Stupid Schools... (General Discussion)

Stupid Schools... // General Discussion

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j b e l l

Aug 17, 2001, 10:53pm
lol, i'm not depressed.. just tired.. i do that when i'm tired.. i decided not to sleep for a cpl days.. still paying for it.. heh..

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j b e l l

Aug 17, 2001, 10:56pm
9 classes.. damn..either short classes or a long day.. or both..

here's what i have.. senior year, mind you..

networking concepts
personal finance
"colt connection" (don't ask)
heroes (lit)
computer applications 1 (why i'm in this again, i don't know.. will have to see about that)
creative writing
off campus (to be changed to nuclear era cuz i failed it last semester last year)

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sw chris

Aug 17, 2001, 11:34pm
Wait a minute... you only had to pay 30 dollars for a college course?
Around here we have to pay upwards of $200! That includes books as well as

SW Chris
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sw chris

Aug 17, 2001, 11:36pm
The "other" type is probably just as happy where they are too. ;)

SW Chris.
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Aug 18, 2001, 12:11am
Shorter than usual day actually. 4 hours reserved for classes (they give us a whopping 0 minutes to traverse the entire building to
get between classes, and this aint no small urban compact school either, the freshmen area is the size of four football fields) and
7 classes to do in 4 hours... That's 34 minutes per class. Heck, in Tech Ed it'll take 90% of the people in my class all semester to
learn to boot the darn things with classes that short, while I'll be walking in the first day ready for a 125% on the finals.
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Aug 18, 2001, 12:14pm
You're thinking COLLEGE college courses. This is college highschool
cooperative class. :) Basically, they teach you exactly the same materials
as they do if you went to UCONN, but in high school, meaning there's a bit
more time to let everything settle in your brain, instead of like 2 hours of
chemistry with 100 other students. All we had to pay was 30 dollars to take
the equivilant of two UCONN semester credits (forgot how many hours that is)
in Chemistry. Didn't have to pay for the book or anything, just the actual
class. :) Also, the class is an AP (advanced placement) course also, but the
school district pays for us to take that test. Theoretically, you can skip
UCONN chemistry 101 and 102 or something like that if you pass the high
school class. :)


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Aug 18, 2001, 12:45pm
You mean, depending on what classes you have that semester or year, you have
shorter or longer school days? Wow. Our HALF DAYS aren't even as short as
yours. lol. We have 4 classes every other day, each of them 84 minutes long.
If you put all the classes together every day, it'd still be 42 minutes a
class. :/ Third period has an extra 20 minutes to it to accomadate the 4
lunch blocks (although the time you spend in class is still only 84
minutes). The only exception is if you have no class during 1st period or
last period, in which case, you can sign up for late arrival/early
dismissal. For a school day to count, the school has to be in session from
7:40 (when school starts) til 12:00 (end of school on a half day, or maybe
it was 12:30. one of those). Anyways, our regular school day goes until
7:40-2:05 as it is.


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Aug 18, 2001, 3:59pm
The school I used to go to (private, with a very expensive tuition) only had
Macs and 486s. And guess what? The 486s were faster than the Apple G3s.

All of the computers were on one sub-56K line. Talk about slow.

But, the worst thing of all was the computer "teacher" who put a hacker in
charge of the network who sabotaged the schools network and blamed it on my
friend. The "teacher" also had us make webpages and wouldn't let us use CSS
because she didn't understand.

Ah, the memories.

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Aug 18, 2001, 4:07pm
Don't we all love the USA's wonderful sports-based society!

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sw chris

Aug 18, 2001, 4:14pm
Wish our high school college classes were like that. :(

SW Chris

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sw chris

Aug 18, 2001, 4:17pm
Don't forget entertainment-based as well..

SW Chris

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mike zimmer

Aug 18, 2001, 5:31pm
We just got internet last year...

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Aug 18, 2001, 7:39pm
That's about it. However, regardless of how many classes you have, you MUST be at school at 8AM to at least noon, and only those
with cars and valid school parking permits (About 15 parking spaces, the rest of us park on road and in the stadium lot) get to
leave at noon, the rest of us are stuck until the buses carrying middle school students arrive at 2:30 (The roads here are so low
capacity that the 40 buses have to serve double duty to both schools at once, and then deal with elementary after that)
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Aug 18, 2001, 8:35pm
Heh - I have to learn windows 95 and word 97 this year :-/

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