
Borland? (Sdk)

Borland? // Sdk

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Sep 27, 1998, 5:41am
I have Borland C++ 4.42 programming compiler. Every time I try to compile
an SDK bot with the aw.lib file, it returns

Linker Fatal: Bad object file record in aw.lib near module file offset

I don't know if I am doing anything wrong, or something isn't compatible
with my Borland environment.


Sep 27, 1998, 5:32pm
Did you add aw.lib to the project? This looks like errors that I got before I
added aw.lib to mine the first time. I'm not sure how to add it with Borland4,
I use Borland3 and VC6

[View Quote] > Ok, thanks for that information about the DOS Compiler... but now when I
> run the batch file with my c sourse code, it returns this message...
> Warning c:\bc45\bin\bot.c 26: Possibly incorrect assignment in function
> main
> Warning c:\bc45\bin\bot.c 37: Possibly incorrect assignment in function
> main
> Warning c:\bc45\bin\bot.c 53: Possibly incorrect assignment in function
> main
> Error: Undefined symbol _aw_say in module c:\bc45\bin\bot.c
> Error: Undefined symbol _aw_string in module c:\bc45\bin\bot.c
> Error: Undefined symbol _aw_int in module c:\bc45\bin\bot.c
> Error: Undefined symbol _aw_term in module c:\bc45\bin\bot.c
> Error: Undefined symbol _aw_destroy in module c:\bc45\bin\bot.c
> Error: Undefined symbol _aw_wait in module c:\bc45\bin\bot.c
> Error: Undefined symbol _aw_state_change in module c:\bc45\bin\bot.c
> Error: Undefined symbol _aw_int_set in module c:\bc45\bin\bot.c
> Error: Undefined symbol _aw_enter module c:\bc45\bin\bot.c
> Error: Undefined symbol _aw_login in module c:\bc45\bin\bot.c
> Error: Undefined symbol _aw_string_set in module c:\bc45\bin\bot.c
> Error: Undefined symbol _aw_create in module c:\bc45\bin\bot.c
> Error: Undefined symbol _aw_event_set in module c:\bc45\bin\bot.c
> Error: Undefined symbol _aw_init in module c:\bc45\bin\bot.c
> It does create the bot.exe program, but when it is run, the program stalls
> and won't do anything else...
> How do I fix this problem?
> cableguy <ttoth9 at> wrote in article
> <360DEBA5.85D823FE at>...
> thing.
> it at
> on
> is
> path=c:\dos;c:\util;c:\bc4\bin
> batch
> compiler
> program,
> linker
> compile
> compatible


Sep 27, 1998, 5:44pm
Well in Borland 3 if you type BC at the DOS prompt the editing screen pops
up, you could try that and see if it still works with ver4

[View Quote] > I added it into the project file in the windows GUI, and it returned the
> first fatal error...
> I do not know how to add the aw.lib file to the bot.c source while trying
> to compile in DOS.... any help?
> cableguy <ttoth9 at> wrote in article
> <360E92B3.691C8D0B at>...
> before I
> Borland4,


Sep 27, 1998, 6:17pm
Ok, thanks for that information about the DOS Compiler... but now when I
run the batch file with my c sourse code, it returns this message...

Warning c:\bc45\bin\bot.c 26: Possibly incorrect assignment in function
Warning c:\bc45\bin\bot.c 37: Possibly incorrect assignment in function
Warning c:\bc45\bin\bot.c 53: Possibly incorrect assignment in function
Error: Undefined symbol _aw_say in module c:\bc45\bin\bot.c
Error: Undefined symbol _aw_string in module c:\bc45\bin\bot.c
Error: Undefined symbol _aw_int in module c:\bc45\bin\bot.c
Error: Undefined symbol _aw_term in module c:\bc45\bin\bot.c
Error: Undefined symbol _aw_destroy in module c:\bc45\bin\bot.c
Error: Undefined symbol _aw_wait in module c:\bc45\bin\bot.c
Error: Undefined symbol _aw_state_change in module c:\bc45\bin\bot.c
Error: Undefined symbol _aw_int_set in module c:\bc45\bin\bot.c
Error: Undefined symbol _aw_enter module c:\bc45\bin\bot.c
Error: Undefined symbol _aw_login in module c:\bc45\bin\bot.c
Error: Undefined symbol _aw_string_set in module c:\bc45\bin\bot.c
Error: Undefined symbol _aw_create in module c:\bc45\bin\bot.c
Error: Undefined symbol _aw_event_set in module c:\bc45\bin\bot.c
Error: Undefined symbol _aw_init in module c:\bc45\bin\bot.c

It does create the bot.exe program, but when it is run, the program stalls
and won't do anything else...
How do I fix this problem?

cableguy <ttoth9 at> wrote in article
<360DEBA5.85D823FE at>...
> Contending with Borland C++4.0 >
> Borland C++ Version 4.0 and later is radically different from Borland's
> earlier C language packages. Primarily, Borland C++4 is a Windows only
> It only creates Windows programs. And unlike MS-V C++, it is extremely
> unforgiving if you try to write a meek old DOS program. You have to use
it at
> the DOS prompt. Forget Windows. Forget the pretty Borland C++ programs.
> Forget what you spent for this turkey.
> Before starting, make sure that you include Borland C++'s subdirectory
> your DOS search PATH. The directory that you want is \BC4\BIN. So if that
> on drive C:, you want the search path to be
> The second thing to do is create a batch file that will help you
> automatically compile your programs. Use a text editor to create this
> file in your \bc4\bin directory..
> Save this as CC.BAT in your \BC4\BIN directory. You can now use the
> at the DOS prompt.
> At the DOS prompt use the CC command to compile and link your bot.c
> c:\CC bot.c and you must use the source files extension .c or the program
> will not be created. The CC batch file runs Borlands C++ compiler and
> and if everything goes as planned you get your bot.exe file.
[View Quote]


Sep 27, 1998, 6:35pm
I added it into the project file in the windows GUI, and it returned the
first fatal error...
I do not know how to add the aw.lib file to the bot.c source while trying
to compile in DOS.... any help?

cableguy <ttoth9 at> wrote in article
<360E92B3.691C8D0B at>...
> Did you add aw.lib to the project? This looks like errors that I got
before I
> added aw.lib to mine the first time. I'm not sure how to add it with
> I use Borland3 and VC6


Sep 27, 1998, 8:56pm
No... there isn't any DOS editing screens that i've found... everything
works from windows... is there any other way to link aw.lib?

cableguy <ttoth9 at> wrote in article
<360E95B3.9BF7E53F at>...
> Well in Borland 3 if you type BC at the DOS prompt the editing screen
> up, you could try that and see if it still works with ver4

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