Why We War (was Re: Bin Laden's Special Song) (General Discussion)

Why We War (was Re: Bin Laden's Special Song) // General Discussion

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goober king

Oct 26, 2001, 1:17am
Unfortunately for you, both you and Henry are in the distinct minority,
as the vast majority of Americans *support* what's going on in
Afghanistan and how our President has been handling all this. (myself
included) Of course, if you think this means that everyone *likes* war,
then you obviously don't know human nature very well.

Very few people *like* warring with other countries and seeing more
innocent (and even not-so-innocent) blood spilled. However, the
terrorist attacks were *far* too severe to just sit back and try to
"talk it out" with the perpetrators. These are not the kind of people
you can "talk to". Osama, and those of his ilk, hate all things American
and view us as the greatest evil this world has ever known. They see us
as "defiling" the world with our Western philosophies. (And if you
honestly believe he attacked us because we support Israel, then you
really need to do some more investigating)

You want to talk about a "repressive society"? Try looking at a country
where women are barely allowed to breathe. The Taliban have made
Afghanistan into a starving nation, where people get shot on the spot
for doing anything that doesn't follow their strict Islamic interpretations.

Now granted, this alone does not grant us an excuse to bomb them into
submission, but the fact that they support and harbor terrorists who
would commit such atrocities means they should no longer be allowed to
operate as such. Hell, we gave them almost an entire month to comply to
our fairly reasonable demands, and all they did was stall. The Taliban
have brought this upon themselves, plain and simple, and we have done
our utmost to ensure that innocent casualties are minimized, while at
the same time trying to show the rest of the Afghan populace that we
don't hate them, just those who oppress them. (Although how well that's
actually working has yet to be seen)

This so-called "War on Terrorism" is not about Americans being
self-righteous. In case you've forgotten, this isn't just about America.
Britain, Germany, France, Pakistan, Uzbekistan, and even China, among
others, are all pitching in to help eradicate this evil from the Earth.
And while some may say that trying to wipe out terrorism is a futile
effort, is it any less futile to hope for a world full of "peace and
love"? As long as evil exists in the world, we will never know true
peace. Someone has to take a stand against it and say "Enough is
enough." It's nice to know that at least a sizable portion of the world
community agrees.

So feel free to sit there and contemplate your navel, hoping that the
rest of the world will suddenly have a huge, collective epiphany and say
"Why can't we all just get along?" In the meantime, the rest of us will
be doing what we can to make sure this little gruesome piece of history
doesn't repeat itself...

P.S. And as far as the whole anthrax business goes, our government is
devoting just as much attention to this problem as they are to
Afghanistan. Just because we haven't found out who did it in under a
week doesn't mean we're not working on it. Try looking around and
getting educated on the whole mess before shooting your mouth off, hmm?

[View Quote] > Henry, I can agree with some of what you are saying, but the only thing I
> don't really agree on is the American mentality you are suggesting. I will
> agree that some Americans are what you suggst, but most are not. The war
> going on overseas is stupid. I have no doubt that people having nothing to
> do with the taliban, terrorism, or hatred towards the United States have
> been killed and it is not right in my opinion. I am not one for war unless
> it's absolutely necessary. Please don't hate me (being an American) or the
> United States though for the actions that are going on overseas because it
> was not my decision nor is it many people's decision to go to war. We
> [Americans] supposedly live in a land of freedom of choice that I greatly
> enjoy and take advantage of as many people do, but some things we cannot
> choose - our government chooses for us, such as this war. I likewise do not
> blame Afghanistan for what happened in NY or Washington or anyone overseas
> because those people as well cannot control what their leaders and people
> with power and money do either.
> However there is reason for the Americans to be mad because September 11
> many of our citizens were killed as well. People tend to lose focus on the
> real problem as a result from their anger. I think the only war that should
> be going on should be right here in our own country. New York and
> Washington is where the acts of wrong doing were committed, not Afghanistan.
> Anthrax is being spread all over the United States and nobody seems to know
> why or who's doing it because our government is too busy starting shit with
> people overseas and trying to blame everyone else but themselves for what's
> happened. Why can't our government take care of our homeland first and wage
> war against the terrorists that are amongst us in our own damn country? Is
> that too much to ask?
> For those Americans who think I'm anti-American I'm not trying to say I hate
> my country, otherwise I wouldn't live here. I love America, the American
> people here and the patriotism they show for their country. Henry I don't
> feel the patriotism we are showing in this time is in any way meant to thumb
> our noses at other nations (although some have made it out to be that way),
> but merely to show our respect and love for the people we lost 9/11 here at
> home as a united nation to each other, not against other countries.
[View Quote]
Goober King
Proof that Goobers ARE as dumb as they look.
rar1 at acsu.buffalo.edu

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