Re: trolling moron (was Re: word usage) (General Discussion)

Re: trolling moron (was Re: word usage) // General Discussion

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Aug 15, 2002, 12:30am
Hello :o)

[View Quote] > To everyone it may concern.
> While there is a difference between the words "worse" and "worst", there is
> not a great deal of difference between "troll" and "pedant". Both are
> personal attacks.

Your right Kellee. I should have thanked "he who shall not be named" for calling
me a moron, twit , snotty snob, a broken record and for suggesting I take a
class in grammar (although Ive considered this). Thank you very much :o) I'm
also pretty sure that in reference to myself, it was I who may have been the
first to use the terms "pedant" and "troll-baiter" so really there was no real
annoyance on my part. I am guilty though, of stating that there are a few who
are unimaginative, ill-equipped, inane....oh yes, I did call Eep a ning nong for
which I will forever be in a state of chagrin. :o)

> While general discussion is the place for all topics not directly related to
> AW, it is still considered to be a place where adults can have opinions,
> make remarks and otherwise behave in a semi sociable manner.

How about letting "semi" be the indicative word here.

> In other words.....grow up kiddies!

Now now. Perhaps I have learned not to be inflammatory. How about you?

> Dont like it......mute some one, but
> dont use caustic and inflamatory statements to berate some one in an effort
> to reach their annoyance threshold and have them react in a way that will
> have them removed from the NGs.

Eep has stated himself that he has filtered me so Im fairly sure my last post
filled with his belittling remarks have not bothered him in the slightest. I'm
sure too that I haven't the personal power to cause anyone to do anything
against their will. If anyone were to react in a way to my posts that would have
them thrown off then surely I am not to blame. I just don't have that kind of
power. Likewise, if I'm ousted as a result of my posts Im sure you would
understand that Eep would certainly not be to blame either. I have confined
myself to this one and only thread amongst the thousands of threads within the
AW newsgroups and the thousands that have passed by over the years here. If it
is you Kellee that is annoyed...heck I don't blame ya! Mute someone.

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