agreeing with the GK's is bad (General Discussion)

agreeing with the GK's is bad // General Discussion

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Apr 22, 2003, 6:28pm
Ok so now here we are on the General discussion and this forum seems to
have a little different voice about GK's. I want to say one thing
first...... Not All Ejections from gate are made by the GK on duty, many are
made by CA and Flooding is one of the biggest reasons CA ejects, so if the
Shut up guy repeated it several times then CA booted him not the GK.

As for situations with certain GK's like I have read here, again I ask
you please do not hold all GK's responsible for their actions. You have
named 2 or 3 maybe 4 GK's in here but there are around 75 or so GK's and we
are not all "trigger happy". Rossyboy you brought up that WK's must submit
an ejection log, well guess what?.... So do GK's and as a TL, I turn in a
report every month on every shift any of my GK's perform to the ETL's. They
are reviewed and if one of my GK's has performed an eject that is not
warranted then I am informed and must take action against that GK. Whether
it be in the form of Suspension or termination that is decided by the ETL's
and the GK Liaison (Mountain Myst). Now I can understand your frustrations
for being ejected for unfounded reasons, but may I suggest something here?
The only way to help fix problems is to offer solutions, not fuel the
problem. I would suggest that if you have a complaint on a GK, that you
submit it to the ETL's gatekeepers at I promise you they will
correct the problem.
Most GK's only eject when they have no other choice, but I agree with you
that some feel they may eject if they are having a bad day or just don't
feel like dealing with someone who has a different opinion....That is not
right and is cause for disciplinary action against the GK in question. As a
GK we are required to keep chat logs and turn in shift reports with
ejections and reason for ejection. So if you have a complaint then turn it
in, you might help in cleaning up those who are not upholding the GK
I will apologize to anyone who has been wrongly ejected and I say if you
have been ejected because of a silly reason like the miss spelling of a word
then sometimes it might help to try and explain to the GK on duty it was a
mistake. We have GK's from all over the world and in the case of Shittake
Mushrooms, someone who has never heard the word spelled right or wrong might
just catch part of it and see it as Non G rated. It is not easy reading
every line of chat and keeping up with several different conversations. CA
is there to filter out curse words and GK's are there to catch the ones who
misspell curse words trying to get around CA... You all know they do it!!!
Anyhow I won't sit here and try to say all GK's are perfect but I will say
we are not all bad, so please read your code of conduct and world rules and
give the GK's a break, if you have a complaint take it where it belongs.
gatekeepers at

AW-Gatekeepers Team TruBluXers

Please reply to TrueToMe2 at

Team TrueToMe2 "motto" If someone is going down the wrong road,
he doesn't need motivation to speed him up.
What he needs is education to turn him around
[View Quote]

count dracula

Apr 22, 2003, 6:33pm
bowen <thisguyrules at> kirjoitti
viestissä:3ea57b23 at
[View Quote] I did not say anything about Iraq, I just tried to make you apriciate your
ejection. But since you brought it up, what proofs ? LOL I have seen yet not
even one proof that Iraq was planning to attack USA, nor have I seen even
one mass-destruction or chemical weapon in Iraq :-Þ. It seems tho that USA
will not allow UN to search for them, but they will do it only by
themselves, sheesh that is just so reliable and unparty LOL

> --Bowen--


Apr 22, 2003, 6:55pm
[View Quote] No direct words, implications of certain countries and people though.



Apr 22, 2003, 6:57pm
[View Quote] He didn't, the GK on duty said somthing to the effect of, "There, that took care of
it." As for the rest, I don't have time to respond to it right now. :)



Apr 22, 2003, 7:16pm
who cares, get over urself dammit!

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princess kiki

Apr 22, 2003, 7:18pm
OMG!! What was that about??

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Apr 22, 2003, 7:24pm
About her constant whining -_-

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princess kiki

Apr 22, 2003, 7:29pm
Well, I don't think that this dicussion is the place for your rude comment.
This discussion is in regards to the problems people are having with the
GKs, not your personal problem with another citizen of AW.

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goober king

Apr 22, 2003, 7:30pm
For COB's sake, Bowen, don't encourage him! The last thing we need in
here is yet *another* derailed war thread. It's obvious Drac has trouble
letting go of his "issues" with the war, so let's just let him wallow in
his own perceived notions of the real world and you go about your
business, ok?

[View Quote] --
Goober King
Deja vu, all over again
gooberking at


Apr 22, 2003, 7:31pm
[View Quote] I was going to stop after what I said.


goddess innie

Apr 22, 2003, 7:38pm

[View Quote]

goddess innie

Apr 22, 2003, 7:39pm
He actually only said shut up two times. Then was ejected.

