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Something EVERYONE:Should Be Aware Of (General Discussion)
Something EVERYONE:Should Be Aware Of // General DiscussionkelleeMar 15, 2002, 8:49pm
Not really a good analogy, as the computer is designed for information
storage, manipulation and retrieval, accessing the internet for visual and / or interactive entertainment and technology sharing. The radio? well.... that's designed for listening to music and other non interactive audio activities. *shrugs* but of course you are right and say hi to Chuck for me [View Quote] bobhetheringtonMar 16, 2002, 9:23am
Well the analogy was yours my dear, I merely carried your argument to its
illogical conclusion. Why you feel you need to narrow the uses of an invention that is so obviously designed to be as open-ended as a device possibly can be is strange and I guess you only do this for dramatic effect. The radio? well are you talking about the REAL radio? which is limited in the ways that you say, or net radio which isn't. Perhaps a little research into the topics being discussed would save over developed shoulder muscles. Try a google search, 'net radio' and a subject your are interested in. Perhaps you might be pleasantly suprised like I was :) My dad says 'hi' and that Chuck is in another universe but will pass your message on when/if he sees him. [View Quote] iceyMar 16, 2002, 9:40am
A computer is NOT designed for anything in particular but what the future
development of the technology is leading to, hardware and software designs are changing faster and faster and the radio is only an old device that is going to be forgotten in the future years. icey [View Quote] > Not really a good analogy, as the computer is designed for information > storage, manipulation and retrieval, accessing the internet for visual and / > or interactive entertainment and technology sharing. The radio? well.... > that's designed for listening to music and other non interactive audio > activities. > > *shrugs* but of course you are right and say hi to Chuck for me > [View Quote] pc hamsterMar 21, 2002, 12:40pm
Hi everyone:
[View Quote] This is a mythological misconception Icey and you know it. Ever heard of something called SATELLITE RADIO???? If not, perhaps you had better take a look at these URLs.... and You'll find that you will get an education. As for those of you who seem to think that the CARP Proposal isn't real or won't affect you because you happen to listen to some obscure music genre that's so obscure that the record labels don't even give a damn - THINK AGAIN!!! If you think it won't affect you because YOU don't live in the USA, THINK AGAIN!!! Look at what a Dutch judge did to the owner of KaZaA. The RIAA and its corps of agencies don't know boundaries. They ARE International. It may take them a little longer to affect you because of the liberalness in some of your laws, but they ultimately WILL find a way. So they DO affect you. You just may not know it. If nothing else convinces you of the seriousness of this situation, think of it THIS way. You know about that nice little company called which AWcom kindly acquired awhile back, well GUESS WHAT.... AWcom NEEDS YOUR HELP & SUPPORT!!!! Didn't Mr. Noll say that AWcom's future pretty much depends on their acquisition of (in about a thousand words or so, but still nevertheless). Think about it peoples!!! As NetBroadcaster goes, so does AWcom's chances of survival. I know you're tired of trying to work with a company that's had a track record of lying and poor PR (among other things). But IF this thing becomes LAW, AWcom is pretty much out of business. It would be interesting to see just what AWcom is doing to address the issue of the CARP Proposal. AWcom is getting a CC of this message - AWcom, don't you think that WITH YOUR FUTURE AT STAKE you should show that you are *actually* doing something to address this issue or are you so naive as to think it can't possibly affect YOU because you're in the VIDEO business as opposed to Internet Radio & Webcasting????? Seriously AWcom, don't you think you should like post something on your website addressing this issue??? Maybe then people here will grasp the seriousness of this issue and begin to take action. So far with the exception of one or two people, I'm pretty disappointed in the AW Community, at least with those who live in the U.S. and who seem to think this won't affect them 'cause IT WILL if this becomes LAW as it'll affect EVERYONE!!! Well....that's all for now....Cheers.... Patrick Cook Mayor - City of Hamsterville Live365 Broadcaster pchamster at Denver, Colorado iceyMar 21, 2002, 7:50pm
The only good way to ignore the problem is to not buy a radioset, and to be true
I do not have any radioset here...and hardly will buy any. Apart from my personal interests, I am not sure how it happened to talk about AWCOM starting from a radio set... icey [View Quote] > Hi everyone: > [View Quote] iceyMar 21, 2002, 7:54pm
Radioset not Radio...maybe I didn't explain myself clearly...a radioset is a stand
alone receiver, radio means a way to broadcast things...mmmh well I was talking about radiosets, those boxes that do a lot of noise..., not sure what you were thinking about:) [View Quote] > The only good way to ignore the problem is to not buy a radioset, and to be true > I do not have any radioset here...and hardly will buy any. Apart from my > personal interests, I am not sure how it happened to talk about AWCOM starting > from a radio set... > icey > [View Quote] |