Build Zone (Wishlist)

Build Zone // Wishlist

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Aug 2, 2003, 5:43pm
One ide is that world owner can set up build zones in world features,, if he
have a 500x500 meters world he can set zone like this:
Zone1: 10n 10s 10e 10w Results= 200x200
Zone2: 60n 50n 40w 30w Results= 100x100
Zone3: 40s 20s 40e 20e Results = 200x200

when user have used what he can, rest of the zones greys out.

idea behind this, is with terrain you can create a little more fun world
like a town at the another side of a mountain. Or comunity around the world,
ideas can be much, just think of a world with many islands.
, this gives better freedom, then just build from ground zero and out.


strike rapier

Aug 2, 2003, 6:13pm
Do you mean like areas where only certain people can build?

- Mark

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strike rapier

Aug 2, 2003, 6:18pm
Ohhhhh after a re-read I see what you mean... yeah the selective cells has
been requested already, although would be bloody HELL for the code and
especially for SDK coders.. nice idea though

- Mark

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Aug 2, 2003, 7:57pm
well, some work is worth a little hard work, if this can be done it will
great to AW.


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strike rapier

Aug 2, 2003, 8:05pm
Problem with this one is its not just a little, its more a rotate rewrite :)

- Mark

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Aug 2, 2003, 8:07pm
well, was think more for the future, one day they have to do it anyway.

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Aug 2, 2003, 9:03pm
Not too much work if it would be implemented in the same
way as the "encroachment protection".

- world properties need a switch to use group-based instead
of owner-based encroachment protection

- each group needs a group leader and members

- If the ground is owned by a group leader, all group members
are allowed to build above it.

It is not exactly the same as Tengel's idea but will achieve
a similar result with less changes in the code.

Disadvantages :

- it will only work in worlds that have a registry.

- the system will slow down if someone creates hundreds of
groups, because an index by person would create too much

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Aug 2, 2003, 9:06pm
I'll take this one back - it needs to scan only for the
groupleader so it has to search only in one group.

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strike rapier

Aug 3, 2003, 8:57am
And then you have to consider databases, querying, indexing, update
protocal, changing zones when people have built in them... :)

- Mark

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r i c h a r d

Aug 3, 2003, 2:32pm
This could be acomplished with abot. Just make the bot monitor whats
happening in each cell of your world remove unwanted objects. The terrain
could be done like D-Meter. Changing world features and all that could be
voice comamnds or remote winsock client to the bot.You could make the bot
let only certain people see certain things in the attribs to change. You
could use the bot to limit chat area's to the certain zones or broadcast
chat so you could ban individual users from certain zones and the chat from
there could be consoled

strike rapier

Aug 3, 2003, 5:07pm
Im talking.. about programming the bloody SDK...

If you just want areas where only certain people can build in and such, then
thats Zeus (

- Mark
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Aug 4, 2003, 7:38am
Rich its Demeter, he was a god I believe.


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Aug 4, 2003, 2:33pm
[View Quote] No. _She_ was a goddess. Goddess of fertility, harvest, and marriage.
Her Roman counterpart was Ceres. I thought they taught Greek
Mythology at school?


No of SETI units returned: 62
Processing time: 51 days, 22 hours.
(Total hours: 1246)


Aug 4, 2003, 7:40pm
Don't go to school, wouldn't know..



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Aug 5, 2003, 3:06am
[View Quote] You'd like the Greek Mythos. Very sexy.


No of SETI units returned: 62
Processing time: 51 days, 22 hours.
(Total hours: 1246)

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