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Apr 22, 2003, 7:51pm
It's not rude, she keeps whining about how mean others are. It's tiring -_-

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princess kiki

Apr 22, 2003, 7:53pm
Well, maybe she has a point! You were just extremely mean in your statement.
You basically just made her case!! And, yes, your comment was rude.

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Apr 22, 2003, 7:55pm

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agent fox mulder

Apr 22, 2003, 10:05pm
This conversation is a pretty active one=Dtheres been like 50 posts(i
exagerate)...I dont have much to say at the moment....ya....not
much......5th post of the year,hurray!....ummm....YEA.....Go team......o_o
[View Quote]


Apr 22, 2003, 11:59pm
Yeah, it's a problem. I do regret not staying longer, I just don't have the
patience for that kind of idiocy any more today.

[Worthless chitter-chatter left in to prove a point]

[Customs Aide]: Welcome, Wing. For the Conduct Guidelines please say World
Rules or see
TheRaven: oh?
IggyTheAlleyCat: newblood click 7 times on your forward errow and then twice
on the right one
TheRaven: from who?
"Spindle": :P
Lady Barbara: Pizza=food of the Gods!
Vera: brb
"workingmom14": ha ha :) i just didnt know if this was worth the memory if
you cant have the options without paying...
"Spindle": soz, just trying to make..
"Spindle": conversation :(
TheRaven: worth the memory?
TheRaven: s'ok, Spindle. :)
Wing: Arrr crap.
KAH: it's a shame it got so expensive
"Spindle": oh yeh, you hate tousists
Lady Barbara: Wing--please watch what you say
"Spindle": oops.*tourists :D
"workingmom14": isnt the sims even cheaper?
"Sheriff Legion": Would pizza in pizza restaurant in Little Italy tends to
have better tastes than ordinary restaurants' pizza?
KAH: No offence, but c'mon, I don't anyone is gonna take offence from that
word :-P
Lady Barbara: I would hate to throw a book at you and bonk you on the head
TheRaven: LOL
Wing: LB: I think killing 2 $150 motherboards merits the use of a word that
isn't one of the "dirty 7"
TheRaven: I'd pay to see that
Lady Barbara: Remember there are people of all ages here
"goten": hi
Lady Barbara: so please watch what you say
"Sheriff Legion": And "dirty 7" would be what? ;)
"Spindle": remember ther are ppl of all ages here
KAH: I think you GKs should revise the rules a bit
Wing: Show me a 5 year old that doesn't know the word "crap" and I'll show
you a 5 year old that hasn't used the Internet
IggyTheAlleyCat: Lady dear there are no bad words there are only bad people
Lady Barbara: Yikes! I do feel for you Wing!
Lady Barbara: And there's such a thing
KAH: determine what wording and behaviour that really is unacceptable
Lady Barbara: as not arguing
Lady Barbara: with a GK
"Spindle": Thomas Crapper invented the first WC..
"gurl101": brb
Lord of the Pies: im back again, though i forgot to say that i was going LOL
"Jonny Bravo": what is there to do for fun?
Wing: *rolls eyes and fades into the sunset*
"Spindle": so what came first?
Immigration Officer: Welcome to Alphaworld! :) - The largest building world
in Cyberspace

On further evaluation of the Customs Aide's link, it turned up the following

-Please do not insult other tourists or citizens by use of inflammatory or
offensive statements or images. We ask that you refrain from expressions of
bigotry, racism, hatred, or profanity. Please do not harass other users,
including verbal abuse or personal attacks.
-Please do not engage in racial, religious, ethnic, or sexual slurs, lewd
comments, or generally disruptive behaviour in public areas.
-Public meeting areas are not appropriate spaces for cyber-sexual behaviour,
sexual orientation discussions or activity.
-The use of all caps is considered shouting, please refrain from using caps
unless you are intending to shout. Please refrain from flooding (continuous
posting of repetitive text)as this can be annoying to users.
-Activeworlds Inc. or its associates reserve the right to enforce compliance
with these guidelines, which may include temporary ejection from the world.

Now a thorough picking apart of Rule #1:
"profanity" is defined as
"Abusive, vulgar, or irreverent language."

I wasn't abusing anybody (Except perhaps myself), and it wasn't irrelevant
as it's a general chat area, so what does "Vulgar" mean?

"Crudely indecent. " is the only fitting definition that a search yielded

Now, what about indecent? "Offensive to public moral values; immodest."

