for

Is it possible that your notions have been distorted by the fact that whatever victory the
soviet people did achieve was subsequently squandered by their insane leadership?

Soviet soldiers killed: 13,700,000
Soviet civilians killed: 7,000,000

That's over twenty MILLION lives. Can you even start to comprehend that scale of death? Do
you really think it is something that should be used as the basis of a cheap shot in a NG
in an unnecessary attempt to argue with someone who everyone can clearly see hasn't got a

You deserve the rebuttal.



Nov 27, 2003, 11:21am

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Nov 27, 2003, 2:11pm
LOL... I'm not a blond... That doesn't mean I don't have my "dumb blond"
moments though... BTW.. What's your excuse for your "dumb blond"
moments??? *G*

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Nov 27, 2003, 2:36pm
> I'm sorry... I think we fought Japan single handedly, and came to Europe

Japan WW2 were extremley evil in their policies and I agree with the attack
the Americans made in retaliation of Pearl Habour - though the attack at
Pearl habour should not have been American's motive to join WW2 - you should
of helped suffering Europe. Also the atmoic bomb drop on Hiroshima was
completley unlawful and disgraceful - The US has no right to drop that
bomb - many people globally see this even more brutal than the Japanese
policies (Please let me note "Many people globally" is only showing some
peoples opinions)

> to do some fighting. Without the US, there would be no Europe, or would
> there be an Asia.
> The Soviet Union did little to stop advancing NAZI forces, so spare me
> that rebuttal. In fact the conditions were so horrible in the Soviet
> Union, Soviet soldiers would surrender to unarmed NAZI scouts...

As citizen cane stated - the USSR gave tremendous men AND women to the war,
even though their were short of ammo, clothes and guns. In fact one of the
main reasons Hitler was unable to invade Russia was quite the opposite of
what you stated - the conditions in Russia (When I say conditions I mean the
climate and enviroment) prevented Hitler from pushing forward into Russia.
To say that the USSR "did little to stop NAZI forces" is completley
incorrect - they did the MOST to stop NAZI advancement.

> In short... the world is much better with us around.

Yes the US has provided great economic and technology to the world - its
"Empire" expands rapidly not in the form of land but in media, technology,
culture. Though its motives for war is only vengenace not for the "greater
good" of the world. The lone superpower or the international police force
sees itself no longer part of this world - you only have to look at the
United Nations when it completed ignored everything the UN said.

>But, I guess
> France would've done just as much without us... oh wait... that country
> was devestated by NAZI forces. No bombs on Paris.
Initially the statement "Without the US in WW2. . .." gets Europeans
completley fired up. Its been very hard to try create a non-biased balanced
response to this topic without facts and figures. The US influence in the
war was a key point of allied victory - without it, the war would have been
much harder, and yes Europe might not of existed. However, many Europeans
are annoyed that America did not declare war on the Nazi threat til Pearl
was bombed - for the eyes of a European - its seems that until then, America
was keeping its policy of Isolationism, even though Churchill asked for
troops and military support (Again, US did send ammo and tanks - very
beneficial but not enough) - America did not comply. It was only when the US
was attacked did they actively participate.

Overall, I feel that boasting about who ended or was in a war isn't
something we should take pride in. War is not glorious. Neither is it "Sweet
and fitting to die for ones country". War is death and fighting - it should
never be able to start, Chamberlains policy of appeasement and US policy of
isolationism both let Hitler grow to Power. Both the US and Europe were to
blame for the war (As well as Hitler himself obviously) - whether we can see
past the pathetic rivarly between countries and people is up to you.

I just felt I should of answered the comment - I did not mean to offend
anyones nation or try to be biased. I was generally trying to finish the
arguement and explain why many people get annoyed with America. I was not
ranting for contributing to the arguement, just trying to explain; thats

- Leaf

> --
> --Bowen--
> Give me ideas.


Nov 27, 2003, 3:44pm
[View Quote] >Overall, I feel that boasting about who ended or was in a war isn't
>something we should take pride in. War is not glorious. Neither is it
>and fitting to die for ones country". War is death and fighting - it should
>never be able to start......whether we can see
>past the pathetic rivarly between countries and people is up to you.

I could never imagine a truer statement about war. Besides the fact that it
is generally the rich and powerful of those superpowers sending their young
and (often) innocent to fight their physical battles for them, doing so much
"collateral" damage along the way, the details of the real whys and hows of
war are often lost to history along with the people of power who decided
them. (Although the glory and fame, or infamy, are usually theirs.) We are
often not allowed to know the intricate details of what we are asked to
fight for. We (I assume most) were taught at 8 not to fight, but then taught
at 18 to fight strangers for reasons sometimes unknown to us. Where is the

In an ideal world, we would be celebrating a global Thanksgiving, for
reasons we could all appreciate.

By the way, we could all take a lesson from your diplomatic skills.

bowen ten.sardna@newob

Nov 27, 2003, 7:49pm
[View Quote] I hang around in your worlds too much.

Give me ideas.


Nov 28, 2003, 7:26am
I dont find flag code really a useful thing in todays world...maybe back
during the revolution, but not now.


