bot commads (Wishlist)

bot commads // Wishlist

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Aug 26, 2004, 2:44pm
wish there was a way for the browser to communicate with bots. so you can
use normal commands, like, activevate, bump or create, and so, when say, you
click on an object, the browser, sends a message to all the bots in the
area, telling them, you clicked on an object. would be very useful for bot
controlled bump commands, or whatever



Aug 26, 2004, 3:32pm
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c p

Aug 26, 2004, 3:37pm
bump and bot=nooooo ever as iv learned from much flaming by people like
strike, and umm strike, and ummm strike....

things like that are sort of already done as you most probably know,
aw_event_avatarclick, aw_event_objectclick, and object select, and such. but
it would be sending allot of data to the bots. this could also be used
aganst allot of people, think of the problems if I had a bot rightthere and
it could tell everything that was happening, itd be like an ultimate spybot.

other than that good idea
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Aug 26, 2004, 5:13pm
emm, ya, but what about, bumps, or when an object comes into sight (i.e:
create). read boy! readdd! :P


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Aug 26, 2004, 5:15pm
no, if it was browser side, could be made so that it only sends the info to
the server, only when the object has the command to send. and i was talking
bout mostly bumps! for better games! :)
and how the hell could it be used against people? O_O spy bot? wow, so what
if a bot can tell if you hit an object!


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Aug 26, 2004, 5:22pm
[View Quote] Be understandable. Create means to make, drawing an object into your
field of view is different. :P

All of these would cause ridiculous amounts of traffic, especially when
an object comes into sight.


Aug 26, 2004, 5:54pm
A browser plug-in would help this work.....AWI needs plug-in capabilities for their browser.

Leo :)

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c p

Aug 26, 2004, 6:00pm
no reread what I said, a bot cannot! handle bumps it would crash within
seconds... because when you bump an obj its nto bumped just once, but many
many times
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c p

Aug 26, 2004, 6:01pm
they have it...they just don't share it with the public :) newaw uses a
serverside script :0
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Aug 26, 2004, 6:13pm
ya, but the client would only send the message if the object has the
command. so, not every single object, just certain ones.

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Aug 26, 2004, 6:14pm
emm, browser plugin! :)


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Aug 26, 2004, 6:14pm
so, they could make it so it only sends a certain amount per second...


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Aug 26, 2004, 6:15pm
yep, that would definatly be the best thing they could make for AW. it would
pay off more then double, that way, people could make lots of upgrades, and
save aw lots of time.


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Aug 26, 2004, 6:44pm
Supposedly in AW4...

Ever since bots were first introduced I said they should be part of the browser. Having to run them separate is just silly...

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c p

Aug 26, 2004, 6:53pm
lol then it would have to check every obj for the command, no way around it
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Aug 26, 2004, 7:27pm
yes, the browser would check ever object for the command, same way it checks
ever object for move or rotate commands....


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strike rapier

Aug 26, 2004, 9:24pm
I can't remember which one of the coders I was talking too a while ago that
said this would not happen client-side because of security fears?

Oh well bollocks to that, lets just try to hack the browser and create our
own features!... heh

- MR

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strike rapier

Aug 26, 2004, 9:26pm
Most bots have rediuculously complex primary GUI interfaces that wouldent
work well combined with the aw browser, although having direct access to
things such as movement, whats said, and the ability to read text (NB: Im
currently playing with SendMessage to try and do this, someones already done
it before i think...)

But appart from that one of the best things about bots is they dont have to
be where you are...

- MR

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Aug 26, 2004, 10:18pm
lol yep, that would definatly be the best thing to do!


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Aug 27, 2004, 1:18am
[View Quote] Everytime you say something, I think you're a jackass more and more.

Maybe it's just me.


Aug 27, 2004, 5:16pm
[View Quote] Sure it would--if designed competently. At the very basic level, an integrated bot/plugin would automatically execute bump/activate commands for everyone within range. Anything more, really, can be front-end (GUI) coded by a 3rd-party, if need be.

> although having direct access to
> things such as movement, whats said, and the ability to read text (NB: Im
> currently playing with SendMessage to try and do this, someones already done
> it before i think...)
> But appart from that one of the best things about bots is they dont have to
> be where you are...

If a bot was integrated with the world server, this would still hold true.

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strike rapier

Aug 28, 2004, 12:04am
World Server 4.0 technology is 'scriptable' by writing DLL plugins (newAw,
NewAw2 etc...)

At a simple level a 2 way top-level DDE system using an SDK similar to the
standard one (some dodgy protocol would have to be made), you can actually
make the browser do some pretty cool stuff if you know what to poke, drawing
graphics to the 3D window using external apps etc, of course with plugins
you always get the 'so what about this thing stealing my password'? (A
direct plugin running in the same memory slot would allow this data to be
taken directly) After all 99% of everyone who uses bots has no programming
experience with which to make one.

- MR

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strike rapier

Aug 28, 2004, 12:05am
Why thankyou Bowen, I (dont) love you too!

- MR

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Aug 28, 2004, 4:54am
Could make macros.



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