Some General Improvements (Wishlist)

Some General Improvements // Wishlist

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darian knight

Oct 24, 2003, 4:15am
God knows I don't post in here very often, but every now and then I see
something that sparks my creativity and this happens to be one of them.

So Here goes for my AW Wishlist:

1. Full Screen Mode with sliding overlays. This is *not* hard to do
regardless of what AW says. There are no issues with being able to switch
back and forth and if there are such an option can always require a restart
before taking effect.

2. Better instant messaging features: Instead of having a single button to
declare AFK, why not have a right click menu with multiple actions like
(akf, brb, dnd, away, busy). Also - individual chat should stay in a single
window for the telegrams. Instead of having to use a new tg window each time
you wish to send a message - should work like an instant messaging program
and allow you to carry a private conversation in a single window.

3. Stand Alone AW Messenger: Just an idea, but how about a stand alone AW
instant messenger that doesn't require the entire AW program to run. For
people who wish to check their messages but not go through all the hassles
of logging into the entire AW universe.

4. Mirrors (camera views): It has been said that AW will be rewriting the 3D
engine for version 4.0 - if I don't see mirrors in 4.0 I will be incredibly

5. Streaming Video/Audio walls: This is an entertainment system isn't it? So
where were the developers when this idea was ignored? I've seen it done in
browsers that were programmed by a single person in their spare time, so an
entire army of programmers at AW should have no trouble doing this. The
ability to have a streaming media wall (same as a picture object) would also
allow for multiple connection options via a popup menu when clicked (click
picture frame and a menu pops up to select bandwidth)

6. Custom avatars: Even if it's the Mr Potato Head approach, I don't care at
this point. Theoretically it could be done right now using AW 3.4 if it
wasn't for the avatar number limit and a few minor annoyances.

7. Scripted Animations: Reduce the animation buttons to forward slash
commands like /sit or /dance etc and allow users to create their own
animations with custom names.

8. Better Coloring : The AW Color command, while it uses HEX, should pop up
a *COLOR WHEEL* to make it easier to select colors for use. We aren't all
rocket scientists so why should choosing a color be so frigging involved?

9. Revamped Building Box: When you right click an object to build - It
should be divided into *tabbed* views with checkboxes and pull down menus
for the commands and effects - instead of requiring people to memorize
commands to type and the format to type them in...

This also goes for the Item Name - reduced to a Tab it would have a scroll
list with a preview box next to it so you can cycle through the availible
objects on the server and get a preview *BEFORE* you use it.

In other words - make it a total point and click interface.

10. Folder Views for Worlds List: Every World has a theme of some sort, so
why not organize the worlds into convienient Folders views that can be
collapsable? Shopping, Games, Chat, Misc, etc - would be alot easier to
load the worlds list.

11. Shadows and Dynamic Lighting! This is for the 4.0 engine rewrite -
objects should give off shadows and lights should behave as they should -
ie: when they hit a wall they will light it up but will not penetrate or go
past it.

12. Some Physics Please: Ok, I know the laws of physiscs are foreign to the
developers at AW, but we still need them. When I get on a boat in the ocean,
I should be able to *drive* it and go wherever the boat goes. Same thing for
Elevators, Cars, Planes, Helicopters. There should be built in "presets" for
how an object should behave in this sense like "Create Action Car" or
"Create Action Speedboat"... would cycle to a driving view and the object
would handle like said action command

13. Weather/Particle Effects: Another thing I had better see in the 4.0
rewrite. Moving Cloud Cover with Passing rain or snow - particle fire effect
s, etc...

14. Better visibility management: Visibility should be set to a reasonable
horizon. Supported by hardware now, this is old news in the gameing world -
I should be able to stand on a mountain and say "I can see my house from
here" - or at least all the way to the definable horizon. I don't want to be
walking down the road and see buildings popping up in front of me.... It's
just a terrible effect and kills the concept of VR.

15. Support for *Game Keys* : A programable set of keymaps that can be
toggled on and off to accomodate game worlds - so we can have a run button,
jump button, open door button, shoot button, and whatever else ppl can come
up with - like attaching a *game key* to an animation action like a spell or
weapon for RPGS

16. Ability to have private chatwindows in each world (chatrooms). So say if
I wanted to have a private chat with ten of my friends in a world I could
invite them into a private chat window? This would help immensely with the
educational aspect as well because you could have lectures and business
meetings in close proximity in world without having to fight for the main
chat window. Of course, a list of current chatrooms running in each world
would help as well.

