
Eliza Bot Sample (Bots)

Eliza Bot Sample // Bots

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morrie wilson

Feb 10, 1999, 4:50am
There is a "Eliza" Psychotherapist bot in the rather small "nowhere" world
at 100N 100W.
It is based on the very first bot made (1966) , and is defined as an
obnoxious chatterbot.

Source code is available. It it does not crash, it should be there a


Feb 10, 1999, 5:43am
[View Quote] > There is a "Eliza" Psychotherapist bot in the rather small "nowhere" world
> at 100N 100W.
> It is based on the very first bot made (1966) , and is defined as an
> obnoxious chatterbot.
> Source code is available. It it does not crash, it should be there a
> while.

hehehehe...very clever. ..although, she didnt stand up to a Facter session all
that well . ..hehehehe

Eliza]: Please accept my greetings for all of us here Facter
Facter: hello
[Eliza]: Howdy.
Facter: what are you doing
[Eliza]: Why are you interested in whether or not I am doing
Facter: because i am
[Eliza]: Did you come to me because you are
Facter: no i wasnt
[Eliza]: Are you sure?
Facter: yes
[Eliza]: Why do you think so?
Facter: because the moon is a harsh mistress
[Eliza]: Don't any other reasons come to mind?
Facter: sometimes
[Eliza]: What does that suggest to you?
Facter: shut up
[Eliza]: I see.
Facter: bitch
[Eliza]: Do you kiss your mother with that mouth?
Facter: yes
[Eliza]: You seem quite positive.
Facter: she tastes good
[Eliza]: I am interested in your feelings about this person. Please describe
Facter: i want to eat fruit
[Eliza]: What would it mean to you if you got to eat fruit
Facter: it would be ecstacy
[Eliza]: I'm not sure I understand you fully.
Facter: GOOD


Fletcher Andersen
Internet Advisor
Curtin Business School
Internet Support Group
ICQ UIN:888331
andersenf at

byte me

Feb 10, 1999, 12:14pm
LOL I just had an interesting conversation with the bot, where can I get the

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walter knupe

Feb 10, 1999, 3:34pm
well, its time for a "me too" note here :)

Byte / Morrie.... please give me a hint as well for where to get to the
eliza source code

thanx :)

Byte Me schrieb in Nachricht <36C19442.9A9CE07C at>...
>LOL I just had an interesting conversation with the bot, where can I get
[View Quote]

byte me

Feb 10, 1999, 3:42pm
I'm still trying to figure out were to get it :)

[View Quote] > well, its time for a "me too" note here :)
> Byte / Morrie.... please give me a hint as well for where to get to the
> eliza source code
> thanx :)
> Byte Me schrieb in Nachricht <36C19442.9A9CE07C at>...
> the
> world


Feb 16, 1999, 4:41pm
interesting... would like to talk to her...


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Feb 17, 1999, 10:46am
yeah, you need it...

Dean-Christian Strik ("Fluxen") -- dean2 at -- ICQ #11760568
"Real programmers like vending machine popcorn. Coders pop it in the =
microwave oven. Real programmers use the heat given off by the CPU. They =
can tell what job is running just by listening to the rate of popping."

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Feb 17, 1999, 4:00pm
she seems to be better companion than most people I know (not you).


[View Quote] --
Dean-Christian Strik ("Fluxen") -- dean2 at -- ICQ #11760568
"Real programmers like vending machine popcorn. Coders pop it in the
microwave oven. Real programmers use the heat given off by the CPU. They can
tell what job is running just by listening to the rate of popping."

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Feb 10, 2002, 6:36pm
I dont see the bot.
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Feb 11, 2002, 5:01pm
did you check the date of this post? I doubt it... it's dated Feb. 10th
*1999*. Remember that things don't stay the same forever ;-))


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