Is there hope for 3.4? (General Discussion)

Is there hope for 3.4? // General Discussion

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Apr 30, 2003, 11:52pm
If you have noticed these changes from 3.3 to 3.4 please let AW
support know thanks. What is happening


May 1, 2003, 1:03am
That link is broken.

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May 1, 2003, 2:56am
If we emailed Roland, we might still stand a shot *G*

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tony m

May 1, 2003, 2:59am
It works for me...

[View Quote] >That link is broken.
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goober king

May 1, 2003, 9:41am
See, this is one of the reasons that open beta sucks: Because you have
to explain everything 10 million different times! >_<

For starters, the "bleeding" problem is caused by increasing the max
viewing distance to 1200. Want less bleeding? Then lower the max viewing
distance (called "Max view/fog distance" in World features)

Secondly, that page you provided has to be the worst possible testing
venue, because the person is using two totally different computers to
perform his/her tests. The problems that are mentioned could be due to
any number of factors, including video card, drivers, view mode
(OpenGL/DirectX/etc), etc.

So, if you know who made that page, tell them that A) It's a BETA! If
you find a bug, *report* it, don't make some lame-ass petition page over
it, and B) if you're going to be demonstrating differences between 3.3
and 3.4, use the same computer! :P

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Goober King
It's going to be a looooooong beta...
gooberking at


May 1, 2003, 12:32pm
Both Computers showed the same differences . That is whole point it
was not the computers. Yes the older showed other troubles to but
these were the same. I can post the other images that only the older
computer showed if you like.

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May 1, 2003, 5:17pm
First - those are the most vague specifications I've seen in my life.
Second, the first problem is known and has to do with floating point
precision or some such crap. Decrease max viewing range in world options.
The second problem looks like either bad objects, AGP bus damage or just a
random glitch. I'll bet on bad objects - check the texturemodes and UVs.

Must I remind you that AW3.0-3.3 also exhibit jaggies on occasion? It's
because of bad transparency implementation (In Renderware 3, not AW if I
recall). I'm not so sure what exactly going on right there, but if you're
willing to give us coordinates... It may just be the viewing angle.

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May 2, 2003, 5:46pm
Transparency implementation? I thought TS stopped doing transparency a
while ago an AW had to program their own simple transparency code? Or
something? That's how you get the bugs with masks now.

"wing" <wing at> wrote this
(news:3eb172c1 at in general.discussion on 01 May

> First - those are the most vague specifications I've seen in my life.
> Second, the first problem is known and has to do with floating point
> precision or some such crap. Decrease max viewing range in world
> options. The second problem looks like either bad objects, AGP bus
> damage or just a random glitch. I'll bet on bad objects - check the
> texturemodes and UVs.
> Must I remind you that AW3.0-3.3 also exhibit jaggies on occasion?
> It's because of bad transparency implementation (In Renderware 3, not
> AW if I recall). I'm not so sure what exactly going on right there,
> but if you're willing to give us coordinates... It may just be the
> viewing angle.


May 4, 2003, 12:55pm
Maybe. Who knows. It's time for a new engine.
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