17. Speaking of chat... : How about the ability to initiate VOICE and VIDEO
chat between people on the contact list!? Of course some people don't have
the capabilities to do so, but it can at least be an OPTION that can be

18. AW Plugins: What exactly is an AW plugin? Well - how about an SDK that
supports the ability to program extensions into the browser so people can
create built in stuff for games? Say I have a game world like Mutation -
about 99% of the stuff they are doing with custom bots could be made into a
plugin and downloaded by the users in order to play the game. Stuff like
custom HUD's Puzzles, Items, Effects, Money System, Effects for Weapons and
Fighting, an use of objects could all be put into a game plugin made by the
world owner and when people go into said world they would have to install
the plugin to play - unless they want to just sit around and chat. With a
plugin SDK system, I think programmers could get really intricate with the
designs they make and get into specific details of how they want things to
work without using bots that were never meant to handle such things.

19. Desktop Integration: everyone should have their own personal world.
Point blank, no if ands or buts about it. in stand alone mode, the AW
browser should act like the 3DNA program where it has your own personal
desktop world that you can lounge in and access the stuff on your computer
with, just like 3DNA - the only extra should be that when connected online,
the desktop world should be availible to other people under the name of the
user who owns it. Something small like a p20 would work fine. Obviously the
desktop stuff only would work for the owner, but it would give users a place
to call their own as well as allow them space to build and invite their
friends for personal chats - all while *not* using server space or
bandwidth. Obviously tourists do not get a desktop world of their own...
The desktop world would not be accessible unless the owner is present - so
if the owner leaves the desktop world and goes someplace else in the
universe, then the world becomes unavailible to others.

This saves bandwidth on the users as well as offers a unique addition that
would bring alot more people to AW. It creates a seemless integration
between desktop and online access using AW.

20. Gamma Correction: There is a problem with some worlds being just too
dark to see - even with the latest hardware. Sometimes it's the monitor
that's the problem, but it wouldn't be too hard to have a software inclusion
to increase or decrease the gamma spectrum for the 3D view - brightening or
lowering the view per user so that worlds are never too dark or too bright.
Stuff like this was used in Doom for god's sake so AW shouldn't even attempt
to tell me that they cannot do it.

Well, this is my recent Wishlist for AW. And it's not so much a wishlist as
something that is needed in order for AW to stay alive against it's

The way Isee it is that If AW wants to start charging prices like their
competition, they had better offer what their competition offers as well -
or i simply won't be paying.

right now, AW's competiton is from companies like who, when they
finally launch their program with full access will most likely wipe AW off
the map unless the do something *now*... not in a year, not when they feel
like it... *NOW*

Competition is poised to stomp AW out of existance... and it would be a
shame if they did only because AW was just too lazy to keep up.


Oct 24, 2003, 10:06am
But AW don't own the 3D Engine?


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Oct 24, 2003, 10:06am
Opz.. sorry..didnt realise first post was 9kb :-(



Oct 24, 2003, 5:20pm
1. Full Screen Mode - I agree completely, there should definately be a full
screen mode. I have to make it full screen by messing with my monitor size!
Talk about pain in the ass. (Yes, I need the best view of AW I can get!)
Chat would be in the top left (movable/transparent window) and typing would
be when you push enter or T or something... like in most other MMOG. Crazy
pills idea is good also. ("heres a pic (attached file)..." posted on
8/10/2003 at 18:57)

2. Better instant messaging features: Yep

3. Stand Alone AW Messenger: Yes!

4. Mirrors (camera views): Would be cool, but not necessary for anything...

5. Streaming Video/Audio walls: I liked this idea also, but from what I
heard mpg/jpg etc are copyrighted. i.e. AW would have to pay to use all this
crap. There's also the problem of viruses/mpgs that popup the stupid I.E.

6. Custom avatars: I agree with the potato head idea, but completely custom
avatars could have viruses/malicious code also.

7. Scripted Animations: Very good idea. AW is going to put something like
this in 3.5 I heard.

8. Better Coloring : Definately. I don't know hex for colors out of the

9. Revamped Building Box: I guess, but that takes the fun out of knowing you
know more than other people. Personally I like the way it is now, tabs would
be nice though. Preview is definately a good idea, along with list of

10. Folder Views for Worlds List: Custom world list? I guess, but a world
would have to be allowed to be in multiple categories. Contact groups should
be added though.

11. Shadows and Dynamic Lighting! This would be awesome, but again, people
without high-end computers can't do this. AW is laggy enough as it is.

