World Overflow (Wishlist)

World Overflow // Wishlist

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sir holden

Oct 19, 2002, 4:52pm
I wish that there was something in the worlds settings that sends vistitors
to a different location when the user limit is over.

I.E.- My world is full, so anyone who enters it is transfered to AW 7391n
3842w or whatever.

This would be really cool and wouldnt piss ppl off as bad when they can get
into a world, lol :-D

(__/\/¤~~~~-=Sir Holden=-~~~~¤\/\__)

Nick Holden
nrholden at

If YoU wRiTe LiKe ThIs, DoNt BoThEr RePlyInG

strike rapier

Oct 19, 2002, 5:23pm
Bloke trying to get in: But I didnt want to go here, i wanted to get into the damn world!

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d a n

Oct 20, 2002, 3:33pm
Send it to a location with a phone bot, handy ;)

D a n

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Oct 20, 2002, 9:23pm
An identity claiming to be known as "sir holden" <nrholden at> scribed the following <3db1a9fe at> in wishlist:

>I wish that there was something in the worlds settings that sends vistitors
>to a different location when the user limit is over.
>I.E.- My world is full, so anyone who enters it is transfered to AW 7391n
>3842w or whatever.
>This would be really cool and wouldnt piss ppl off as bad when they can get
>into a world, lol :-D

Enable bots to be used and get them to load up their Xelagot :o)

(o o)
| Anduin (317281) |
| o The Gorean Scribe |
| o |
| o World: GorSJ (Under Construction) |


Nov 30, 2002, 5:37am
I like that idea. :)

Alternatively, you could probably have a bot keep count of the number of people in your world, and when the limit is reached, have the last person that entered be sent to the alternative location... but that would cut down the number of people you could have in your world by 1, and require a bot set up for that purpose to be running.

You're right, having the option to send someone to an overflow location would be nice... especially if the world settings (or at least the AW browser's message set) included a message to be sent to them explaining what happened.


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