world server wish (Wishlist)

world server wish // Wishlist

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Jul 29, 2006, 8:15pm
My wish is for the world server to be able to run from a windows 98 se pc

I have XP on my main pc but I don't think XP will run on my server pc.


Aug 1, 2006, 12:46am
Anyone know a way around Microsofts little greed trip with XP?
This is horrable!
I can't install XP on my server PC.
I installed it on the PC i use for evrything just to get it updated.
Now any other PC I install it on gets a 30 day trial only, then microsoft
says you muct buy another copy of XP for each PC to contune to use it on
thouse PC.

No wonder Bill Gates is rish, hes ripping us all off!
Sorry Bill Gates, but I don't have a job like yours that pays enough to go
out and buy an OS for each PC.

AW make the 4.1 world server run on 98 SE please.
Its just a server, it don't need all the latest techology to run, that is
the browsers job.

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Aug 1, 2006, 12:59am
And another thing.
If i ever need to reformat my drive for what ever reasion.
I will have to go by another copy of XP >:-(
Thats just wrong!

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Aug 1, 2006, 1:31am
Anyone know how to uninstall windows XP so that it reverts back to my
Windows 98 SE for my server PC?
I have never had to so anything like this before.
I see "through scan disk" there is uninstall information, but I do not know
how to run it or where it is located.
I need this info fast, casue in 30 days, my server PC will no longer work
thanks to Bill Gates.

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Aug 1, 2006, 10:15pm
I would strongly suggest you do not uninstall the WinXP upgrade, especially
if you have been using Xp for a long time on that machine.... it won't work
right, and more likely will not work at all.

If I were you and I had an extra hard drive laying around, I would copy all
of my important files onto it, or burn a couple cd's of the important stuff,
then format the pc and reinstall from my Win98 disks. Make sure you have
drivers downloaded first and saved on a cd or floppy(if they fit).


Aug 2, 2006, 7:53pm
So now what do I do?
The univerce my world is in will be getting 4.1 this weekend.
I refuse to buy a 2nd copy of Windows XP just for 1 program.

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Aug 2, 2006, 11:54pm
Are you asking for an indepth description on how to format your pc and
install windows 98 onto it?

IF so, then I will need the following info:

1. Do you have ONE of the following a) recordable cdrom drive, b) extra hard
drive or c) ftp space on the internet?

You will need 1 of those to store your important information that will be
erased when you format the drive.

2. What kind of computer is it? What brand? Did a friend make it for you? Do
you know what video card, sound card, ethernet card, modem, hard drive,
cdrom drive, floppy drive, motherboard that you have?

You will need this information BEFORE you format the computer, so you can
PRE-download drivers from the internet, UNLESS you have the old driver disks
that came with the computer. Also, if you have a brand name computer and it
came with "recovery disks", then that will aide you greatly.

ALSO, be aware, that you CAN install your windows XP upgrade to a second
computer. IF I recall correctly, you can install your XP disk to 2
computers, AS LONG as you are not using them both at the same time. However,
even if you did run them both at the same time and violated the agreement,
they don't monitor it. They will notice if you use the disk multiple times
on different platforms, and usually they will give you a phone number to
call and ask you for reasons. I've had to do the call 2 times, but that was
years ago when XP was NEW and I had to reinstall it a few times to get a
clean system.


Aug 3, 2006, 2:37am
I know how to formate and put 98 back on.
I installed XP on my normal useage PC about 3 months ago.
When I tried to update my server PC to XP with the same CD, it installed a
30 day trial and told me to buy a more copies of the XP for all PC's I have.
This is where I say this is wrong and compleatly illigal and unfair.
If something ever happoned to that PC that you put XP on and youhad to
reformat your drive or worse had to get a new drive and start over again.
You will not be able to install the full version of XP untill you go out and
buy a nother copy of it.
I was never given a number to call.

What I am saying is what can I do now to host my world again after this
weekend when the uni the world is in goes 4.1?

Without XP , I wont be able to host it.
You can't buy windows Me, 2000, or NT anymore.
And I know nothing about the Linus operating system.

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Aug 5, 2006, 4:25am
Just wondering, where do you get Linux from?
I don't recall seeing it in any stores over the years.

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Aug 5, 2006, 8:05am
Linux is free. The majority of distributions are anyway.
You don't get just "Linux", you get a distribution, which is the Linux
Core + Software to make things work and essentials such as drivers,
document editors, browsers etc.

I like Kubuntu,

Keep in mind tho that Linux is quite hard to understand at first, how it
all works etc. You're better off with Windows than trying to get to
grips with Linux and getting through all the hassle of getting this
Linux World Server mumbo jumbo up.

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sarus tor ss

Aug 5, 2006, 8:11am
You can also check out, they have all the
popular distrubtions of linux, as well as some of the less popular ones.
Right now the site is down but hopefully it will be back soon

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