12. Some Physics Please: You can't even drive cars or boats yet...

13. Weather/Particle Effects: There's sort of the problem of people in AW
who built desert builds getting snowed on... unless it was a terrain option,
this would be pointless. (Unless your're in an RPG world -- which than it
can be a world option.)

14. Better visibility management: Yeah, things should more fade-in to view.

15. Support for *Game Keys* : YES! I hate changing keys for paintball and
RPG's every time I enter them, than having to change them back when I leave
the world.

16. Ability to have private chatwindows in each world (chatrooms).

17. Speaking of chat... : How about the ability to initiate VOICE and VIDEO
chat between people on the contact list!? This can't be that hard to do,
even microsoft's done it (netmeeting lol).

18. AW Plugins: There's a problem of hackers. AW has enough as it is. If
mutation started handing out plugins, people would just modify their stats.
These plugins would have to be non-stat related. But otherwise, good idea.

19. Desktop Integration: GREAT idea! I've seen 3DNA and I love it. It would
be cool if you could display pictures, videos, etc. Streaming video/audio
(they're connected directly to your computer)

20. Gamma Correction: Yes. We definately need gamma correction. My dad
hate's me messing with his monitor every time I go on AW heh.

c p

Oct 24, 2003, 8:53pm
Brilliant, May i sugegst you email thsi to aw, i feel they dotn read this
group very often

c p

Oct 24, 2003, 9:10pm
Some more i think would be great\
1) Inventory/object attachment: IT WOULD BE GREAT if you coudl have obejcts
yo ucoudl buy or whatever and a 50 space ionventory that appears at tthe top
of the 2d screen when you click a button, or sumtin, it woudl show 5 spaces
a ta time, with arrows on either side, they would hodl user descriptions
that where suppleid when you picked up the item, you coudl start m,oney
systems too, liek i pick upo 300 dollar bill objects, thsi would then let me
goto a mall spend them on sunglasses wehich wouldgoto my inventory, and take
away 50 dollars, for them, you coudl set it with commands and stuff, and
they would take the description of the objects box. it would be so neat, and
not that hard, and it would work well with the mr potatoe head avvis., and
greater with rpgs.

2) I love that idea of he desktop so i thought i should elaborate. maybe
they woudl work a bti liek homepages, but they take up no space on the aw
server, theyd be whatever size your comp is willing to host, theyd make
excelent homes worlds, and you yourself woudl ahev a folder in ur aw fodler
that said liek :"my world" and you would ptu your obejcts in there, then
when you loginto aw and establish conenction your world works, but it wont
work unless your online and conencted to aw, you c ould invite users to ur
world, usign direct connect methods, such as aim's pictrue sharing, this
woudl allow you to have users with you, and aw would never host any of it,
youd just have your obejcts, in ur lil folder, and ur friends woudl read
from that folder too, as long as their there.

3) I knwo it can alreayd be doen simply, but soemone take all the damn pp
walls, and widen them no where wil lyou ever see a wall so thin!. our
original objs are like BAD. we have evolved why dotn we start models at 0
again and redo, or even change model formats.

4)Dynamic skyboxes-no comment

5) Aw phones, connect object to object through a weorld, u coudl sue comp
objs ,phone objs, and stuff, itd be neat u pick up and click a cpl numbers
and u dialed, it would allow prank calls and laods of fun!.

6) sim like menus-read my prior post

7) Multi player acxtions/seqs. click a perso nand click kiss, or hug, and u
interact. idk itd be neat.

c p

Oct 24, 2003, 9:57pm
Brilliant, May i suggest you email this to AW, I feel they dont read the
Wishlist group Often
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Oct 24, 2003, 10:39pm
if telegrams were that advanced.. it would not be a "telegram".. in r/l
(back in the telegram era) ppl sent a telegram and then waited for a reply
(just like AW telegrams work).. now with this 'instant' telegram i think it
should just be renamed an Instant Message

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dark thorium

Dec 17, 2003, 12:40pm
how can an avatar contain malicious code? the models arent executed, they're
read and then parsed. you're not going to get a virus from an rwx file...
but customizable avatars will allow for giant penises and naked chicks
(though the latter might be what AW needs to survive... sex sells.)



Dec 17, 2003, 8:23pm
I meant the textures for the avatars. Also who says you can't make an avatar
that will crash everyone's computers? 1000000000000000000000000 poly's or

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dark thorium

Dec 18, 2003, 2:57pm
mmm, that's true, but i imagine it'd be easy to have a size filter... that's
much easier than a virus scanner. and, in fact, i believe the AW software is
capable of it anyways


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