I have NEVER in my life heard anyone chastised for saying "crap." I have,
however, heard school teachers, clergy, and politicians use it publicly.

Now for rule #2:
Now - I can see where "shit" could potentially become "generally
disruptive", but "crap"? It's only a disruption if somthing is disrupted,
and nothing was. In fact, the GK's "intervention" became decidedly incited
FAR more of a riot than my initial comment did.

Rule #3 and 4 obviously do not apply.

Also upon examination of the same URL from Customs Aide that I referred to

Please submit any complaints or queries regarding these rules to
info at

I do believe this is where the complaints SHOULD be going instead of to
nntp:// - CC'ing this there (To
whoever reads this at AWI, connect to your news server, go to
general.discussion and read the whole thread entitled "agreeing with the
GK's is bad" started by Bowen.

Citizen 305004
World: WingCorp (Currently down due to extensive hardware failures)

[View Quote]


Apr 23, 2003, 12:10am
[View Quote] How about this defiance, don't read her posts.



Apr 23, 2003, 12:11am
The GK's are anothing but intelligent.



Apr 23, 2003, 1:09am
Irrelevancy (noun): See "agent fox mulder's last post"

Where's Eep when you need him?

Citizen 305004

[View Quote]


Apr 23, 2003, 1:29am
*standing ovation*

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Apr 23, 2003, 1:38am
I remember a while back when there was a GK on duty and another tourist was
being sexually harrassed, yet the GK was doing nothing about it....he/she
was constantly AFK which I feel that a GK on duty should not have to
constantly do unless it is in means of using the bathroom. When you are on
duty, you must watch for EVERYTHING.....and what this specific person was
doing was VERY noticable to me and several other citizens online that day.
As a Co-leader for the AWNewbie WK's.....we also enforce that our WK's be
strict and that they are at GZ at all times....yet we lighten the rules a
bit......a slip up here and there isn't a definite means for ejection and
NONE of our WK's verbally harrass citizens or tourists as one of the GK's
was said to do by calling someone an "idiot." I agree with Bowen and the
rest on here as they DO have a point. The GK system needs to be improved
just a bit.

kfoerst at
[View Quote]


Apr 23, 2003, 1:45am
[View Quote] Definately. Also re-reading wing's post... it has come to my attention that the same
thing wing said was the same thing I said to encorage the anal mr kebo to begin his
chastise of myself that day. I said "crap." Goddess Innie can contest to that.


sw chris

Apr 23, 2003, 2:05am
Perhaps you would do the public a favor and name this GK? I do not see why
they should be protected.

SW Chris

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sw chris

Apr 23, 2003, 2:12am
Gone. And it's a better place around here. You give the guy a newsgroup
and he goes nuts, even tho he's pretty nice when you talk to him online, by
all accounts.


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goddess innie

Apr 23, 2003, 2:36am
It has been stated, DeDe Cybermom and Lady Cherokee.

I actually think DeDe has come up by several people now.

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goddess innie

Apr 23, 2003, 2:43am
Yes, I can.

and, Mr Kebo is not usually like that. It really just must have been an off
day for him. And, as I said in my previous post about what happened....I
am dealing with the Head of the GK's on what is going on in the Gate....and
this thread has been read and appropriate matters to deal with this seem to
be taking place.

[View Quote]

agent fox mulder

Apr 23, 2003, 6:03am
I was agreeing with the gks,but now i see that they did do bad things(Insult
cits)(eject for no reason)....

-AFM(6th post...this is getting old)

count dracula

Apr 23, 2003, 12:08pm
I did not bring up the Iraq issue. I simply tried to teach Bowen how to
apriciate and even be thankfull for his ejection. The GK on duty might have
heard or someone might have told him/her that Bowen knows other than G-rated
language and therefore is a threat to a G-rated enviroment. He might have
other proof also, but may not want to present them to protect the GKs way of
obtaining information. I am just trying to use "US" logic in this case.

goober king <gooberking at> kirjoitti
viestissä:3EA5A5D4.9060201 at
> For COB's sake, Bowen, don't encourage him! The last thing we need in
> here is yet *another* derailed war thread. It's obvious Drac has trouble
> letting go of his "issues" with the war, so let's just let him wallow in
> his own perceived notions of the real world and you go about your
> business, ok?
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count dracula

Apr 23, 2003, 12:09pm
Don´t worry. I am not interested in discussing Iraq in here. The damage is
done, no use anymore.

bowen <thisguyrules at> kirjoitti
viestissä:3ea5a693 at
[View Quote]

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