Free to see (Wishlist)

Free to see // Wishlist

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Feb 26, 2003, 11:36pm
I am on a roll with the new features today, anyhoo, here we go...

A feature to allow others to see objects move when clicked on, such as when
opening a door, I would like all to see that I opened the door and walked
in, not just them seeing me walk through a closed door.

dlp anne

Feb 27, 2003, 1:44am
This can be done with a bot detecting object clicks and updating the object
with the action command you want to use to open it to let all see it and not
just the one that activated it.
I done this many times with a Preston works great.
But it would be nice if it was part of the browser, would save on bandwidth
of having a bot doing it.

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Feb 27, 2003, 6:35am
This was one of the many things addressed by my October 16 wishlist post entitled "Command enhancements" and unfortunately the only thing addressed on it that actually seemed to get noticed by 9 9 9 when I showed it to him. He said that they have plans to add something which would make that unnecessary. (Not an exact quote... ask him directly if you want his own words.)

Anyway, the "shared=" parameter is what I had suggested for this purpose.

For example, the color command would be enhanced as follows...

color color [name=name] [mask=mask] [size=size] [tag=tag] [shared=flag]
The "mask=" parameter would allow a specified mask be used in blanking out the underlying texture before the color is applied, rather than simply blanking out the whole thing. This would not cause transparency, but rather selective coloring.
The "size=" parameter would specify a magnification factor for the mask, if used.
The "tag=" parameter would allow only specific tagged surfaces to be effected by the color command. Specifying a negative tag number would mean all surfaces without that tag. For example, tag=-100 to not color the sign surface of a sign object.
The "shared=" parameter would allow the effects of this command to optionally be shared with other people within chat range. The default would be "shared=no".

By the way, I noticed in looking at that old post, I have a paragraph under the color command about the loop and noloop parameters, which apears to have been left there as an editing error... so if you go to read that post, please ignore that paragraph.


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Feb 27, 2003, 8:22pm
All the world server would need to do is forward this click to the browsers
as if the user of that browser had clicked it.

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Feb 27, 2003, 10:28pm
Actually, that's probably something that you wouldn't want it to do... first, because if the browser can't distinguish between a real click and a passed on click, it could send the forwarded click back to the world server, causing an endless loop. Second, because not all clicks on objects by one person do things that other people would want to also have done on their end. For example, if I click an object with an Activate URL command on it, you may not want your web browser to open the associated web page.


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strike rapier

Feb 28, 2003, 4:07pm
Im attempting to add this to my Echelon World Core

- Mark

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Feb 28, 2003, 8:39pm
You could add a simple boolean check to see if its a passed on.

I am also saying for "activate=shared visible a off"

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Mar 1, 2003, 6:47am
Yep... I had thought about that... but it would still not solve the problem of how to tell the difference between clicks that you would want to have passed on to your AW browser and clicks that you would want not to have passed on. Also, it would only allow click events to be shared. That's why I proposed something different, that would allow the person placing a command to choose whether that command would be shared or not. I also did not suggest adding the "shared=" parameter to the URL command, specifically because that is one command which most people would not want envoked without their direct action.


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