[View Quote] other rules for flags is that no US flag should be out in bad weather.

No US flag should be up on a flag pole at night unless it is well lit by
some sort of light.

When the US flag is displayed on a staff mounted to the wall of a room, it
should flown to the right at the front of the room (in a classroom this
means to the teacher's right), and any other flags displayed from separate
staffs should be to the U.S. Flag's left.

If several flags are flown from the same mounting, the US flag should be
centered and hold prominence.

When displayed against a wall with another flag on crossed staffs, the US
flag should be to its own right, and the staff of the US flag should be in
front of the staff of any other flag so displayed.

If the US flag and annother flag (state flag most likely) are displayed
together against a wall, the US flag should have the position on the
observer's left.

No other flag should be larger then the US flag, but can be the same exact

If the flag is suspended vericly, the field of blue should be on the top and
on the top-left edge of the flag.

When the flag is displayed in a window, it should be displayed to look
correct from the outside of the building.

When hanged on a staff on a building, Hang it over the sidewalk with the
stars away from the building.
When hanged over a street, hang the flag with the stars to the east on a
north- south street or north on an east-west street.north on an east-west

If the flag is going to be at Half-Mast, you should raise it all the way to
the top the lower it half-way, and then when taking it down raise it all the
way to the top and lower it.

and an upside-down US flag is considered a distress signal

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Nov 28, 2003, 10:00am
I dont give a shit about your dumb world anyways, so shut the hell up! your
country must be severely fucked up if youve shit like "drive-by" etc..... so
drive through!

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Nov 28, 2003, 10:03am
Learn to spell correctly, it's "niggers".

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Nov 28, 2003, 10:04am
Yeah, to hell with them!

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linn ironhead@digitalpassage(dot)com

Nov 28, 2003, 1:39pm
learn something yourself its African American and we all came from the
same place :-)

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linn ironhead@digitalpassage(dot)com

Nov 28, 2003, 1:40pm
its called respect look that up in the dictionary so you know what it

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Nov 28, 2003, 4:19pm
"strike rapier" <strike at> wrote in
news:3fc4f4cf at

> and just think :O The rest of the world uses em for burning or
> polishing tables!

I don't think that's true. Here in Norway we still respect our flag a lot.
We don't have quite such an intricate flag protocol as in the US (at least
not in current use), but most citizens know the basic rules. Never let the
flag touch the ground, the flag should be taken up at 8/9 AM (can't
remember anymore) or whenever it's reasonably light outside (winter), taken
down at 9PM at the latest, earlier if sunset occurs before 9PM (winter).


bowen ten.sardna@newob

Nov 28, 2003, 4:57pm
[View Quote] > I dont give a shit about your dumb world anyways, so shut the hell up! your
> country must be severely fucked up if youve shit like "drive-by" etc..... so
> drive through!

That was the worst attempt at being Eep I've ever seen.

Give me ideas.

bowen ten.sardna@newob

Nov 28, 2003, 5:00pm
[View Quote] > learn something yourself its African American and we all came from the
> same place :-)

Yes and no. The key lineage is from Africa, but there are clear
seperations of genotypes in the races. Survival of the fittest. Black
people are black and white people are white -- no amount of "looking
back through the mitochondrial trail" is going to make a white person
anymore more black.

Given a couple hundred thousand more years, there would be three
seperate human species -- that's how distinct the genotypes are.

Give me ideas.


Nov 28, 2003, 5:36pm
I would see respect for your country as stopping your Government from
passing unconstitutional laws, rather than flag rules. Just my two pence.

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bowen ten.sardna@newob

Nov 28, 2003, 7:27pm
[View Quote] > I would see respect for your country as stopping your Government from
> passing unconstitutional laws, rather than flag rules. Just my two pence.

It's a two way street.

Give me ideas.


Nov 28, 2003, 7:32pm
In the Olympics, Americans flew our Canadian flag upside down by
mistake.....we did not take it as an act of war LMAO although some were very
upset here about the disrespect shown. Apologies were made, apologies
accepted and life went on.
The flag is not only a symbol of the people....It is a symbol of
Our flags can all fly together, as long as we respect the rules, regulations
and customs of the other flags. And why not? We are all a bit different,
isn't that what makes this world interesting? Isn't that also what makes AW

bowen ten.sardna@newob

Nov 28, 2003, 7:51pm
[View Quote] > In the Olympics, Americans flew our Canadian flag upside down by
> mistake.....we did not take it as an act of war LMAO although some were very
> upset here about the disrespect shown. Apologies were made, apologies
> accepted and life went on.
> The flag is not only a symbol of the people....It is a symbol of
> cooperation.
> Our flags can all fly together, as long as we respect the rules, regulations
> and customs of the other flags. And why not? We are all a bit different,
> isn't that what makes this world interesting? Isn't that also what makes AW
> interesting?

How do you fly Canada's flag upside down? I mean some of them are
pretty hard to not fly them upside down and backwards (like the US flag)
but Canada's is pretty straight forward.

Give me ideas.

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